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Grizzly texan man, the encore

Discussion in 'Houston Texans' started by Honey Bear, Nov 9, 2012.

  1. mgraye2969

    mgraye2969 Member

    Nov 7, 2009
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    <a href="http://forgifs.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://forgifs.com/gallery/d/205665-1/Bank-robbery-fail-trapped-awkward.gif?" alt="forgifs.com" /></a>

  2. Honey Bear

    Honey Bear Member

    May 8, 2006
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    So far, he's 0/1. Luckily Houston has A gullible fan base so I'm sure he'll get a gold star for battle fighting or hunkering down. I am all for southern hospitality, but there's a time and place for everything. its unfortunate I'm being called names for pointing out the truth as a wiser man sees it, but I know its done in a state of emotion.

    When a Heroin addict is sprawled out in front of you, its only natural for a humane person to tell her... What you know is best at that moment. she won't like it and will lash out at you at the time, but when brighter days come, she will thank you.

    We all say things we don't mean when we're angry, because the truth hurts. The lie is sweet in the beginning, but bitter in the end.

    You can quote me on that.
  3. Mr. Clutch

    Mr. Clutch Member

    Nov 8, 2002
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    This guy doubles down more than DD.
  4. ynelilvs99

    ynelilvs99 Member

    Jan 20, 2012
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    3500 posts and no one likes u. Seriously, g o a w a y :)
  5. IBTL

    IBTL Member
    Supporting Member

    Nov 22, 2010
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    we are all going to thank you if texans lose to another 7-1 team at their home. You are calling your shot like a boss.

    You are a regular nostradamus iRonny.

    I am going to go out on a limb and predict Ronny will continue to be a raging dork. I predict no one will thank me for being right. I predict iRonny will have a weak comeback and not own up to anything. I predict iRonny will die a virgin. I predict Ironny will eventually be forced to commit moniker suicide.

    I predict iRonny will one day move from his mothers basement albeit to the attached garage nearby. I predict iRonny will live out his asexual fantasies with a large american woman. I predict if iRonny were rich he would drive a hummer. I predict that Ronny will be put in a straightjacket. I predict that someone will say 'no one saw the warning signs' I predict one day Ronny will turn 13.

    I predict one day Ronny will be able to almost speak without a thick bulgarian accent. I predict iRonny will bandwagon whatever team just won the super bowl and will be ronnys favorite team. I predict the smell of being from Ronny might one day induce a shower.
  6. rolyat93

    rolyat93 Member

    Dec 5, 2010
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    Your ****s old Ron.
  7. Honey Bear

    Honey Bear Member

    May 8, 2006
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    Personally, I believe it's quite homosexual when someone comes online looking for male companionship and friendship. It's quite revealing about the life guys like you and ibtl have offline when you never debate facts or reality, but project your own insecurities towards an anonymous and unknown, but vapidly admired, figure. A sexy bad boy surrounded by so many beautiful women, his need for validation was always nonexistent. But the words he said .. were oh so true.

    I believe that's why I achieved cult success back in my rookie years, and why I was voted by the people, the common man, as the 4th best poster in clutchfans history.


    The numbers don't lie.
  8. Honey Bear

    Honey Bear Member

    May 8, 2006
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    I never asked for the fame. I never asked to be blessed. But it is what it is, and we've got to play with the cards we're dealt.

    Game day is tomorrow, ladies.

    Susan, show us that you're cut from a different texture, than David Card.
  9. Mr. Clutch

    Mr. Clutch Member

    Nov 8, 2002
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    Are you just gonna keep repeating this until they lose?

    Because, yes, eventually they will lose again.

    And the Bears are favored this game. Way to stick your neck out.
  10. ynelilvs99

    ynelilvs99 Member

    Jan 20, 2012
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    Even though I am not a male, I'll play along with u a little longer. You have admitted you are not on cf for 'companionship or friendship' so I would like to know why ARE you here? There is not a single post in your favor, engaging you in any way except to tell you you are not wanted here, and yet you are delusional enough to say you are 'popular'. Can't blame me for asking. I would like to know. ;-)
  11. Honey Bear

    Honey Bear Member

    May 8, 2006
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    Are you going to keep cheering for the Texans as long as they make the playoffs? As long as they aren't a laughing stock? Or do you expect them to build on their talent and

    Two can play that game.

    All I'm looking out for is a super bowl trophy and putting the best players on the team to make that possible. Susan hit his ceiling a while back. He has enough talent around him to play with the fans hopes by putting up high QB rankings against weak teams.. but watch his performances against Green Bay. Chicago. New England. That's where character is defined, pitting yourself against the cream of the crop and coming out of it with something. Not a whiny face waiting for a weaker opponent.

    Susan isn't a rookie. He's been in the league for 8-10 years, and still gets easily flustered when the spotlight is shining brightly. If he doesn't show glimpses of having it this season, once again, the Texans need to make a change. With a young defensive core and star RB, it's a crime not to.
    #31 Honey Bear, Nov 10, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2012
  12. Uprising

    Uprising Member

    Dec 29, 2000
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  13. 713

    713 Member

    May 6, 2011
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    I want to see what TJ Yates can do with the 1st teamers and a healthy AJ. No question we would be the favorite tomorrow with TJ at qb.
  14. Honey Bear

    Honey Bear Member

    May 8, 2006
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    As a heftily built goddess who plays warcraft and posts on sports message boards, you probably won't relate to my breed. My breed, my cut, we ... don't care about the petty things. Insults from strangers, whining left and right, it all inevitably turns into 5 year olds scratching at a tiger. Those of my breed are so steadfastly focused on the reality of the sitch, and self assured about it due to reasons that are too vain to explain, that we're merely prodding for a better product. A better answer.

    Engaging ourselves with the herd, as we control their movements.

    Like MJ23, I may not be well liked by the masses, but someone has to be the guy that says the ugly things to bring out the best in his team. Otherwise, we're a directionless group of battle fighters settling for mediocrity. The hate you have for me is bounced back by the love I have for you, and you'll find... these two are not so different.

    This is sports, after all.
  15. Mr. Clutch

    Mr. Clutch Member

    Nov 8, 2002
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    Actually you're showing that you haven't studied up on the subject you are attempting to troll about.

    Schaub is one of the better QBs against the blitz. He passes the advanced stat test and the eye test, but not the DD test (seriously, are you?) He is one of the QBs who does quite well under pressure.

    You should just predict that the Texans will lose 1 game at some point in the next 10 years.
  16. Honey Bear

    Honey Bear Member

    May 8, 2006
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    The advanced stat test?

    The eye test?

    Lol, thanks for the pie charts, Morey, but that's gotten you the #14 pick for 3 years with another one on the way. Too many guys who have never played sports tinkering with computing algorithms all day ..

    Don't worry about arbitrary stats so much, understand the game, it's nuances and what separates the adequate from the great.

    Don't know where i mentioned the blitz, but truth is, he's spoon fed by Kubiak and his offense in those situations. He can be easily upgraded - don't fear change.
  17. ynelilvs99

    ynelilvs99 Member

    Jan 20, 2012
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    Lol you are nothing but a troll.. Thanks for the confirmation :p
  18. ynelilvs99

    ynelilvs99 Member

    Jan 20, 2012
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    And a horrible troll at that ! :)
  19. Thefabman

    Thefabman Member

    Nov 14, 2007
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    1 person likes this.
  20. Eric Riley

    Eric Riley Member

    Nov 18, 2002
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    Who the hell is rating this thread anything above 1 star??

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