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ClutchFans Game Thread: Rockets @ Nuggets 1/30/2013

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Clutch, Jan 29, 2013.

  1. sophiaaa19

    sophiaaa19 Member

    Nov 22, 2012
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    It's okay guys, atleast were playing the bobcats next. Saw this over at dreamshake hahaha thought it was cute.
  2. AggNRox

    AggNRox Member

    Feb 23, 2003
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    no. you get whatever the league pass gives to you. i know sometimes annoying from other team's announcers. i am fine. i don't pay much attention on whatever they say. i just use my eyes to watch games.
  3. hltiki

    hltiki Member

    Dec 17, 2012
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    Asik, alongside Lin, should have been in a lot sooner that is for sure, but credit has to be given to JLin for saving the offense. The defense though, they were still get scored on. Lawson and Miller continued to score despite Lin coming in; and actually, if I remember correctly, the lead went to 11 after Lin came in but dropped to to 6 with a combined effort of Asik on the defensive end, Lin on the offensive and then on defense with that charge draw, and to a lesser extent, Parsons.

    And also, I think he said Asian because the assumption is that LoFs, or perhaps even just Lin fans, are all Asians. Just assumptions on both sides though.
  4. steady

    steady Member

    Dec 14, 2012
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    The sad thing about yesterday is not that the coaching staff made mistakes -- it is how familiar the mistakes have come to be.
  5. torocan

    torocan Member

    Oct 15, 2012
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    Keep in mind that Asik wasn't even in the game when Lin and Harden were subbed in until the 6 minute mark of the 4th quarter.

    Part of the "small ball" line up... :eek:
  6. Clutch

    Clutch Administrator
    Staff Member

    Feb 13, 1999
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    Here were my two posts in the game thread:

    For this, some are claiming I don't like Lin and I should be more neutral. :confused:

    Some see what they want to see.

    This is a classic example of that:

    -- Asik did not sit to start the fourth. Faried scored in the paint, and Asik had a turnover (he had 7 in the game, 3 in the fourth quarter) and came out with 10:41 left. The 4+ minute stretch he sat in the fourth quarter was costly (any time he sits it will be costly to the defense), but he started the quarter.

    -- The "multiple minutes" that Jeremy Lin sat out to start the fourth was TWO.

    -- Jeremy Lin, who at one point in the fourth quarter was 3-9 from the field for the game, including 0-4 from anywhere outside of 2-feet, was "clearly having a good game ... offensively"? Lin was terrific in the fourth quarter -- he hit three shots from 16 feet out or farther -- but don't mix that up with his first three quarters as if McHale knew he was giving Kobe a rest.

    -- Lastly, you're criticizing McHale for playing Chandler Parsons 38 minutes in "DENVER at 5,000 feet of altitude" ... and simultaneously criticizing him for NOT playing the 7-foot, 270-pound Omer Asik, who is routinely gassed by long runs on the court, more than his 35 minutes.

    Look, in the 9+ minute stretch that Douglas played from 3rd to 4th, the Rockets were -6. In the 9+ minute stretch that Lin played to end the game, the Rockets were -6.

    Maybe -- just maybe -- the Rockets lost this game because they had 7 turnovers in the fourth quarter (resulting in 16 points) while failing to stop the Nuggets, who shot over 61% in the final period for 35 points. I'm going out on a limb here, but perhaps the fact that Denver was 4-20 from three-point range in the first three quarters, but 4-8 in the final quarter, played a role. Those heat check threes by Gallinari are tough to stop when you have a guy up on him.

    And cut the nonsense -- I don't hate Jeremy Lin. I do hate knee-jerk reactions, dishonest analysis and agendas, and that seems to be coming in abundance these days.
    4 people like this.
  7. fishguy91

    fishguy91 Member

    Oct 11, 2012
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    WOW Jason sure is patient.
  8. mfastx

    mfastx Member
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    Dec 1, 2009
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    Asik started the quarter as Clutch said earlier. Our offense still sucked even after Lin checked in, and it continued to suck as the Nuggets went on a roll. Parsons played well through about 3 quarters, but he did not do well in the 4th at all. Lin made no difference in the 19-2 run that the Nuggets went on. He came in, and they continued their run. We stunk it up as a team defensively.
  9. YoungGods

    YoungGods Member

    Jan 23, 2013
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    These two games, he was playing really well and like the leader of the team. Remind me a lot of the Linsanity game with the Mavs last season that was replayed on NbaTV couple of months ago.;)
  10. fishguy91

    fishguy91 Member

    Oct 11, 2012
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    Clutch I do agree that TOs and Denver getting hot hurt us more than anything else, but I think you are being too literal about trocan's reply. The main point is TD should not be assigned to run the offsense while both Lin and Harden are resting. That experiment has failed many times. I'm surprised that Mchale would do that again last night.
  11. tellitlikeitis

    tellitlikeitis Canceled
    Supporting Member

    May 7, 2009
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  12. roxxy

    roxxy Member

    Jul 4, 2012
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    We need to beat the Bobcats & GSW because we are going to get our asses handed to us by the Heat.
  13. Hous-TO-n

    Hous-TO-n Member

    Jan 24, 2013
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    This indeed the typical reason I would like lin to leave here. Lin contributed so much on court and make everyone looks better, but eventually the so called experienced fan ( this one is so big) will just post the final game box to say
    "Look he shoot normally and he is simply play poor"
    without actually looking in the game, how rocket's offense, defense, chemistry built in the game.

    The so called offense only be noted for assist, and fg and pts. The movement
    on court to draw the open spot is useless, the screen set up, the triangle pass, all the conditions were ignored.

    And this is just simply to prove himself is correct at some point.

    A discussion of the game became simply an argument.

    If you simply ignore all the 1-3 quarters, and the condition that
    rockets play iso in the late 3th quarter ( let ignore it for now, and
    I am tired of arguing any non-record effort since we are facing the
    box-score fans)

    The reason we lost is
    In 4th quarter:
    3 Omer Asik C 7:28 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 1 0 3 0 0
    13 James Harden G 11:11 1 6 0 1 0 0 2 2 4 1 1 1 2 0 2
    7 Jeremy Lin G 9:43 5 7 1 1 2 4 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 13

    did you agree?
    It is you point out that Lin was in 86:88, OK?
  14. Aruba77

    Aruba77 Member

    Jul 7, 1999
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    Clutch, you are right about the turnovers and mental mistakes. I rechecked the boxscore and realized that Asik played 35 minutes (which is a lot for him). I guess it's his absence from the lineup anytime that magnifies the void defensively and makes it feel like we're not playing him enough. We clearly need another defensive big. All good points Clutch.
  15. mfastx

    mfastx Member
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    Dec 1, 2009
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    Dude, just stop. We all want Lin to do well and we recognize it when he plays well. Lin played well in the 4th quarter but he didn't start playing well until we were alredy down 14. Douglas played well for most of the 3rd and we built a solid lead when he was in there, before we gave it all away in two minutes. Lin played decent throughout the game, but not outstanding enough to play him the entire second half.
  16. Hous-TO-n

    Hous-TO-n Member

    Jan 24, 2013
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    How can a center be responsible for the defense for 50% 3pts
    in the 4th quarter? It is simply that Gallinari is hot. The only
    way to counter some player is hot -->
    "watch out for every offense run, did not lose it for nothing"

    Which someone did really poorly in 4 th quarter.
  17. Aruba77

    Aruba77 Member

    Jul 7, 1999
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    It wasn't just that Gallo got hot. It was that Denver was draining 3's and the Rockets were making mental mistakes, for example turnovers, so we couldn't keep up with them. And as for Asik not making a difference defensively; we'll just have to agree to disagree.
  18. Hous-TO-n

    Hous-TO-n Member

    Jan 24, 2013
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    Sorry, I will not do it anymore
  19. torocan

    torocan Member

    Oct 15, 2012
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    2 is multiple. ON top of his 7 minutes in the 3rd. AND when Lin and Harden entered the floor, Asik was NOT on the floor.

    Lin scored 13 points in the 4th quarter with 2 assists.

    Which means he had 9 points on 9 shots, 3 assists, 1 steal and 1 block in 21 minutes of play with 0 turnovers. While not "terrific", yes, I would say that is good offensively and defensively.

    No, what I'm noting is the dissonance. IF the game is important enough to play Harden 42 minutes and Parsons 38 minutes, then it's important enough to play Asik more than 35 and Lin more than 31. Especially against a play off contender. And 42 minutes is still TOO many minutes in Denver.

    And if fatigue is such an issue, then why keep burning Harden and Parsons at 42 and 38 minutes? This is what makes NO sense.

    This has been an ongoing problem with McHale. His excessive play of Harden and Parsons and bizarre minute substitutions of Asik and Lin in late game situations is an issue I've commented on for many, many weeks even prior to the losing streak.

    Look, in the 9+ minute stretch that Douglas played from 3rd to 4th, the Rockets were -6. In the 9+ minute stretch that Lin played to end the game, the Rockets were -6.

    I've never said you hate Jeremy Lin. That was someone else's post.

    As for the TO's, Denver also had 6 TO's in that time period. Our TO deficit for the 4th quarter was -1.

    While the TO's could have been better, they weren't the main reason we lost this game in the 4th quarter. Both teams play at high pace and are good at stealing the ball.

    Total TO's

    Denver - 20
    Houston - 21

    Denver is #28 in TO's. Houston is #30.
    Houston is #5 in steals. Denver is #7.

    And while the period Lin was in was -6, the period that Asik, Lin AND Harden were in we were +7.


    The choice of substitutions in the 3rd and 4th quarter were about more than Lin. It was TD without a Net. It was NOT putting Asik in more during the 4th quarter. And it was about NOT maximizing our line ups when Asik was out or when Harden was out.

    It was also about Timing of rest. Take a close look at Harden's substitutions in and out. They border on random in many games.

    Literally 30s out then back in in some games.

    Then you have Lin sitting for 10+ minute stretches in other games.

    Or Asik being subbed out at the end of games when the game is down to FT's and we need a rebound.

    So no, it's not just about Lin when I talk about terrible substitutions and minutes management.

    It's about inconsistent standards and coaching when it comes to minutes management.
    It's about not using Time Outs until the other team is running all over you and building momentum.
    It's about pulling players who are red hot off the floor (like Delfino when he's in rhythm)
    And it's about mindlessly matching up small vs small line ups without thought to who that line up should be.

    Last night was just another note in the track record of questionable coaching decisions since the start of the season.

    And personally, I think Clutch is entitled to say whatever the heck he wants in terms of personal opinions, whether he's the board mod or not.
    1 person likes this.
  20. Haymitch

    Haymitch Custom Title
    Supporting Member

    Dec 22, 2005
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    ... or you could just leave here?

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