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Pau Gasol

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by nono, Nov 4, 2012.

  1. DonatasFanboy

    DonatasFanboy Member

    Feb 14, 2012
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    he still looks like a good signing. I bet there's a number of teams sorry for not getting him.

    btw, 13 offensive boards in those two games, 12 misses. Meaning, he brought his team an extra possession for each of his misses.
  2. saleem

    saleem Member

    Jan 1, 2001
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    No to Pau Gasol, a few more wins and getting stuck with him is no use.
    I am surprised that some people have forgotten that he didn't want to come to Houston.
    I am sure that the addition of Harden is not going to be enough to convince him that we are the right team for him.
  3. BeeBeard

    BeeBeard Member

    Feb 24, 2008
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    Gasol was an acquisition for yesterday. This is today. The Rockets have the cap room to trade for and then extend or else sign outright a young and exciting marquee name this season.

    Sabotaging all of that so that they can instead pay Pau Gasol's preposterous $19 million / year salary and get Scola-like production would be an awesome way to destroy the franchise, though. So there is that.

    Let's file this idea under D, for destroy.
  4. Bill Bradley

    Bill Bradley Member

    Aug 28, 2012
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    Would folks do the deal if all the Rockets traded for him was Cook, Morris, Patterson, Douglas, Aldrich and whatever second round picks Rockets have? All expiring contracts except for Patterson and Morris so that helps the Lakers luxury tax situation next year and they get two young forwards with upside. The Lakers would need to continue to decline for this to be entertained though. Maybe this is why Patterson and Morris are getting all of this PT so far this season.
  5. NL Rocket

    NL Rocket Member

    Aug 1, 2012
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    Hell no, Stern saved us once, can't do it twice!
  6. BeeBeard

    BeeBeard Member

    Feb 24, 2008
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    Would literally rather have the cap space for use on a better player than be hamstrung for another year, paying a has-been like Pau Gasol $19 million to put up 13 and 9 and slow the Rockets' transition game to a crawl.

    Even with Gasol as an expiring after next season, that's still two years two many with this joker on the roster. Doomed to mediocrity. Sacrificing their future.

    The Rockets are positioned to be one of the biggest players before the trade deadline or else in free agency. Why would anybody in their right mind do that for Pau Gasol?
  7. dobro1229

    dobro1229 Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    The roster situation on the Lakers end makes this deal tricky. They would need to also send quite a few minimum contract guys. Even then, Im not sure the salaries match.

    That being said, yes I believe I would do this deal if it was manageable. I think Bima is right that a Gasol deal might be better served next Summer if its then possible after a few other minor moves.

    However Laker fans and the media would flip a sh$% though. I don't think the Lakers are interested without someone significant coming back in the deal unless someone on the Rockets just plays out of their mind in the next few months to increase their trade value.
  8. FranchiseBlade

    Supporting Member

    Jan 14, 2002
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    I'm happy as hell we never had Gasol. I don't want him now, or ever.
  9. DonatasFanboy

    DonatasFanboy Member

    Feb 14, 2012
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    yeah, something like this would be the deal, i think. or more likely, cap space + two youngsters next year.

    I'd think that Parsons would be the most interesting piece for the Lakers (to replace amnestied Artest) + one of the young PFs with legit jump shot.
  10. FranchiseBlade

    Supporting Member

    Jan 14, 2002
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    I wouldn't do the trade if all we had to give them was a grin and a 'thank you'. There is nothing I would ever trade for Gasol on the Rockets.
  11. BeeBeard

    BeeBeard Member

    Feb 24, 2008
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    It's not even a sacrifice in the sense that the Rockets would lose meaningful pieces on their end of a trade. It's that they forfeit the ability to sign an actual, young all-star talent for two years so they can start winning playoff games again.

    Those two years are going to be absolutely critical for sourcing and signing new, young talent, before Lin and Asik become expiring contracts.

    I can't possibly think of anything worse the Rockets could do than destroying the ability to wedge a max contract under the cap by signing this gawky Spaniard whose career is winding way, way down and quickly.

    The only Gasol the Rockets would even have interest in at this point would be Marc Gasol, and that was already tried. The Grizzlies matched him.

    Pau Gasol? Terrible contract. Terrible decision. Houston is incredibly fortunate that deal didn't go down. We know this now, in retrospect.
  12. butterball

    butterball Member

    Jun 15, 2009
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    I think D-Mo could develop into a legit back-to-basket threat by next year.
  13. Bill Bradley

    Bill Bradley Member

    Aug 28, 2012
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    I'm assuming the Lakers waive everyone other than Morris and Patterson in such a deal.
  14. TheMystery008

    TheMystery008 Member

    Jul 26, 2012
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    Pau Gasol is not the guy we are waiting for to compliment our current core.

    We need someone who has great upsides but at the same time is young.
  15. DonatasFanboy

    DonatasFanboy Member

    Feb 14, 2012
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    free agents are signed in July, so you lose one year.
    and considering that a Gasol trade isn't likely until this summer anyway, you don't even lose this year.

    You are underrating Gasol a lot ('career winging way, way down and quickly', 'terrible contract', 'put up 13 and 9', 'Scola-like')... It feels like reading about Carlos Boozer.
    But that's another topic.

    From flexibility point of view, a Gasol trade this summer seems like - at worst - a neutral move. You have an All Star level player on an expiring - something of a rich man's Kevin Martin situation.
  16. Bill Bradley

    Bill Bradley Member

    Aug 28, 2012
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    Yeah, I guess I agree with this. Just thought it was an interesting hypothetical trade scenario. It would be ideal, though, if the Rockets could do a consolidation trade this season, though, so as to reduce the logjam at PF and to actually compete this season. I sort of think there is a window of opportunity in the West with the Lakers not looking so good and OKC weakened due to the Harden trade. And there is no obvious target this off season in free agency.
  17. KiwiRocket

    KiwiRocket Member

    Jun 26, 2008
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    Wouldnt mind Gasol if it was for expirings, but wouldnt want to give up anything to much of value for him as hes getting on in age.

    For those people talking about Cousins, dream on, lay off the pipe the kings will NEVER trade a C with that much potential.
  18. BeeBeard

    BeeBeard Member

    Feb 24, 2008
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    So I'm underrating Gasol am I? Let's see what his playoff averages were for the the last two years, shall we?


    19 million dollars. For 13 points and 10 boards.

    And just as a sanity check, you do realize that Pau Gasol is not the President, correct?

    As in, we refer to former Presidents of the United States as "Mr. President Bush" or "President Clinton" even though they're no longer President. It's something we do.

    And what I'm getting at is that you realize that Pau Gasol is in no way, shape, or form an All Star talent, correct?

    He's a former all star. As in, he was one as a younger man. You realize those days are way, way over for him, right?

    Do you also realize that Daryl Morey has said that he will attempt to make a trade for a young, potential all-star to complement Lin, Harden, and Asik before the trade deadline? He has literally said this.

    And the worst possible case if that doesn't work out is for...sure...the trade deadline to then pass, and for the Rockets to then have way, way more clout in the 2013 free agency market than any other team? And the ability to sign a player who is young (unlike Gasol) and hasn't just spent the last 15 years running his legs into the ground in Spain and in the NBA?

    This is just comical to me. The only reason people are even thinking about Pau Gasol--still--even now--is because the trade for him made sense a long time ago. But now it doesn't. The situation has changed. The Rockets are rebuilding with young pieces, and Pau Gasol just spent another postseason being awful. So the world is pretty sure he's awful in the postseason at this point! It's time to get over it and move on.
    1 person likes this.
  19. DonatasFanboy

    DonatasFanboy Member

    Feb 14, 2012
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    James Harden averaged 16-5-3 on .435% in the playoffs. James Harden sucks.
  20. BeeBeard

    BeeBeard Member

    Feb 24, 2008
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    Except that's excellent production for a sixth man, and more importantly, were great improvements over Harden's playoff numbers the year before that and the year before that.

    What a terrible, logically inconsistent try.

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