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Patrick Beverley, Eurocup MVP to join our Rockets

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by _RTM_, Dec 23, 2012.

  1. Jmcballer88

    Jmcballer88 Member

    Aug 30, 2010
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    Ill pass on mbah a moute
  2. SRR21

    SRR21 Member

    Jun 29, 2012
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    you may be right with him but he is a really good defender
  3. SuperVon

    SuperVon Member

    Apr 26, 2009
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    2 people like this.
  4. BimaThug

    BimaThug Resident Capologist
    Supporting Member

    Mar 24, 1999
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    The Chronicle reported that Beverley still had to take a physical and was not expected to be signed until AFTER Christmas.

    The Rockets will have Machado for tomorrow's game.

    After that? I'm not so sure.
  5. jacoby

    jacoby Member

    Jun 26, 2011
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    Machado obviously knows about the Beverley signing, so shouldn't management have made him aware on his future with the team by now? It seems odd that they would keep him around for the game if they were gonna dump him anyways.
  6. BimaThug

    BimaThug Resident Capologist
    Supporting Member

    Mar 24, 1999
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    Why so? White's not with the team, Patterson's injured, and teams are allowed to dress 13.

    Why go without a third PG against a great team defense simply because of hurt feelings?
  7. DrNuegebauer

    DrNuegebauer Member

    Mar 29, 2000
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    Oh I bet they're all queuing up to get him.

    We'll all be shocked if he clears waivers right?

  8. smoove shoez

    smoove shoez Member

    Jul 18, 2006
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    That makes sense because the NBA front office is closed for the Christmas holiday.
  9. Z-Ro&Trae

    Z-Ro&Trae Member

    Sep 13, 2009
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    bah amoutay got chuck hayes like defense though. (he can't play center though).
  10. redearth

    redearth Member

    Nov 5, 2012
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    If Scott is not getting waived or traded, I hope JLin doesn't give Scott another heart attack by accident!
  11. Jmcballer88

    Jmcballer88 Member

    Aug 30, 2010
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    We are trying to spread the floor not clog up the paint
  12. Crutch City

    Crutch City Member

    Dec 23, 2012
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  13. rogower

    rogower Member

    Oct 26, 2012
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    Don't assume that the Patrick Beverly signing means that Scott Machado is going to get cut. It should be obvious at this point to all Rockets fans (although it apparently is not) is that Daryl Morey has been trying to pull off some sort of quantity-for-quality trade wherein he trades two or three guys on the current roster for one guy. This would create an open roster spot, and he could keep Machado, at least for now.

    Another option would be to trade one of the relatively inexpensive and solid players on the roster to a team that has an injury exception or a trade exception, possibly for a second round pick, possibly for something even less valuable than that. We should all realize which players are deemed expendable in this regard by now:

    Toney Douglas
    Patrick Patterson
    Daequan Cook
    Cole Aldrich

    We should all also realize that Morey likes to buy low and sell high, and one guy whose stock cannot possibly be lower at this moment is obviously DeMarcus Cousins, who is a total P.R. nightmare in Sacramento. Morey may be on the verge of executing a deal wherein he gets Cousins and winds up freeing up a roster spot, which would then obviously be used on Beverly. There are very few teams in the league that have no obvious short-term or long-term PG solution, which means that there are very few teams that would be interested in trading for Jeremy Lin. The Kings, conveniently enough, are one of the teams with no obvious PG solution, and would not only view Lin as a possible long-term solution but would also greatly benefit from a P.R./marketing standpoint by acquiring Lin. Here is a deal that makes sense:

    DeMarcus Cousins & Francisco Garcia (unwanted contract, expires after the 2013-14 season) to Houston;

    Jeremy Lin, Patrick Patterson, & Scott Machado to Sacramento (the Kings seem to only be carrying fourteen players right now so they have an open roster spot)

    Toney Douglas would inherit the starting PG job although obviously he is not viewed as a long-term solution and will almost certainly not be on the roster in 2013-14. Beverly would presumably immediately inherit a spot on the team's second unit; in fact, it's hard to imagine why he'd leave a very good situation in Europe where he's getting major minutes just so he can play in the developmental league. This would explain Beverly's motivation to join the team now as opposed to a month or so ago. The timing of the Beverly acquisition also just so happens to coincide with Cousins' most recent meltdown with Sacramento, which seems to be the last straw for the Kings front office.

    Revised Rockets 2012-13 roster:

    Starting lineup

    PG Toney Douglas
    SG James Harden
    SF Chandler Parsons
    PF DeMarcus Cousins
    C Omer Asik

    Key reserves

    Marcus Morris
    Carlos Delfino
    Greg Smith
    Patrick Beverly

    End of the bench

    Daequan Cook
    Cole Aldrich
    Francisco Garcia

    Developmental league

    Terrence Jones
    Donatas Motiejunas
    Royce White

    The next order of business would be to create a spot in the rotation for either Jones or Motiejunas, probably Jones. That is accomplished by using a big chunk of the team's unused cap space to exploit a team that is desperately trying to dodge the 2012-13 luxury tax. One such team is the Chicago Bulls; this trade works:

    Richard Hamilton, $1-$2 mil cash (to be used to buy out Hamilton at the end of the season; I believe his buyout is $1 mil), and the Bulls' 2013 first round pick to Houston;

    Greg Smith to Chicago

    The roster is further revised as follows:

    Starting lineup

    PG Toney Douglas
    SG James Harden
    SF Chandler Parsons
    PF DeMarcus Cousins
    C Omer Asik

    Key reserves

    Marcus Morris
    Carlos Delfino
    Terrence Jones
    Patrick Beverly

    End of the bench

    Daequan Cook
    Cole Aldrich
    Francisco Garcia
    Richard Hamilton

    Developmental league

    Donatas Motiejunas
    Royce White

    Morey would then try to execute a trade for a guard to play alongside James Harden, and he'd have the three things that all rebuilding teams always want: young guys with "upside" on rookie contracts (Marcus Morris, Terrence Jones, Donatas Motiejunas, Royce White), expiring contracts (Toney Douglas, Carlos Delfino, Daequan Cook, Cole Aldrich, Richard Hamilton), and first round picks (the Bulls' 2013 first rounder).

    Note: the "point guard" that Morey settles on as the player he wants in his starting backcourt alongside the extremely versatile Harden may not exactly be a point guard. It makes more sense to acquire a guy who can shoot lights out; in this scenario, Harden would be allowed to be more of a Michael Jordan-Kobe Bryant-type SG, meaning that he is basically running the offense and is best paired with an excellent perimeter shooter, preferably one who also defends well. Stephen Curry does not seem to be at all available but he is exactly the sort of player who I have in mind here. My guess is that Morey realizes that he probably isn't going to be able to acquire this guy before the February trade deadline and will instead finish the season with the unit above and try to trade package one of these guys on rookie contracts (probably either Morris or Jones) with Chicago's pick in order to get this guy. Might I suggest C.J. McCullom from Lehigh, who is an excellent shooter, ballhandler, and all around player. He is a likely late lottery pick, in my opinion, and he should excel alongside Harden.

    Possible 2013-14 Rockets roster

    Starting lineup

    PG C.J. McCullom
    SG James Harden
    SF Chandler Parsons
    PF DeMarcus Cousins
    C Omer Asik

    Key reserves

    Terrence Jones
    Royce White
    Donatas Motiejunas
    Patrick Beverly

    End of the bench

    Francisco Garcia
    2 people like this.
  14. Jmcballer88

    Jmcballer88 Member

    Aug 30, 2010
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    Morey is that you
  15. kmav23

    kmav23 Rookie

    Feb 2, 2010
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    No way Lin get traded owner loves him!

    Brings the marketing and chinese $$$ for les.
  16. HTownTmac1

    HTownTmac1 Member

    May 31, 2006
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    i know you worked long on this thought process... but sorry NO way! keep the roster as is... dont trade anybody from the starting lineup except patterson. keep lin here
  17. HTownTmac1

    HTownTmac1 Member

    May 31, 2006
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    AND keep Greg smith... toooooooooooooooo much potential
  18. Joe Joe

    Joe Joe Go Stros!
    Supporting Member

    May 3, 1999
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    Very few teams would want him....but all out takes is one.
  19. rogower

    rogower Member

    Oct 26, 2012
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    Hey, I like Greg Smith, especially at that price, but there is no way that another year and a half of Greg Smith is worth more than the Bulls' first round draft pick. For example, no team is going to be willing to trade a 2013 lottery pick for a year's worth of a good backup center.

    In response to those who think that Lin is untouchable: really? I'm not a Lin basher here, I like the guy, but c'mon, let's be reasonable here. He's most likely not ever going to be a good guy to pair with Harden, and Daryl Morey is a math guy, so he's interested in things like probabilities.
  20. nimzoray

    nimzoray Member

    Dec 12, 2012
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    Bulls' 1st rounder will never be a lottery pick, they are a consistent playoff team under Coach Thibs.

    Greg Smith > late 1st rounder

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