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Random Houston Rockets Trade Ideas - 2012-13

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Clutch, Aug 10, 2012.

  1. J-Red

    J-Red Member

    Jul 8, 2012
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    I like the idea of trading Martin to get something for the future. Possibly a 3 team trade with Sacramento for a disgruntled Cousins mid way through the year. Throw in any other team to make that happen, but getting Omri wouldn't help the team since we have Lamb who we want to develop into a possible scoring machine and Delfino behind him, unless you include him too and then get Casspi. Then we get younger even more and add more athleticism too. But first we still have to cut the team down from 18 to 15, and then we'll know who's gonna be trade bait.
  2. sgl_carlos

    sgl_carlos Member

    May 8, 2010
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    Thanks for the reply. I agree with you on this one.
  3. DonatasFanboy

    DonatasFanboy Member

    Feb 14, 2012
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    you guys are way overvaluing Martin. Cousins, lotto picks? Martin is someone that a contender might want. Not rebuilding teams, at least not for assets that are key to their rebuilding projects.

    That said, I love the arguments used for Martin and against Martin.
    Houston should trade Martin because.... he'd hurt developing their rookie wing.
    Cleveland should get Martin because... he'd help developing their rookie wing.
    That's a talented lawyer speaking right there. :p
  4. IzakDavid13

    IzakDavid13 Member

    Jan 2, 2011
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    Kevin Martin is a rare talent, a scorer that is one of the leaders in both 3 pointers and free throws. He can drop 20 in quarter and has the ability to open up the floor for the rest of the team. A perfect compliment for someone like Dwight Howard...:(

    Martin is not going to be traded away just for trades sake...I could even see him resigning in Houston at seasons end for a deal similar to, or just a little more than, Lin & Asik.

    That being said, does anyone like my Morris trade mentioned on the previous page?
  5. DonatasFanboy

    DonatasFanboy Member

    Feb 14, 2012
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    If i was Phoenix, i'd like that 2nd trade (Patterson, Morris, pick for Gortat + bad contract). But it's hard to understand what the Suns are doing right now. They seem to believe they are in win-now mode.

    They are the one team that i could see taking Martin and giving a good pick/young talent.
  6. Yung-T

    Yung-T Member

    Apr 16, 2009
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    That's ClutchFans trade logic in a nutshell.
  7. dobro1229

    dobro1229 Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    Yeah, I would say that Gortat might be the one guy on their roster they consider untradeable other than Dragic(who no team would trade for with a final year PLAYER OPTION).

    To be quite honest, Asik might turn out to be a more valuable Center in the NBA when all is said & done. Gortat is miles ahead of Asik on offense, but defensively, Asik is miles ahead of Gortat. More than likely Gortat wont completely transform himself into a defensive jugernaut, but Asik will considerably improve over the next 3 seasons.

    In the future I would probably prefer the Rockets just keep on taking flyers on guys like Greg Smith at a low risk to see if they can find a young big man who can potentially challenge Asik for minutes rather than sell the farm for someone like Gortat when he might not even be better than Asik in 2 years.

    As for trading Martin to Phoenix, Im not sure I see a good fit for a trade there, but you could get creative with a 3rd team added.
  8. blunto

    blunto Member

    Nov 9, 2009
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    "2011 CBA: Taxpaying teams can acquire no more than 125 percent plus $100,000 of the salaries they trade away (same as 2005 CBA). Non-taxpaying teams (based on their post-trade salary level) can acquire up to the lesser of 150 percent plus $100,000, or 100 percent plus $5 million of the salaries they trade away. The cash a team pays or receives in trade is limited to $3 million annually." Larry Coon. Breaking down changes in new CBA.

    Did my brain just go stupid, or is there a glitch in the trade machine?
  9. DonatasFanboy

    DonatasFanboy Member

    Feb 14, 2012
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    that applies to teams that would be over the cap after trade.
    if a team has enough cap space to absorb someone's contract, these rules don't matter.
  10. blunto

    blunto Member

    Nov 9, 2009
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    I thought the old CBA only imposed limits on salaries in trades if you were over the cap, while the new CBA draws lines around how much a team pays in luxury tax. Even then, regardless of if you are a taxpayer or not, there are still limitations, albeit that non-taxpaying teams have more flexibility. Right?

    Has the Trade Machine adopted all of the 2011 CBA rules, or have the new rules not gone into effect yet?
  11. DonatasFanboy

    DonatasFanboy Member

    Feb 14, 2012
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    no, the trade rules are still built around cap space.
    They made it a bit easier for teams to get up to the luxury tax and a bit harder for teams to go deep into the luxury tax. So there are more 'lines' now. But still, a team under cap can take on salary as they please, as long as they don't go more than 100k over the cap after such trade is done.
  12. dobro1229

    dobro1229 Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    Shows how much I know or knew. Presti sure isn't afraid to break up the nucleus of a young contender. Kudos to him for having the marbles to go through with it.

    Surprisingly enough is that Morey was able to get the deal done without taking Perkins' contract with Harden. I thought for sure Presti would look to move Ibaka to the 5 full time, and bring in a solid young PF.

    Looking back at these trade scenarios, it seemed so unlikely, and Morey actually did BETTER than I originally thought he would do in the trade IF he got the chance to wheel and deal with Presti. Good trade Morey.
  13. Progs

    Progs Member

    Oct 17, 2012
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    Paul Millsap

    How about getting Paul Millsap for Terrence Jones,Marcus Morris, and a future 1st rd pick in 2015...Utah might make Millsap expendable with the emergence of Enes Kanter in the preseason and they have Derrick Favors also in the fold... Millsap would be cheaper to get than LeMarcus Aldridge...
  14. mr. 13 in 33

    mr. 13 in 33 Member

    Oct 23, 2010
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    I really would love to get jefferson or nene but I don't see it happening
  15. Da_Spark

    Da_Spark Member

    Oct 24, 2008
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    Close but nailed it. :grin:
  16. W22_STREAK

    W22_STREAK Member

    Apr 14, 2008
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    guys, we shouldn't be making any trades for stars during the next season. All I think we should be doing is trading away Delfino for a second round pick, and thats it. We need to let Lin and Harden loose, and COMPLETELY LOOSE, and let them wreck havoc to their heart's content. Hopefully we will be landing a lottery pick coming next draft, and go all out for a star big in Free Agency!!!

    So no trades til next offseason!!!!!!!
  17. W22_STREAK

    W22_STREAK Member

    Apr 14, 2008
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    why would we trade for Pau Millsap or Al Jefferson when we can simply just sign them on the cheap when they come off their current contract? Why does anyone here want to lose draft position while also giving up a whole bunch of assets such as Terrence Jones and Patrick Patterson and future picks for someone who will not be contributing any meaningful things this season AND take up our capspace AND lose us good draft position??!!!!!
  18. James Harden

    James Harden Member

    Oct 28, 2012
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    Lets trade for James Harden, I like his game
  19. dobro1229

    dobro1229 Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    No reason to give up that much to get someone they are going to look to move this season for peanuts anyways. If Kevin Martin's value at the tradeline was projected to be a low first round pick & fillers, I would assume Millsap's would be something similar.

    Morey has a nice collection of mid sized expiring contracts right now in Douglas, Livingston, Aldrich, Cook, etc. I wouldn't be shocked if he bundled those players with either a young player like Morris/Patterson or a draft pick, but not both to get another player they might look to sign long term after this season.
  20. Da_Spark

    Da_Spark Member

    Oct 24, 2008
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    And that's why we're not NBA GM's. ;)

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