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How do Forever Aloners break out of their shell?

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout' started by Optimal6, Jan 5, 2013.

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  1. Caltex2

    Caltex2 Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    Also, don't be so harsh directly toward people and the activities they get into. I feel the same way you do about youth culture now days but still respect people enough not to criticize them directly on it because I and some of the things I do certainly have room for criticism, legit/fair or not. This is magnified when you start a thread asking people for advice and then in a way that at least appears harsh reject their advice and act as if it's stupid.

    You'll find people are more sympathetic and will even learn to respect your ways even if they don't like it if your respect their ways, even if you find them to be foolish.
  2. Optimal6

    Optimal6 Member

    Dec 26, 2012
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    Depends on what you mean by Miss Right. I'm not looking for Miss Perfect, I'm looking for someone with similar interests as me and views, someone who doesn't do heavy drink and follow drinks because they are a sheeple and have no opinion, kind of like most people in this thread who are butthut about what I'm saying about them.
  3. updawg

    updawg Member

    May 20, 2002
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    I'm pretty sure you will be alone forever if you keep that sheeple attitude. Probably for the best
  4. da_juice

    da_juice Member

    Dec 16, 2009
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    Was a "forever aloner" for awhile. I found that the best way to break that was to be a bit reckless. I'm not saying you ask out every woman you see, but if you meet a girl, and she's single, and you have things in common- ask her out and play it from there.

    If you're wondering where you can meet girls like that, you're obviously not looking hard enough. If you have a job where you don't work from home or you go to school, you should be able to find at least a friend to help you network. If that doesn't work, join some organizations or groups with similar interests.

    If you really get desperate, try speed dating.
  5. SK34

    SK34 Member

    Jan 13, 2012
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    Man what are you looking for? A girlfriend or a wife? If a girlfriend, then don't have all these different requirements for them before hand. Get to know them before you make a decision about them. Just talk to a girl an see how she is before you make a decision. If you are looking for a wife and have all these requirements, then go try match . Com and pay for it, you'll have a better chance finding what you want then.

    You can also use twitter to lure a girl like mccaron.
  6. Louka

    Louka Member

    Feb 4, 2010
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    lol people get butthurt about everything.

    my advice stands at 'be patient'. The world is a big place.

    Maybe try to get involved in groups with similar interests. If you like video games, go to an internet cafe and game with people. If you like your job, take on more hours, talk to more people at your work. If you like sports, sign up for a team. That's how you build your circles.

    Write it all down and come up with solutions

    I don't know why I'm so invested in this but I'm giving you the best advice I can. My advice may be terrible or completely off-base, but you came to a forum for help and I'm trying to offer it (and you can't really expect more). Don't resent "pkmagas" because his advice was faulty lol.
  7. Northside Storm

    Dec 24, 2007
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    a church choir group or a volunteering organization would probably be best.
  8. thisiscaketown

    Jul 18, 2012
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    OP, you're thinking too hard about this. A relationship is often stumbled into, not planned meticulously beforehand. Go join a club, a church, whatever, but get involved enough for people to recognize you. There's enough "how" in this thread, it's up to you to "do". Just stop giving so many ****s, and you'll be fine.
  9. Louka

    Louka Member

    Feb 4, 2010
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    ^^^ good advice. No more excuses, go get'r done, lol.

    Talk to yous guys tomorrow

  10. Caltex2

    Caltex2 Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    Yeah, while I'd consider myself still somewhat socially awkward, the process of creating, building and sustaining relationships isn't so scientific. It usually just happens and you stumble upon people who share your interest and world views, that is if you get out and around people enough (and not even "out" in the sense of partying necessarily).

    Go to a bookstore, coffeeshop, chruch, volunteer, etc... anything but complain away on Clutchfans.com.
  11. rocketsjudoka

    rocketsjudoka Member
    Supporting Member

    Jul 24, 2007
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    I am not saying that you should go drink and hit ragers or smoke pot. In fact I recommend you not do any of those things if they make you uncomfortable. I also think it is a good thing for someone your age to not get involved with those things. What I am saying though is that you don't be so judgmental about people who do those things.

    There are plenty of nice girls out there who occasionally like to go to parties and yes even drink. If you just dismiss people like those as you do you are likely missing out on finding your Miss Right.

    Anyway that is my advice and take it for what it's worth. Like I said I am not trying to get down on you but giving you honest advice.
  12. Optimal6

    Optimal6 Member

    Dec 26, 2012
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    How would I be missing out, if I'm someone that wants my partner to stay away from those activities? How would I be missing out on anything by not going to that bull****? I don't get it, stop ****ing suggesting this to me, because it's not going to happen.
  13. Optimal6

    Optimal6 Member

    Dec 26, 2012
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    How do you even know this is true? How do you know that she probably isn't sucking someone's dick right now and it isn't your Buddhist friend's dick? Did you ever stop and think that it is possible that what you see isn't exactly what happens when they are at home and when they are on with their personal life?

    And congratulations, you happened to have found me one example of some chick that sucked about 30+ dicks in her college career to be a devoted wife which you don't even know if it is actually true.
  14. Caltex2

    Caltex2 Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    You are quickly losing sympathy from all of us and your behavior in last 50-70 posts is showing some traits of why you are asking how to stop being so lonely in the first place. Lighten up and just chew on some of the suggestions.

    Like rocketsjudoka just said, not all girls are like that and even a few who aren't like that may occasionally go to a party.

    You may just be trolling be I'll take the under on that possibility.
  15. stipendlax

    stipendlax Member

    Mar 3, 2008
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    That was great. Alright, Rockets time.
  16. Optimal6

    Optimal6 Member

    Dec 26, 2012
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    I have taken most of your suggestions seriously, but I am not going to take the stupid partying, drinking, and smoking one seriously, not at all.

    I'm not trolling, but I'm just starting to get pissed off with this. Half of you are suggesting me to do something that I've repeated stated that I HAVE NO INTEREST IN. How many ****ing ways do you want me to say this? Do I have to say it in Spanish? French? Chinese? Please tell me.
  17. Optimal6

    Optimal6 Member

    Dec 26, 2012
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    Not sure why that was great, because I was telling him the truth? or what? lol.

    With that being said, let me add to that guy that talked about how a Sorority sloot married his Buddhist friend. You ever think that she married him because of, I don't know.....MONEY. Or are you completely delusional and believe that all marriages are based on "love?"

    For sluts, in college or in their 20s, get drunk every weekend, sleep around with people of high social status like frat boys, and they party all the time.

    By the time they reach their 30s, they want to find a nerd to take care of them because they've failed to do anything in their life and they know that they can support them.
  18. Stone Cold Hakeem

    Oct 26, 1999
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    Upon further reflection, perhaps it would be best for the rest of us if you stayed forever alone, kthxbai
  19. Outlier

    Outlier Member

    Mar 25, 2006
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    Wow, what an a s s hole. This guy doesn't need help. Nothing will help this guy until he grows up.
  20. Optimal6

    Optimal6 Member

    Dec 26, 2012
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    Am I really an *******? Or do you just strongly disagree with what I have to say? I've noticed in forums that people are considered "stupid" when someone just doesn't agree with you, but when you agree with someone entirely, they're smart and you want to talk to them.
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