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138 points!

Discussion in 'NBA Draft' started by Grape_Swisha281, Nov 20, 2012.

  1. batkins

    batkins Member

    Oct 9, 2006
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    It's hard to turn the ball over when you're shooting it.
  2. sugrlndkid

    sugrlndkid Member

    Apr 22, 2012
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    The opposing player scored 70...on 34/44 shooting...that is just as impressive...and didnt take more than 2 point shots(both misses) and 2 made FT(2/4)

    Mr. 138...scored 81 points just on 3s(71 attempts...wtf), 7 made FT's, and 50 points inside the arc..
  3. sugrlndkid

    sugrlndkid Member

    Apr 22, 2012
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    2 3-point shots
  4. DFWRocket

    DFWRocket Member

    Mar 21, 2000
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    Bryant, who has a shoe that bears his Black Mamba nickname, has a theory.

    "He must have been wearing the Mambas, man. Only Mambas have no conscience to shoot the ball that much," said Bryant, who has an 81-point game, second-best in NBA history, on his resume.

    hahahaha...this was awesome
  5. Grape_Swisha281

    Mar 18, 2012
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    i wonder what his usage rate is? PER? :grin:
  6. davidio840

    davidio840 Member

    Jul 14, 2010
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    How the hell do you shoot the ball 108 times in a game! An avg Basketball game has something like 100 shots taken during a game right? That is crazy lol.
  7. ptR91

    ptR91 Member

    Feb 27, 2011
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    the worst double/triple teams ever!
  8. ch0c0b0fr34k

    ch0c0b0fr34k Member

    Mar 5, 2008
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    James Harden disagrees.
  9. Major

    Major Member

    Jun 28, 1999
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    Deadspin thinks this was a load of crap.


    D-III Player’s 138 Point-Game Is A Sham Record And Shouldn’t Be Celebrated By Anyone

    Jack Taylor, of the Grinnell College Pioneers, scored 138 points in a game last night, against Faith Baptist Bible College. It's a mindblowing number, shattering the old NCAA mark of 113, and it's being trumpeted as one of sports' all-time individual achievements. It is not. It is bull****. It is just the latest incarnation of Grinnell's decades-old strategy of seeking media attention for records achieved through a complete bastardization of basketball.

    David Arseneault is the man behind the plan. Since becoming Grinnell coach in 1989, Arseneault has focused less on putting together a successful team and more on getting his players' names in the record books. And, not incidentally, selling books and videos touting his innovative "system." At least three separate times a Grinnell player has set the D-III single-game scoring record, and each one has gotten national attention. In 1998, Jeff Clement went for 77 points, and received a story in Sports Illustrated. Last season Griffin Lentsch scored 89 points, and got a feature on ESPN.com. Today, Taylor's 138-point game is everywhere.

    Arseneault describes his system:

    94S + 47 3's + 33%OR + 25SD + 32 TO's = W

    The ‘Formula for Success' has withstood the test of time. Since 1996, whenever the Pioneers have attempted 94 shots, with half of those shots from behind the arc, offensive rebounded 33% of their missed shot attempts, taken 25 more shots than their opponent and forced the opposition into committing 32 turnovers, they have won at nearly a 95% clip.

    But it's much more than just taking a lot of threes, or winning the turnover battle. According to a former Grinnell player who took part in one of those record-setting games, the gameplan is designed from the outset to get a specific player the scoring mark, even at the expense of making a mockery of the game. The player told Deadspin:

    "The strategy was to use a full court press after a made basket, with the caveat that [the player seeking the record] would not cross into the defensive side of the court. So, after our opponents broke our press, we were essentially playing four-on-five, which enabled the other team to take quicker shots and fall into our game plan.

    "The rationale is to essentially trade off a quick two or more attempts at lower probability 3-point shots. Given the high pace required for the system, Grinnell shifts in five players every 30 to 45 seconds. Within each shift there is a primary shooter who will take the bulk of threes (or shots) during the shift."

    This worked to perfection last night, and you can see it in the play-by-play. Grinnell would regularly sub out four players at a time, keeping Taylor on the court to continue chucking up threes—71 attempts from beyond the arc, to be specific. He also rarely bothered getting back on defense, with Grinnell content to let Faith Baptist score a quick two, if they didn't turn the ball over immediately. Taylor finished with just three rebounds, all off his own misses.

    This, then, is how you score 138 points—a defense designed to get the ball back as fast as possible, even if it means letting the other team score. And the entire offense being funneled through one player, at the expense of turning down open shots. Tyler Burns rewatched the entire game, and had a few observations:

    There were a LOT of possessions where Taylor would chuck up a shot, miss, and his teammate would get the rebound wide open under the basket. Instead of putting it back up, he would look for Taylor again and pass it out so he could chuck another three. There were many possessions where this happened three times each. Six three-point attempts in two trips down the court.

    Literally 75% of Faith Baptist's points were full court heaves to get it over Grinnell's press, then a wide open layup on the other end. Oh, and David Larsen's "impressive" 70-point effort? Hardly. They were 90% wide open layups. He maybe took a handful of jump shots.

    Wilt Chamberlain's 100 points were also achieved through a concerted effort to get him the ball, but at least it came against NBA competition. Grinnell may as well have been playing against five random guys thrown together at the Y. Faith Baptist Bible College is a school of 330 students, and isn't even in the NCAA. They're not even NAIA. They play in the National Christian College Athletic Association, and Division II of the NCCAA at that.

    Last night's game counted as an exhibition for Faith Baptist, but was somehow a regular season game for Grinnell.

    Why does the level of the opposition matter? Because Arseneault and Grinnell specific plan their record-breaking games against inferior opponents. Tyler Burns again:

    The announcer actually said that Grinnell will look on their schedule for their weaker opponents and do everything they can to run up the score and break records. This is all within the game plan. One tactic the announcer mentioned was called "The Bomb Squad". If Grinnell's opponent gets into the double bonus, Grinnell will sub in five freshmen players, foul their opponent immediately once the ball is in play, send them to the line, then sub the freshmen players out to put their scorers back in on offense. This takes almost no time off the clock, giving their starters as many offensive possessions as possible.

    Jack Taylor set a record, but it's an empty one. Important records come naturally in the flow of competition, not as some freakshow designed to make SportsCenter. Taylor took 108 shots by himself, the same number as Indiana and Georgetown took last night combined. (They scored 154 points between them.) Taylor shot 49 percent from the field, 38 percent from three. These are the only figures that ought to matter when judging his evening, yet no one will remember anything but his 138 points. Because it's much easier to tout an inflated scoring figure than to actually watch the game, and realize just how empty and artificial the achievement is.
  10. RV6

    RV6 Member

    Aug 21, 2008
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    Sounds shady.

    But it's still poor defense by the other team. The guy is making all his moves with his left hand and that crossover/hesitation to gain space is predictable.
  11. Grape_Swisha281

    Mar 18, 2012
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    Its like these 2 got together before the game and said i wont guard you if you dont guard me. Lets see who can get on ESPN
  12. Rodman23

    Rodman23 .GIF

    Jun 26, 2012
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  13. coachbadlee

    coachbadlee Member

    Feb 5, 2010
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    Damn!!!!:eek::eek::eek: When i saw the thread title i thought that was the whole team. Not one person!!
  14. batkins

    batkins Member

    Oct 9, 2006
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    Sounds like a very annoying game to watch or play in.
  15. jbasket

    jbasket Member

    Jan 26, 2012
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    Clearly, it happened because they did not play the number 1 ranked team in the nation for DIII hoops, the MIT Engineers :grin: (yes they are #1 from the preseason polls, not joking)
  16. mirus

    mirus Member

    Sep 1, 2012
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    Lol at Kobe's comment thanks again for sharing his
  17. LCII

    LCII Member

    Nov 7, 2006
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    Anyway we can get this guy to replace Toney Douglas?
  18. makman

    makman Member

    Jul 6, 2002
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    How terrible of a team do you have to be to allow this to happen to you. Then again looking at the players it kind of makes sense.
  19. T-macsterful1

    T-macsterful1 Member

    Dec 4, 2008
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    Lol at this defense. In this whole video I think he pulls up once going left.. His man should have been on his right hip forcing him to his left hand and into the paint. There's a reason this was done in D3 basketball, the defense basically let him shoot 3's, I would have ran this kid into the paint and forced him to create something since he's a reasonable short basketball height of 5'11 with what looks like minimal vertical athleticism.
  20. Major

    Major Member

    Jun 28, 1999
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    The opponents weren't even D3. They weren't even NCAA.

    Grinnell may as well have been playing against five random guys thrown together at the Y. Faith Baptist Bible College is a school of 330 students, and isn't even in the NCAA. They're not even NAIA. They play in the National Christian College Athletic Association, and Division II of the NCCAA at that.

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