In a row? But seriously, if you would just give frat parties a chance I think you'd end up enjoying them.
When a person makes judgmental remarks about people they don't know, that makes them an *******. I think everyone will agree with that. Everyone. Don't worry, five years from now you will have grown up *hopefully* and read this thread and see how stupid some of your posts are. And this is coming from an introvert, the same as you, all through high school and basically my whole childhood. Again, the only part where I disagreed with you is the way you belittle other people's lifestyles.
I've already told you how your approach stinks, at least in some instances. People lose sympathy when you cuss and act as you're acting because it wasn't us that started this thread seeking help and advice, it was you.
OP went from acting a tad immature to acting like an ass and now action like a b****. Please disregard my previous attempts to be helpful. But I probably wasn't much help anyway so no big loss. Good luck getting a woman while harboring a hatred for this caricature of women you've come up with. I'm sure it will work just fine.
I don't agree with it and I want nothing to do with them. It is what it is. I appreciate your help and anyone else who has tried to help me. You gave good advice and I will take it. The only people I don't appreciate are the people telling me to throw away my pride and values and the people telling me to do things I don't like to do even when I've repeatedly said I will not even give it a shot.
And nothing I said was stupid, it's just the truth. -The majority of college girls that go to party are sluts, looking to get laid, just like guys. You really think their intentions are any different than a guys intention when going to a house party? It's not, it's the same reason, they're looking to get laid and nothing more. Not all party girls are sluts, but all sluts are party girls. If I was looking to get meaningless sex with meaningless people, sure, first place I'd go to is a house party in college or a bar. -These college sluts end up wanting a nerd when they are in their 30s because they know that they can financially support them because they make money because they actually did something during their life and in their college career. It is why the divorce rate is so high, financial reasons. They usually marry some other party guy/idiot and then once neither of them can afford to pay anything together because they were both screw ups, they end up divorcing each other and try to leech other people to pay them money. Girls get more desperate as they age. It is why they say Money is the most important factor in getting woman.
[sigh, facepalm and shakes head] Just be more patient and everything will work out. If you're spiritual at all, pray to God and he'll begin to surround you with people and girls that make you feel happy. I find myself not having much in common with the average person, let alone people my age, yet I still have people I can click with and have a conversation with. Know that you're young and have time to learn about life and eventually reflect on some things just as I'm doing now.
How is it truth when you're speaking as a 19 year old who hasn't experienced any of that? If you were a 30 year old and you've been around these types of people, I would believe you. But you're speaking as a 19 year old who's making all these assumptions like a fool. Again, how the **** is that truth? You said yourself you never did any of these things. Then in this post, it's as if you have their fortune already told. That's pretty damn ridiculous. *shakes head* You really are better off alone.
I hope this guy stays foreveralone. Because whoever ends up associating with I feel bad for them.
I have read none of this thread but anyone who uses the term "forever aloner" is a douchebag who deserves to die alone.
It sounds like you have it all figured out, so why did you start this thread? From the sounds of it, you stereotype people, you're judgmental, not sociable, don't want to try things out of your comfort zone, and you have a jerk'ish attitude. Those are difficult things to overcome. You could focus on your career and try to make a lot of money so that one day a great looking girl will be attracted to your success and pretend to love you or you can work on yourself and try to grow as a person so that someone will actually like you for who you are.
How old are you OP? Are you trying to get laid or make friends? You said you are not white. Are you only interested in white wimmens? Are you a virgin? Why would a woman want to go out with you? Are you nice? fun? What is the draw to you? Generally speaking do you know how to share? Are you involved in any social situation in any capacity? Describe your last relationship? Have you ever been in love? I met my wife not through any friends or mutual anything. Total strangers in the night just like the song. My one friend met his wife at school they didn't know each other, were not introduced through mutual friends. Another friend of mine met his wife at a coffee shop total strangers started chatting casually.. not through mutual friends. Another friend of mine met his wife at work.. total strangers not introduced or mutual friends. So I just rattled off a few examples of meeting where it was not through friends. You seem to be predestined self fulfilled prophecy in your thoughts. As for breaking out of shell.. folks are mentioning different ways and certainly you do need to put yourself out there in the sense of trying different ways. There are plenty of ways to skin a cat. Just like in sales it is a numbers game and if you are not in the game on some level then you are not going to find anything through divine intervention. I may not have been looking for my wife when I met her, but when I did, I wasn't at home beating myself up with a pity party. Sure there were hot streaks and slump busters along the way, but I did try to keep myself in the game. Try to have fun and that doesn't mean getting wasted. There are plenty of ways to interact without that. You have to find your niche and perhaps you may not know it yet. Part of the fun is finding that out. I hung around all kinds of losers and winners before I met better folks,better girl etc.. but I did try. Some people suck just like on this board, but there are others that don't. Like I say, it's a numbers game. But first take yourself out of yourself and ask 'would a woman be attracted to me?' It doesnt mean that you need to be this or that, just on a low level something that might make you the one that gets the girl interested on some capacity? You need to start there first. You seem to have a bit of a 'what can she do for me?' type of mentality and my question is 'what can you do for her?' Look at yourself.
Meant to mention this notion that you need to have dough to get laid is flawed. There are plenty of guys in huts in the middle of africa getting more p***y than 80% of this board. Why? They have game. Step up your game son. Are you funny OP? Gals like guys that can make them laugh. I know a dude with lambo and top dawg at software company that couldnt get laid in a 2 dollar whorehouse if his life depended on it. 0 game. Does money help? Sure doesnt hurt but it's going mainly get you skins with women that are focused on money. That's not such a good plan. You want a girl that likes you for you, but you need to be able to step of your high horse and take care of her too. learn to share OP. That doesnt mean buy her stuff necessarily and that could be something as simple as knowing how to roll out a good massage or a nice plate of dinner. Focusing on money is an overcompensating strategy that will mainly get you failures of women failing at what is important. A good guy that treats them well, makes them laugh and rubs their back, treats them with decency. It may take extra game to reel them in vs. cash but the end result is a better one.
I just had an epiphany and I'm pretty sure I'm right because it's the only explanation why he is the way he is. OP was homeschooled.
Optimal6 just wants to badmouth people who go to clubs and parties under the veil of asking for advice.