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ClutchFans Game Thread: Celtics @ Rockets 12/14/2012

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Clutch, Dec 13, 2012.

  1. apollo33

    apollo33 Member

    Feb 27, 2009
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    Oh I'm sorry, did the Rockets lose? or did you only boxscore Lin's and Douglas's minutes.
  2. itachen

    itachen Member

    Nov 11, 2012
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  3. real_egal

    real_egal Member

    Nov 20, 2003
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    Unless you are talking about it generally, not this game. When Lin sat, he had 7 assists, and TD had zero. After the whole 4th quarter, Lin didn't see floor again, and he still had 7 assists, while TD still got ZERO.

    As for shooting, TD made two shots later in the game, so he didn't shoot any better to warrant those "rewarding" minutes as you claimed.

    Let's look at defense. Lin and Rondo were mano-u-mano, both bothered each other's shots, and neither shot well. TD didn't do anything better on Rondo or Terry.

    I can understand that Harden and Lin might not be best fit together, before they grow that chemistry. I suggested a few times to start TD and bring up Lin from the bench, NOT because TD plays better, no he's not. A zero assist PG who can't really shoot, is never better than a 7-assist PG who's struggling with shots. I suggested that in the benefit of the team, Lin, and Harden.

    If coaches see the same way, just go ahead to do that, and stop those fake starting job on Lin, while sitting him the whole 4th quarter, especially when he did play decently.

    LeBron and Wade can play together; Durant and Westbrook can play together, but our young back court pair can't play together? What a joke. I don't know whether that's on coach or players. Harden is nowhere near Durant in terms of skills and threat, and Lin is nowhere near Westbrook in terms of demanding the ball, but they can't coexist on court? How about other players move a little bit during offense, to help the back court? How about coaching staff design some sets to move the ball and players, to get some easy baskets?

    Lin and TD aside, I saw two very positive things tonight - Parsons is really getting better game after game, and his confidence is growing proportionally as well. Also, Greg Smith is doing great out there. He's smart and moves around to get into great positions.

    It was a relatively easy win, and I am sure Lin is happy about the team win, but he can't be happy about personal situation.
  4. cfansnet

    cfansnet Member

    Feb 19, 2009
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    I really don't understand this sentiment. Why do you allow what others do to affect your perception of someone else?

    "Shut up dumbass" indeed... :rolleyes:
  5. ninamu

    ninamu Member

    Nov 11, 2007
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    He was crying for celtics for losing to Rox's bench players.
  6. sugrlndkid

    sugrlndkid Member

    Apr 22, 2012
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    Lin will have his moments to shine...but when he is on the court...he just needs to believe that any moment he will sit on the bench...the rockets need Lin to score...and worry about the other aspect later...When Lin is aggressive, this team can get to another gear...It is extremely hard to shut down 2 aggressive guards(the other being Harden)...

    TD played well with the time he was given...its not a slight against Lin, but what Mchale thought was best for the team...Mchale, has always been the ultimate team first guy...its the way he has played, its what he believes. Lin really needs to "Carpe Diem" when he is on the floor..Harden will get his...its all about getting Lin going...
  7. SuperStar

    SuperStar Member

    Jan 13, 2008
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    There was no choice. Knicks didn't want to match the offer and they are glad that they got rid of Lin since Felton and Kidd are both playing better.
  8. detso

    detso Member

    Aug 4, 2012
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    The coaches have higher expectation on Lin and TD. If Lin doesn't play up to the expectation, he gets benched. That's all.
    BTW, a win is a win!!!!
  9. Jetfuel

    Jetfuel Member

    Nov 6, 2012
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    You need to stop foaming at the mouth so much...

    So your logic is that the Rockets' should develop TONY DOUGLAS... at the expense of developing a player who they are effectively paying 8 million a year for and who they hope will be a key part of a strong team in the future?

    You're putting your irrational hatred of Lin ahead of your love for the Rockets it would seem. Or maybe you're just clueless.
  10. Comic Book Nerd

    Dec 13, 2012
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    So I've only been on this forum for a few days now and I've learned a few things.

    There seems to be two major factions:

    LOF's (Lin Only Fans) - People who were fans of Jeremy Lin who followed him here after he left the Knicks. The only thing they really want to see is Jeremy Lin play.

    Rockets Fans - Fans of the WHOLE TEAM, the Rockets

    It seems that the LOF's have become so vocal about their feeling that Lin is getting enough play time/points/whatever that they're basically annoying everyone else to the point of actually hating Jeremy Lin.

    It's pretty understandable when you consider that these Rocket fans have been around and loyal for a long time, they don't want to hear it from the LOF's.

    So... LOF's..... you might want to go easy on the righteous indignation.

    As for the reason Lin isn't finishing the games out is because Douglas works better to spread the floor. Harden doesn't need a traditional PG, he needs a spot up shooter, which TD is doing very well.

    The coach is making the right call. The one that gets them a win.

    The issue is that Harden has made Lin redundant.

    So Lin has to do one of two things:

    1) get better than TD at spot up shooting
    2) get better than TD at spot up shooting

    or... he's really of no use to the Rockets other than a backup for Harden, that draws in LOF's to boost ratings and marketability.

    Lin's basically a cosmetic marketing tool for the Rockets at this point.

    This is not to say that Lin is bad. He's actually quite good. His performance against the Spurs proves that. It's just that he's not as good as Harden.

    So what Harden needs is TD on the floor with him, not Harden Jr.

    And yeah, TD had 0 assists, but again, the Rockets don't need a traditional PG when Harden is on the floor.

    Now if Harden ever gets injured and they need Harden Jr, then Lin is perfect.

    It's either that or they turn Lin into a strong 6th man (ironically what Harden was for the Thunder).

    Seriously. That would be kinda cool.
    4 people like this.
  11. CCM721

    CCM721 Member

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Kevin McHale isn't looking at this season as a developmental year. He's doing job which is to try and make the playoffs.
  12. instar

    instar Member

    Nov 9, 2012
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    yeap, i mean delfino makes good palys time to time but his ball handling is just platout painful.
  13. aesthetics80

    aesthetics80 Member

    Oct 17, 2012
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    Lin took Parker 1 on 1 plenty of times. Same with Mo Williams in the Utah game. He has a quick first step, he can get by his man. Harden ISO's but he rarely "gets by" his man without a screen. He usually settles for a step-back jumper or drives it and gets blocked.
  14. VeloCity

    VeloCity Member

    Oct 23, 2012
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    Let me say that I am happy for the win.

    If Lin was playing poorly I would have wanted him benched too. TD wasn't making that much of a difference to justify sitting Lin. Normally I would say no big deal because we won. But Lin is struggling with his shot, most likely due to confidence issues. Putting him back in around the 5-6 min mark wouldn't have lost the game. He's been playing fine most of the game.
  15. across110thstreet

    Mar 17, 2001
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    you have no passion. I feel sorry for you. perhaps you haven't been following the news and I wonder if you watched the game tonight, especially afterwards where McHale wasn't afraid to show his emotions...

    tonight, the unscripted humanity of sports was shown in this Rockets win.

    meanwhile, losers on this board continue to bicker over Lin this, Lin that. what a sad bunch of fake ass fans
  16. Cautiously_Op

    Cautiously_Op Member

    Nov 14, 2012
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    Nice win.

    Coaching has been switching the starters with the bench, playing them with Harden & Lin, then Harden & Douglas. Lin played a solid game. Good D on Rondo and good passing. Smith benefitted from it. Better overall defense in this game, but still too many TOs. Tonight it was Delfino with 5. The high PnRs were still lacking, and ball movement went away at stretches. Douglas had a good 4th quarter, was in for 24 min but had 0 assists which is not good. I can understand that coaching may have kept him in for his scoring boost to win this game, but I question the decision not to let both Lin and Smith play down the stretch. I would rather take the risk of losing one game so that your starting PG and a young talent can develop.

    Smith looks like he could potentially develop into the PF we need.
  17. RedRedemption

    RedRedemption Member

    Jul 21, 2009
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    Uh, yeah. You do realize that in the fourth Harden is going to the main playmaker? Which means Lin is forced to play off ball and hit open shots. Douglas does that better. That is why he is in.

    Is Harden iso-ball ugly and painful to watch? Yes. However, if that's how the Rockets are going to close games, then you have to maximize the effectiveness of that strategy.
  18. Lihao

    Lihao Member

    Oct 21, 2012
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    this +1
  19. zdrav

    zdrav Member

    Jul 21, 2012
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    No, Lin doesn't have to score. That's Harden's job, and Parsons', and Patterson's.

    Lin should score when he has to score. His primary job should be to run the offense and get players involved. He looked like he was doing that tonight with his 7 assists. He played great with Smith as well, and Smith got 20 pts.

    And Lin made the best decision possible by getting out of NY. That's an old team that will only be together for a couple of more seasons. Lin can grow with the Rockets for the rest of his career, hopefully.
  20. yohimbe505

    yohimbe505 Member

    Oct 10, 2012
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    Come on Torocan.. the writing is on the wall. He'll be on the bench in only a matter of time.

    He and his camp made a mistake signing in Houston... they (the coaching staff) didn't think he was good enough to run the team last year and they don't think he's good enough to run the team this year.

    He'll be a high priced glorified mascot to keep popularity in China high for the Rockets.. if I'm him I count the days to free agency.. or have his team hint for a trade.

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