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Dwight Howard Aware That Houston Has Become More Attractive

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by JoeBarelyCares, Feb 6, 2013.


Do you want Dwight Howard in free agency?

  1. Yes, a Ho is hand is better than two in the bush

    417 vote(s)
  2. Nah, lets get Lebron next year

    374 vote(s)
  1. dobro1229

    dobro1229 Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    No. At his salary, it would have been virtually impossible to acquire him at the deadline without moving Asik, Lin, or both.

    Clutch talked months ago on a radio spot that he saw next Summer as a much better time to give a Gasol trade another shot if they miss out on bigger names. Its much lower risk, and there are much more flexible ways to absorb his contract in trade at that point.

    I have to agree with Clutch there. If they miss out on bigger names, or feel like they are going to miss out, Gasol gives you that perfect 2nd star player on a one year rental deal. On the court, if he's healthy(which he should be. Been a true iron man) he give the Rockets EXACTLY what they need. One of the best post players left in the game, best passing big in the game, and a great pick and roll big.

    Im all for the Rockets acquiring Gasol if they feel like they are going to have to wait anyways to acquire that 2nd star. However, its important to know that its virtually impossible to acquire him in trade by Thursday... so not really much of a point in debating it.
  2. raskol

    raskol Contributing Member

    Jul 18, 2012
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    I've seen nearly every game of Pau's save this season as work's been hectic and I know that the "Pau is soft" sentiment is as accurate as "Harden drives in just to get free throws" mantra that opposing teams throw out there --> Not true. Understandable, but not true.
    Now, is he a "toughie," no he's from Europe (I kid~). And he's not as tough as his brother but he's soft like D-Mo is soft, which is not that much, imo.
  3. meh

    meh Member

    Jun 16, 2002
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    People are overestimating the impact of the failed trade. IMO, this would be our lineup this year had the trade gone through

    C: Gasol/Smith/Patterson
    PF: Nene/Patterson/Morris/DMo
    SF: Delfino(or some other veteran sign at MLE money)/James Anderson
    SG: Harden/Anderson
    PG: Lin/Douglas/Beverley

    Note 1: Rockets make the playoffs last year and give their pick to ATL.

    Note 2: If the Rockets traded Dragic, Lin would've been the backup PG. Meaning no Linsanity, and he remains on the team for decent money, ~$3-4mil type.

    Note 3: Harden trade goes down as expected. Instead of KMart and Lamb, we send the 16th and 18th pick(likely not PFs since we got Nene/Gasol) along with Parsons. Perhaps a little less, but this package would've definitely worked.

    Note 4: Rockets get max capspace in 2014, with Harden(~$15mil), Lin(less money), Nene(~14mil), Morris, DMo, Beverley, Anderson, Smith on the roster.
  4. K-Low_4_Prez

    K-Low_4_Prez Member

    Dec 25, 2011
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    Nah had the trade went thru we wouldn't have Harden and CP3 and Dwight would be on the Lakers and that would of really erked my jerk
  5. cfansnet

    cfansnet Member

    Feb 19, 2009
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    Also, if the trade went through, I feel Dragic would still be on this team.

    I feel that he thought there weren't many great pieces in Houston, which is why he was adamant about the player's option.
  6. Fyreball

    Fyreball Member

    Apr 8, 2009
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    Dragic was going to be shipped to the Hornets if I'm not mistaken.
  7. YaoMing#1

    YaoMing#1 Member

    May 20, 2002
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    Hardens the best player out of all the guys we could have in the entire NBA to build around besides lebron James and Kevin Durant and honestly in my opinion in 3 yrs Harden will be a better player than Kevin Durant. KD is a awsome talent and great scorer but in today's game you need players that can run pick and roll while also being able to straight score the rock. There's not a better young scorer in the game besides durant and harden is far supporior in getting to the line and playmaking. To me getting a player like harden at 23 is like getting lebron or KD after there rookie deals it just doesn't ever happen. I'm really shocked and still in aww that we landed this guy and only have to pay him 80 mil over 5.5 yrs.

    James will be a top 3 player in the league by the end of next yr. assuming that we make the playoffs and grab a 4-6 seed next yr which I believe is very attainable seeing as we got off to a slow start this year and I really don't see a 7 game skid ever again. Stars like Klove and other stud players will be begging to come to Houston and that where morey will have a field day and get to aquire anybody he wants.

    I also think dwight Howard will be a rocket by Thursday if the rockets really want him the deal the lakers could get from us is far better than brook Lopez. I really think its in our hand to do what we want. With reports that Kobe doesn't mind the lakers trading him. I'm quite sure an asik/delfino/Morris/1st round pick gets the job done and benefits both teams greatly.

    Lakers save money add depth to help their bench and grab the center they want I asik who will play defense and grab a lot of rebounds.

    It benefits the rockets because we aquire dwight freaking Howard who I know is hated everywhere at the moment but was loved on the board all of 6 months ago. He's a 2nd star we want he's 27 in his prime and is the best center/big in the game. I'm not at all sold that Howard is washed up dudes you'd and unhappy I would be too if I was the best big in the game and my team told me they want me to be Tyson chandler and ontop of that were not even a playoff team. Get him in Houston with harden who's a top 3 player IMO and a willing passer to boot plus all the young role players tailored made for his game. In Lin parson and Patterson. It's just to good to be true.

    Lin fans don't kill me because I said he was a role player. Lol. While he's a very nice player and the 3rd best on our team right now he's just not on a harden/Howard level and probably never will be but he can be our 3rd best player on that team that contends for chips yearly.
  8. K-Low_4_Prez

    K-Low_4_Prez Member

    Dec 25, 2011
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    Dragic was apart of that trade, we would still have my man Kyle Lowry.
  9. meh

    meh Member

    Jun 16, 2002
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    I mentioned how we could've easily completed the trade anyway.

    And no, Lowry would not have stayed. Because while he's injured, Lin would've came in and had a mini-Linsanity in front of no national media and Lowry would've pouted he did in real time-line. And when Morey found out that Toronto would offer a lottery pick, he still would've taken it.
  10. Spacemoth

    Spacemoth Member

    Jul 30, 2007
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    1. Barring injury, Harden will never be better than Durant for the durations of their careers.

    2. After Lebron and Durant for the next five years, look at Kyrie Irving emerging as a contender for top five status. It really all depends on how long Chris Paul has left as a top-5 player, but you're looking at him, Lebron, Durant, Irving, and possibly Harden as the NBA royalty from here on out. Other contenders just don't match up when it comes to athleticism (Steph Curry), discipline (Carmelo), or the will to dominate (Dwight Howard). And then when Chris Paul gets too old, we might be looking at someone too young to project just yet, like Anthony Davis or Andrew Wiggins.
  11. YaoMing#1

    YaoMing#1 Member

    May 20, 2002
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    I just don't see durant getting any better than he already is while I see alot of room for inprovment in hardens game. Hardens first yr with his own team he avg all of 2.5 points less. Harden can get you 35 10 and 10 on any given night this is something KD can't and won't ever be able todo he's just not that kind of playmaker. I'm not trying to discredit KD he's clearly a hof type player and MVP candidate yearly. Ima a big fan of Irving but lets be honest when have you seen a pg as the number one option that's 6 foot be the top dog on a really good team. (I'm well aware Isaiah Thomas) some players elevate others and teams. James harden is one of those players we have the youngest team in the league and picked by everyone to be a cellar dweller. Well were in the playoffs as of today sitting above 500 and I'm still waiting on linsanity. Lol
  12. Patterned919

    Patterned919 Member

    Jan 19, 2013
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    You can't take out a player like Melo when his team has just hit their stride and are favorites to get to the Eastern Conference Finals. These next few years he'll only be re-solidified as a top 5 player since recently he's been waning out of it. We'll see a big matchup between Lebron and Melo during the Eastern Conference Finals and it'll probably put his name back in people's minds.

    Project that by the end of next season, it'll be 1) Lebron 2) Durant and 3 & 4) Being debatable between Melo/CP3 5) Harden, with Dwight being up in the air. I think Houston will be a top 5 seed next season, so all of those 5 players will be contending in the playoffs.

    As far as Irving goes, I don't think he'll get any recognition as a top 5 player until Cleveland makes the playoffs and I don't think that'll happen anytime soon.
  13. Cstyle42

    Cstyle42 Member

    Aug 2, 2008
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    Lol Lebron on Cleveland equaled Cleveland being first place in east. Irving on Cleveland equals Cleveland being lotto team. Irving has a long ways to go to get way up there in superstar status.
  14. cjtaylorpt

    cjtaylorpt Member

    Feb 19, 2009
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    Although I get the point you are trying to make, Lebron had a different roster (for better or for worst) and to compare anyone to Lebron (even Durant, IMO) is just unfair. Lebron is on a different planet. No one is on his level at this moment. What you just did was compared him to a ROOKIE and then a SECOND YEAR PLAYER's POTENTIAL. Keep in mind, he said Irving is emerging as a top 5 talent, not already established as one (which, I do not think he will be a top 5 player).

    Again, I see what you are saying, just not supporting your argument.
  15. Cstyle42

    Cstyle42 Member

    Aug 2, 2008
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    To be more specific I agree that Irving is emerging but he still has to get to a point as a all star or superstar to be where he is at least taking his team to the playoffs. If I'm not mistaken D. Wade took his team to the 2nd round of the playoffs his second year... This was without Shaq. I know Lebron took Cleveland to the finals which is just insane but I just think the first big hurdle to Irving is to get his team in the playoffs for all the noise everyone talks regarding T-Mac he did do that while leading the league in scoring. Irving has time but I think it's going to be hard but I really respect his game he just has a long dark road to travel through there.
  16. cjtaylorpt

    cjtaylorpt Member

    Feb 19, 2009
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    His second year Shaq was still on the roster and they lost in the Finals.

    Like I said, I do not think Irving will be a top 5 player, mostly because of his defense though. What Cavs need to do for Irving to be a top 5 player is put a bunch of bull dogs around him who like to play defense and can finish at the rim with one or two shooters.
  17. Cstyle42

    Cstyle42 Member

    Aug 2, 2008
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    When did the Miami Heat ever lose in the finals beside against Dallas?
  18. Orange

    Orange Member

    Jul 11, 2012
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    You guys have bad memories. They went to the second round with dwade his first year. The. To the conference finals with Shaquille. Then won the championship in dwade wades third year.
  19. supdudes

    supdudes Member

    Feb 9, 2009
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    I just hope Houston becomes aware that Howard has become less attractive
  20. Cstyle42

    Cstyle42 Member

    Aug 2, 2008
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    My memory tells me in 2004 playoffs heat played pacers in second round and Miami lost. Heat did not have Shaq on that team because Shaq was still on the lakers and they went to the finals that year and lost to the pistons.

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