So, how many have you had success stories? How did you do it? How did you know? ...etc I heard this can be both easy if done right or just down right impossible. I myself have never really tried to, but lately there is this one that has caught my eye. I know the whole "working you for tips" routine. Also, I understand they have probably had every come-on in the book worked on them so I have been hesitant to ever even attempt this, but with this one, it just seems like something more is "there" and there is that "it" factor there you know? I am no rookie with bars as I am 30 years old so it's not a case of the "OMG's she is so hot, she winked at me" . I understand the business. I can go into more detail if needed. I have always wondered how to do this. I am not afraid of being rejected, I just don't want to lose a awesome bar tender due to any awkwardness. With this one though, it definitely seems worth a shot.
Sure. It works. At the moment when you ask if there is already someone else involved with them (a significant other, boyfriend, husband, etc.), you can tell if they want you to know there ISN'T one or if they want you to know to F OFF. Look for that. Of course, if you're wearing a wedding ring, don't even think about it because they'll tell from a mile away.
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Basically, just come right out and ask her. You can even preface with something like, "i'm sure you get this all the time but I have to at least try".
They are def gettable. They're a freaking bar tender man, c'mon. The last one I got had a baby. Worst thing man. Worst thing.
imo, awesome bars are harder to find than awesome women. So, I make it a point to *never* go out with bartenders of any bar I love. Nothing gets between me and my bar.
"I'm sure you get this all the time but I have to ask... can I get a jack & coke?" Or you know, whatever it is that you're drinking.
When you mean awesome bartender, are you drinking for free? I've lost one of those awesome relationships before. It's not a big deal if you know other awesome bartenders. For your situation, shouldn't you find out if she's single first? Then her answer (whether it's a lie or truth) will let you know if she wants to bang you.
Nah, don't put her on a pedestal like that and make it sound like you are expecting rejection (shows low level of self confidence). Just casually suggest an activity. Also humor always works wonders.