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ACN (All Communications Network) - MLM/Ponzi/Pyramid Scheme

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout' started by Antec, Nov 19, 2012.

  1. Jontro

    Jontro Member

    Feb 3, 2010
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    Why hasn't the Gov't set its foot down and make these schettes illegal?
  2. macalu

    macalu Member

    May 19, 2002
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    technically, it's a legitimate business and the companies aren't stealing from their recruits.
  3. Ziggy

    Ziggy QUEEN ANON

    Jun 11, 1999
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    It's also a strange thing to brag about considering what, over 50% of NFL players are broke in like 3 years?
  4. Ziggy

    Ziggy QUEEN ANON

    Jun 11, 1999
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    I used to go to the trips when I worked corporate. Bunch of freaking idiots piled in a room. It was fun spending their money on really expensive food and fun though.
  5. Ziggy

    Ziggy QUEEN ANON

    Jun 11, 1999
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    The U.S. for whatever reason isn't that tough on the questionable MLM's. I kind of like it, if you're stupid enough to fall for it that's on you... many U.S. MLM's are banned in other countries.
  6. astros99

    astros99 Member

    Nov 9, 2007
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    I know exactly who you are talking about..He seems to be at the "top" of the MLM and makes decent money. I had a few friends get suckered in by him and all of them lost their $500.

    Also as stated before in the article..Most of the ACN reps rent/lease a nice car to make themselves seem legit.
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  7. Johnathan Goode

    Johnathan Goode New Member

    Dec 4, 2012
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    lets set things straight

    I'm here to set the records straight. Something I've noticed after receiving my Bachelors from Indiana University in Accounting, and started looking into a career. People will disregard, and criticize things they truly do not understand. It sounds like to me these guys you knew from high school took advantage of that situation, and pushed to get you into something you did not understand for their own personal gain.

    With that said I want you to think about this with an open mind. You say ACN is a scam. Well I can tell you that is not true. I can list a few "scams" for you. Enron, AIG, Author Anderson. All 3 of these companies not only allowed people to get scammed, but they put America into the largest recession since the great depression. All 3 of these companies I listed are what you would consider a "legitiment company". As for ACN, Is it a Multi level Marketing company? YES! Does ACN cost $500 to get your own personal store front? YES! It takes money to make money, anyone that owns a business will tell you they invested 10's of thousands of dollars to start their business. $500 is chump change compared to getting a store front retail store in a mall, or start a call center. Then to think you have the services of almost every major telecommunication, cable, internet, home security, and now Electric and gas at your fingertips. To someone who understands the true value, and has the entrepreneur mindset. That is A Complete No-brainer. :) Notice the ACN there. If you just think as an employee, and you don't get the whole picture, or understand how a business is ran. You will never understand. So, for those who understand that money doesn't make itself, that you have to invest your time, and money to be successful continue reading. The rest of you can leave now, I've made my point to the closed minded...

    For the rest that are still reading I want to apologize for anyone that has ever lied, misinterpreted, or twisted any Multi level Company to try and get you to invest. Because It's people like that, cause people like me to have a bad name. I want to try and clear that up by making a couple of points.
    1. ACN is not homed in Texas, it's in North Carolina
    2. Those guys cared more for their personal gain, then for you to become successful. Thus they will never be successful in ACN just like the 85% of people that sign up without good leadership.
    Notice I said 85% of people fail in ACN, out of those 85%, 25% will go on to something else trying to start something new, the remaining 75% will talk about how ACN is a scam, how they got ripped off $500, and tell people not to do it. Well you can only be as good as your leadership team above you, and when you have a leadership team like what you described. I would say you made the right decision, because you would have been in the 85%. It's obvious they did not have proper leadership based off what you said. The Co-founders of ACN all say they would have never been able to get where they are today by just signing people up and getting them qualified services. They found leaders, people that can do it the right way, and make sure they had the tools to do it. Over time a bad apple will slip in and try it their own way, maybe even get lucky and start making money for themselves. That is what I call a dead leg, and will eventually fall off.

    There are 10's of thousands of people in ACN, out of those 10's of thousands there are only around 40-60 Senior Vice Presidents, I've had the opportunity to get trained by 2 senior Vice Presidents. They both had their own style, but they had 1 simple concept. If you are not making sure your business partners are prepared, trained, and have the drive to help people. You will never get anywhere. I took that to heart, I was in San Jose this past weekend, and I didn't go alone. It cost me well over $1500 to get me and my team of 8 there. If they couldn't afford it, I didn't make them pay for it. I paid for it, cause I knew they needed the training. Like I said it takes money to make money. You have to have that mindset to succeed. This is as real as it gets, and if you want to learn about ACN the right way, know how to do it the right way, I can help you with that. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions Johnathan.Goode.acn@Gmail.com

    I hope I was able to clear things up, and maybe help you have a better understand of what we really do.
  8. Antec

    Antec Member

    Feb 17, 2010
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    Am I the only person who found this ABSOLUTELY hilarious?

    1. He signs up for the forums and for his FIRST and ONLY post he comes into Hangout to defend ACN.
    2. He is obviously someone who is trying to recruit and trying to somehow make cluthfans think positively of MLMs.
    4. Enron, AIG, Author Anderson. Sure didn't come begging me and pester me every single day to give them $500.
    5. Does ACN cost $500 to get your own personal store front? Do you really think adding "yourname".acndirect.com is a storefront? Seriously? So you are claiming they charge you $500 to be able to list your name infront of the MOST generic website every with the worst layout ever? How do you sell your services? "Please go check out my storefront and see my services?" I bet you know NOTHING about any of the products. You simply refer people to your website.
    6. "YES! It takes money to make money, anyone that owns a business will tell you they invested 10's of thousands of dollars to start their business." It costs $10 to register a business with your local city government.
    7. "Business"? The only business you do is scam people into giving you $500 so they can then go scam someone else for $500.
    8. "$500 is chump change". You are right $500 is chump change. But for the people you prey on (the ones with crappy jobs and unhappy lives) $500 makes a difference to them.
    9. "Then to think you have the services of almost every major telecommunication, cable, internet, home security, and now Electric and gas at your fingertips." And the difference between your acndirect website and going to the provider's website is? Their website actually has 100000X more details about their services than anything acndirect has.
    10. "So, for those who understand that money doesn't make itself, that you have to invest your time, and money to be successful continue reading." This time you speak of is basically spending all night and day begging people and thinking of new people to pester and invite to your PBRs and BOMs.
    11. "ACN is not homed in Texas, it's in North Carolina" You should do some research on where ACN used to be located and how they were asked to leave their previous destination.
    12. "Those guys cared more for their personal gain, then for you to become successful. Thus they will never be successful in ACN just like the 85% of people that sign up without good leadership.
    Notice I said 85% of people fail in ACN, out of those 85%, 25% will go on to something else trying to start something new, the remaining 75% will talk about how ACN is a scam, how they got ripped off $500, and tell people not to do it. Well you can only be as good as your leadership team above you, and when you have a leadership team like what you described. I would say you made the right decision, because you would have been in the 85%. It's obvious they did not have proper leadership based off what you said. The Co-founders of ACN all say they would have never been able to get where they are today by just signing people up and getting them qualified services. They found leaders, people that can do it the right way, and make sure they had the tools to do it. Over time a bad apple will slip in and try it their own way, maybe even get lucky and start making money for themselves. That is what I call a dead leg, and will eventually fall off." Ive heard that exact speech word for word from about 10 different ACN people who tried to recruit me. Good Copy/Paste.
    13. "Over time a bad apple will slip in and try it their own way, maybe even get lucky and start making money for themselves. That is what I call a dead leg, and will eventually fall off." Basically everyone with a soul and realizes how immoral it is?
    14. Johnathan.Goode.acn@Gmail.com Should we contact you if after reading your AMAZING paragraphs, we decide we want to join?

    Looking up the Google History of your email account "Johnathan.Goode.acn@Gmail.com" was made this week. Good try on making a new email address to try and seem legit.
  9. Antec

    Antec Member

    Feb 17, 2010
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    "Can people make money with ACN? Absolutely, if they are willing to check their integrity and morals at the door. It is a classic MLM operation - the real money is made by recruiting others. The income potential from the sales of the actual products are minimal, unless you have satisfied their recruiting quotas.

    In short, you will not make money by simply selling "discounted" (especially when the services are NOT discounted, they are the EXACT same rates if not HIGHer) phone/energy/cable services. Your path to profit will be paved by the suckers you con into ponying up their own $500 startup fees, and the suckers that your suckers can con, and so forth. If you can do that for a living and still sleep well at night, more power to you. An honest person will do honest work."
  10. Antec

    Antec Member

    Feb 17, 2010
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    "Before you get involved in ACN please google all complaints against them including their BBB report. I'm sorry but there is no residual income when people cancel their services due to unhappiness (and those were your friends and family) and the only way to continue to make more money is to recruit more people (friends and family) and those are one time bonuses that run out. Pretty soon you will be out of money and friends and family. Anyone who still likes you, if you are making money you'll never see since you'll be going to weekly meetings and trainings at your own expense in order to recruit friends of friends."
  11. Antec

    Antec Member

    Feb 17, 2010
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    "The XOOM energy service is even worse. The Their rates are higher than the basic standard rate the utilities offer and they charge you a monthly fee of $2.99 on top of it."

    "WORKED MY *** OFF I HAVE 70 points and over 35 customers my monthly residual is 25.00 I just lost all 5 of my FLASH WIRELESS customers because they are the WORST phone service I have ever used. They are supposed to be the pioneer in technology but their technology is out of date and over priced. I drank the ACN kool aid went to meetings every day for a year and I'm done now. This has gotten me no where and all of money has gone into my own bills which I didn't have any before I became an IBO."

    "I went to an ACN meeting a few nights ago and they really make it seem like they have a legitimate business opportunity, but in the end, it's a cleverly disguised pyramid scheme. The residual income at the lower levels is only 1/4%, which is practically nothing. If you don't recruit, you don't climb the pyramid. With crappy products and lousy customer service, anyone you sign up will hate you afterwards."

    "Researching ACN after losing a friend who was tried to do the ACN thing. He really changed, and was acting brainwashed. Didn't want anything to do w/ me after refusing to attend one of their recruitment meetings."

    "Anyone can have a video phone free. Just sign up for Skype. Why would someone buy it and have a monthly bill? I wouldn't con my grandmother just to make about $4.00 a month."

    "I just found out just how evil this ACN business is. I quit after 2 mos of seeing it was a scam and a disaster in the making. It's all about spending money. I told the person who signed me up a so called friend hmmmm on that one. I think I was on her B list. Anyway, I tried and could see my friends were smarter than I and didn't take the bait I did. I told this person my contacts were not interested and one of them she assisted in showing the presentation to and knew where he worked from our conversation. I told her after long searching he choose not to get involved. So, now it's 5 mos since I quit and she called my personal friend up at work and told him she thought I gave him a poor example of the business and she was calling to step in and handle what I didn't . He was so mad ! He told her off for first throwing one of his friends under a bus and then for calling him at all and especially at work. He told her if he had choosen the business he would of done it with me and not her. he told she was caustic,rude,over bearing and inconsiderate. He also told her obviously if you are going after other people's friend's and contacts you must be one desperate woman. This is what ACN does to people. They don't think about who this $ 499.00 + other fees does to family and friends. DON'T DO IT ! and watch out for those who try to sell you the moon."

    "The only reason ACN has kept their pyramid afloat this long is by using the same tactics companies like AMWAY use. They create a cult following and compel their reps to dedicate their entire way of life to the proliferation of the company and its services. They compel intrepid reps to push the limits, bend the rules, and screw over every last person they know, and even strangers they don't know. That is why most consider MLM's like ACN as sleazy and unethical. But if this is the type of business you want to stand behind, then shell out the $500 and have at it. But be prepared, that $500 is only the tip of the iceberg of your troubles. I was like you last year before I joined, confused. But now I know what this company is truly about, and it SHAMES me."

    "I have a sales job that hired me for free and pays me anywhere from 5% to sometimes up to 50% for the services I sell. ACN charges you $500 to start, and they give you .25% (1/4 percent, not 25%) on what you sell. Based on the math, you'd have to sell $200,000 worth of ACN services in order to break even! Astronomical figures are a key feature in almost all pyramid schemes. ACN is no different."

    Do you want more?
  12. Classic

    Classic Member

    Dec 21, 2007
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    High on the MLM fumes? Look dude, there is no legitimate business where you're 'helping somebody out' where the model is telling other people about a business model in hopes they'll tell other people about a business model so they'll tell more people about the model.

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  13. Antec

    Antec Member

    Feb 17, 2010
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    + REP

    Glad I'm not the only one who feels all they sell is a business model, not the actual business. Someone wants you to buy into a business model and then you get someone else to buy into a business model.

    And so on and so on and so on, to INFINITE LEVELS.

    Isn't that a keyword for ACN? INFINITE residual income, at INFINITE levels?

    Are you BLOWING up Jonathan Goode? Are you DOMINATING? Is your business EXPLODING?
    1 person likes this.
  14. cheke64

    cheke64 Member

    May 12, 2009
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    The suckered friend came back from the convention. She said it was training and over thousands showed up. Anyone can do it, you need a degree or anything. The registration fee was $150. She wants to go back for more, will take place in las Vegas.

    "nobody trust me daddy" (her friends)
    "daddy, I can do it even without you" after the dad refuses to join. The dad already shelled over 1k on her dumbass.

    I'm so tempted to just tell her it's a scam.
  15. cheke64

    cheke64 Member

    May 12, 2009
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    She shows us a pic of some mitt Romney cat with Ronald McDonald, ecstatic, look they donated 150k to this organization.

    She seen a picture of T.I throwing up the 5 fingers representing the 5linx which is a branch of the ACN.

    How gullible and lazy are you?
  16. Antec

    Antec Member

    Feb 17, 2010
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    You probably should lol. So here is what actually happens at ACN "International" meetings....using your friend as an example...

    1. Pay 150-$190 for Event Ticket
    2. Pay $400-$500 for Round Trip tickets via air, or probably like $250-$300 for Bus.
    3. Pay $100 for hotel room for the weekend (WHERE SHE SHARES THE ROOM WITH ABOUT 10 OTHER GIRLS).
    4. Spends all weekend with ACN people at the ACN event. Nothing else.
    5. Comes home to claims "Best time of her life".
    6. Thinks it will make others want to attend this SPECTACULAR event in 3 months.
  17. cheke64

    cheke64 Member

    May 12, 2009
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    Lol. How do you know so much? Exactly what happened.
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  18. Antec

    Antec Member

    Feb 17, 2010
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    Lets say each ticket is $180.

    $180 X 20,000 people at the San Jose event.

    $3,600,000 for ACN.

    That's $3.6 Million every 3 months. $14.4 Million a year from INTERNATIONAL meeting alone.

    Of course ACN is going to get they brainless members to promote the crap out of the international meeting.

  19. Antec

    Antec Member

    Feb 17, 2010
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    My cousin joined ACN and then got my sister to join a few months ago. She has lost all her friends and all my friends have constantly b****ed to me about my sister contacting them to join ACN.

    One of them ran into her at the Galleria, and instead of the normal greetings, she tried to get him to attend an "important meeting" she was going to that evening. He just laughed and walked away.

    Lol ive seen it all. Good thing she has now quit along with my cousin. But she is pretty lonely it seems, none of her old friends really want to pick up her phone calls or respond to her texts. They are all afraid she is going to pester them more about ACN.
    1 person likes this.

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