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3rd All-Star Returns

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by J.R., Jan 3, 2013.

  1. SuperStar

    SuperStar Member

    Jan 13, 2008
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    Probably because those players are so fan behind that they won't make it to the all star game so there's no reason to be outraged.
  2. BeeBeard

    BeeBeard Member

    Feb 24, 2008
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    Getting votes and actually getting selected are two very different things.
  3. RedEyesKirby

    RedEyesKirby Member

    Oct 30, 2012
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    LOL omg this argument is getting too hilarious. So they can get as many vote as they want as long as they don't get selected it's fine?

    Wow. Please stop before the hole is dug deeper.

    If we're going to complain about Lin getting in (BY GETTING VOTES). Then you need to talk about everybody who doesn't deserve to get votes. Let's start with the most obvious one I see right here.

    Chandler Parsons (Hou) 93,057

    But hey you know what I'm happy that a Rocket player is getting national media attention. So you guys can complain all you want.
  4. roxxy

    roxxy Member

    Jul 4, 2012
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    He isn't going to be selected there is no chance in hell that happens. 99.9% chance he isn't making it. There is what 1 week left for voting & he has been second to CP3 for how many weeks now? Since the very beginning pretty much. From the first returns it was clear as day that he likely wasn't getting the vote over CP3, & doroboro & I even had a discussion as to how Lin would make sense in the skills competition (or are we going to have a discussion as to how Lin has absolutely no skills & doesn't deserve to be in that event either).

    In a totally unrelated note. You know what would make me DIE of laughter though. If the coaches selected him & James as the back ups. Clutch fans would implode, I am dying of laughter thinking about it now. But alas that likely won't happen they will just select James & put Lin in the skills competition or something.
  5. BeeBeard

    BeeBeard Member

    Feb 24, 2008
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    You don't bring much perspective or insight to this issue at all. Nobody is concerned with mere vote-getting. They're concerned with the appearance of impropriety if a player is indeed selected to the team through the voting process, based on something that has nothing to do with his play, like his ethnicity, while a more deserving player (guys like Steph Curry, LaMarcus Aldridge, etc.) doesn't make the team, because Lin will have been unjustly enfranchised with one of the just twelve precious spots on the team.
  6. SuperStar

    SuperStar Member

    Jan 13, 2008
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    Well I disagree with it being clear as day since the first return and there's still fans here that seem to think Lin will possibly make it.
  7. RedEyesKirby

    RedEyesKirby Member

    Oct 30, 2012
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    Look, I know what you all are trying to say. But let me put it this way. If 600k+ people wants to see Lin play in the ASG over the 100k that wants to see Steph Curry then majority still rules and Lin's appearance is justified for that 600k people. If Curry gets in, then you'll have 600k people who feels unjust about the system and ridicule the ASG.

    You are trying to say that the ASG has merits and people will ridicule it if Lin gets in because the minority thinks he's not justified to be in. Well the popular opinion is that he is justified and if he doesn't go then the majority will ridicule the ASG and think it's a joke because Lin didn't get in when the majority thought he deserves it.

    What I'm saying is it goes both ways, and because this is an opinion based popularity contest, you can't just say who is justified or not. The ASG will be ridiculed no matter what. And I'm going to bet that the officials will rather have the minority ridicule the ASG than the majority.
  8. roxxy

    roxxy Member

    Jul 4, 2012
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    Well you know what in 7 days we shall see. It has been clear as day to me & a few others since the first returns that he isn't making it. If he makes it I will gladly admit I was wrong. But be serious though do you really see him surpassing CP3? If Lin was getting all of these "china" votes people speak of he would have 1 million plus votes. If he hasn't surpassed CP3 over the last 2 months or so what makes you think he will surpass CP3 in one week? What is going to change in one week to get him an extra 50,000 votes & this doesn't even take into consideration the fact that CP3 will continue to get votes on the daily. Lin isn't making it get real.

    Once again there is a significant amount of politics involved in the process. If you don't think that agents aren't involved in getting there players in over others you are kidding yourself. Agents have a bigger influence than fans would ever dream of in getting there clients one of those twelve "precious" spots.
  9. AirSwish

    AirSwish Member

    Oct 1, 2012
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    Most of you here, are all assuming that all the coaches picks were all deserving? There were few times when I coach would pick their own players because he thought they were more deserving than others. Pat Riley for example, picked AC Green once, Westphal in phoenix picked Dan Majerle and there were few others in our history. You just can't have both ways.
  10. flamingdts

    flamingdts Member

    Feb 23, 2008
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    That is not true at all.

    Coaches can't pick their own players.
  11. BeeBeard

    BeeBeard Member

    Feb 24, 2008
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    No doubt, the process is highly politicized. A big part of it is even for teams to "lobby" on behalf of their own players because there is money and exposure for the franchise at stake.

    Do you feel that this politicizing of the all star game hurts Jeremy Lin, though? If anything, it helps him. The scales of equity may tip back to favor him two, three years down the road, when he perhaps really is putting up all-star numbers and 100% deserves it. But for the time being, this season at least, wouldn't you agree that Lin is still more media sensation than player?
  12. roxxy

    roxxy Member

    Jul 4, 2012
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    You are deviating from the point. If fans are voting for whatever reason they choose to vote (merit, wanting to see there favourite player, trolling etc) & agents are influencing the system as well (profit, marketing there client etc) then all discussion of only the best players deserving it goes out the window. Does it not?

    If Deron Williams people want him to make the games & they are influencing the system (this is likely happening) over Jrue Holliday/Kyrie who have been flat out better than Deron all season in every single category where is the outrage in that? Deron is definitely making the games as a starter & Jrue/Kyrie aren't.

    Like I said selective outrage seen from the overfocus on Lin because of his ethnicity. And Lin isn't exempt from this, for all we know Lin's agents could be influencing the system as well. This really wouldn't surprise me. All Star games are fundamentally different from All NBA team.
  13. Merovingian

    Merovingian Member

    Dec 1, 2012
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    Not sure if we can't interpret the term all-star differently in sports, but we definitely can interpret the term "best player" differently.
  14. flamingdts

    flamingdts Member

    Feb 23, 2008
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    No not really, the reality is those putting up the biggest numbers usually get the most attention and praises regardless of how their team is performing.
  15. SuperStar

    SuperStar Member

    Jan 13, 2008
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    I think it's more that there's a possibility Lin could make it and not that he would make it. I guess the question would be how often has a player been over taken with a 50k vote lead? Guys like Rubio there's no outrage because he has zero chance. It's like an athlete using steroids and not producing results, no one would care.
  16. BraveFox

    BraveFox Member

    Nov 3, 2012
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    Lin deserves all star ....he has a great personality and leadership qualities that are conductive to great team chemistry...and he is not obsessed with stat sheets....he also have great athleticism and bbq skills if he were to go after the stats i am sure he would easily attain them... like Kobe and other players...
  17. EssTooKayTD

    EssTooKayTD Member

    Dec 15, 2005
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    Who cares about this popularity contest? It's a joke, and has been for quite some time.
  18. Jedster

    Jedster Member

    Nov 23, 2012
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    I'm not sure how to respond to you because it seems that you have forgotten some things.

    In 2010, we had the whole Tmac and Iverson controversy. Tmac wasn't even playing anymore, and was home waiting for a trade. Yet he was in one of the two top guard spots until an extremely late surge pushed Nash through at the end. Iverson was clearly in decline but he was still got in.

    I don't know why...but you seem to only bring up Yao and Lin when talking about people who have no business being in the ASG. But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt here and not say what I could be saying.
  19. MonKing

    MonKing Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    "No way JLin deserves to go to the ASG. He does not rank amongst the top PGs in the league and should be embarrassed if voted in." (translation: "I didn't vote for him.")

    "The ASG selections are made by the fans and if JLin gets the votes he deserves to go since he is so beloved by the fans." (translation: "I voted for him.")

    "There is a history of non-deserving players being voted in. Compare JLin's 75 key stats to those of the top 20 vote-getters in the last 30 years and you can see some interesting trends. The changes in ASG selection from merit to fan-based is correlated with a number of other changes in the game." (translation: "I have a job where I can post on CF all day.")

  20. meh

    meh Member

    Jun 16, 2002
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    Isn't this who Lin is right now? Someone who hasn't produced results yet? Why so mad then?

    If you dislike the process, wait til Lin gets voted in, and then vent your frustrations. At that time, you'd actually have a solid case, because by all on-court standard, he should not be an all-star. But if he doesn't get voted in, you simply come off as a hater. Which I don't think you are, but you do give off such an impression because you're rushing to judgement here.

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