Yes, they should begin by not chasing Dick Lugars out of their party. No Democrat could have beat Dick Lugar. It took another Republican to do that. Your side's blown at least five Senate seats that way.
If it weren't for the GWB catastrophic disaster of a presidency, Obama would not have been nominated in 2008.
Is it too early to start a 2016 thread? With a nice read, the New Yorker says Hillary is in. I used to think she was done, but resigning as SOS give her time to recharge, line up donors, get a head start and lap the Dem field before the race even begins.
I think she runs, regardless of what she's saying now. Hillary won't be able to help herself. I also think she'll do something to improve her looks in the meantime. She'll have a chance to get some work in after the end of the year. I suspect that she'll be out of the public eye for a month or two at some point next year, then come back looking great. She can certainly afford it. Oh, and if she runs, she will win.
I think part of Hillary's decision is going to have to be predicated on Bill's health. He looked very frail at the DNC, with his hands sort of shaking throughout his whole speech. As he showed the last few months, he's a huge asset and will be presumable be a constant part of her campaign. I have no idea what his health situation is, but he'd have to be able to handle a full year of campaigning, 3 years from now - not just the physical, but the stress that comes along (it's different when it's Obama than it is your spouse).
:-O- You're freakin' me out, Major! You really think he might have health problems beyond what we've heard of? I didn't notice the "hands shaking" thing. I was so turned on by what he said that I probably just didn't notice. If there was something wrong with Bill that hasn't gotten out, just as a hypothetical, I could imagine Hillary taking a step back. I sure hope that isn't the case.
dreaming... Anyone got a 4 year old? Just think if Hillary (or Warren) gets 8 years, that child will turn 16 knowing only a black and woman president. that would be amazing!
The health thing is entirely speculation on my part - but his hands were definitely shaking throughout the speech and he didn't look 100% to me. My larger concern would just be that we're talking about another 3 years - so if he's already struggling a bit now, what would happen by then? But as I said, pure speculation on my part - it just seems like something that may come into play whenever she has to make a decision. On a separate/unrelated note, Warren is not going to be President. She's a great policy wonk and is a great voice in the Senate, but she doesn't remotely have the personality to win a national campaign.