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610am morning show calling for Morey to get fired.

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Verbatim, Aug 14, 2012.

  1. Ziggy

    Ziggy QUEEN ANON

    Jun 11, 1999
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  2. GBRocket

    GBRocket Member

    Apr 8, 2003
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    And is that where you'd want to be?

    What about Nene? Doesn't he suck now?

    And Pau. Would he even be good given that he clearly never wanted to come here.

    What about our cap flexibility. Would we have any at all?
  3. jc9495

    jc9495 Member

    Nov 11, 2011
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    I have little faith in Morey and his "plans"... but this reason is stupid. Nick Wright quit making baseless claims about our sports teams like you've been here a while (he moved here a few months ago from KC). In fact, SR610 is nothing but out of towners with the exception of Lord and Lopez, who have been around here for a while.
    SR610 owns the bragging numbers, but being the best SR station in Houston is like being the tallest midget. They are all terrible. 790 has their 3 best hosts all in the exact same show (morning). They need Lance in the morning with a yes man. Give Matt Thomas or Dylan Gwynn guy a couple hours midday when everyone streams Rome anyways, and give Matt and Adam the entire afternoon through drive time. Sorry Charlie. Just my .02
  4. BamBam

    BamBam Member

    Nov 3, 2003
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    Yea!!....but it's mostly about the St. Louis Cardinals or the LSU Tigers
    and just recently the Kansas City Royals
  5. coachbadlee

    coachbadlee Member

    Feb 5, 2010
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  6. psingh34

    psingh34 Member

    Feb 18, 2009
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    I would take the opposite side to wrights point of view ... IF they rockets HAD made a trade for dwight howard by also taking in 3 bad contracts, giving up draft picks (lottery unprotected) than I would have considered firing morey. 3 bad contracts would have meant howard was going to leave anyway (bc the only hope we would have had was to pair him with another superstar through FA and that option would be gone with 3 bad contracts) So then we would have lost all our cap space, all our rookies and STILL not have howard. Yah that should get a GM fired.

    OFCOURSE orlando GM is going to come out and say well the rockets hindered themselves by the moves they made. What is he supposed to say? that i was forced to take a lesser deal due to pressures put on me by the player and his agent?

    SERIOUSLY does anyone think having howard along with turkalou, richardson and duhon makes us a contender? all that would have done (assuming howard stayed) would make us a perennial 4-6 seed that at best made it to the second round and that is assuming howard would want to stay for that which he clearly would not
  7. sjackson0

    sjackson0 Member

    Apr 28, 2002
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    That's when Radio was good....710 right now is trying to get that back. Their morning show is better and the drive home isn't close; Charlie is king. I wish they could get the Texans one day and then John Mclain will follow. Put 610 out of business
  8. heypartner

    heypartner Member

    Oct 27, 1999
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    All reports say our offer was able to clear $12m more in salary cap for ORL than the actual offer, and this was after Lin and Asik.

    There need not be anymore speculation on this point, at all. There is no IF.

    We now know what ORL required in salaries going out. They did not move Turkoglu, effectively only Duhon and JRich.

    Lin and Asik did not prevent us from absorbing those contracts...and that assumes both Duhon and JRich had to be absorbed by us, which is is not what actually happened, as the Laker's took Duhon's contract.

    610 can't go on air with "IF" scenarios and speculations. The facts of the trade are on the table, now. Very poor journalism.
    1 person likes this.
  9. Buck88

    Buck88 Member

    May 29, 2001
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    I would put Lance with Charlie in the afternoon and that should finally put an end to SR610 days of #1 drivetime to an end!!! That also put Matt and Adam in a more natural "2 man show" that was really good IMO. Problems I could see is Lance wanting to stay in the AM and Charlie wanting to keep his 1 man show.
  10. BamBam

    BamBam Member

    Nov 3, 2003
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    Charlie by himself doesn't do it for me....he needs a good sidekick
    to defer to every once in a while or it becomes mundane
  11. BONIERO1576

    BONIERO1576 Member

    Dec 19, 2002
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    These guys aren't even paying attention. The contracts we're back loaded not only to keep the other teams from outbidding us but also to keep the cap hit down the first two seasons. Neither of those signings affected the trade and they wouldn't have affeted our ability to resign him after one season. It also meant that Les was willing to pay the luxury tax in year three just to keep Howard. They played their hand. I think Morey played it pretty well. I think the misconception is that Morey was willing to throw anything at Orlando in order to get it done. I think he was gathering all those picks in hopes that some combination of it would work in order to be flexible and still have a viable roster if we pulled it off. He wasn't just offering the farm to Orlando.
  12. Ricksmith

    Ricksmith Member

    May 6, 2009
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    Any time someone makes threads about 610 or that fat tard, Innes, 610 gets exactly what they want; Attention.
  13. Air Langhi

    Air Langhi Contributing Member

    Aug 26, 2000
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    It would have been back loaded for the NY and Chicago. It counts 8/8/8 for the rockets, because the rockets have the cap space to pay them 8/8/8.
  14. Air Langhi

    Air Langhi Contributing Member

    Aug 26, 2000
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    They are by far the no1 station in houston. They get a 100k more listeners than KBME. I hate listening to KILT cause its all texans all the time, but it isn't like they need the pub.
  15. Nimo

    Nimo Member

    Jul 16, 2012
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    When was this? The morning show is the only show on 610 I can stand to listen to anymore (mostly for Texans news) but I haven't heard Nick even talk about Morey recently.

    Months ago, I could understand someone saying this. If Morey (and/or the media) set our hopes up about getting Howard or Bynum but instead we got Lin and Asik. That's pretty disappointing. But a lot transpired in the last few months and I don't think we really had that much of a shot getting Dwight.
  16. GATER

    GATER Member

    Jun 25, 2000
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    I'll take it one step further. Howard was never coming to Houston and on the TX Lotto type of odds he would have...he wouldn't have stayed.

    But the media hype surrounding the chasing of Howard allowed the Rockets to create an intriguing fascade. They can now do a semi-tank job on the premise that they tried for Howard and came up short.

    I don't like the $Ball approach...but I want Morey here long enough that legions of apologists have run out of excuses.
    1 person likes this.
  17. BamBam

    BamBam Member

    Nov 3, 2003
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    A true apologist "NEVER" runs out of excuses....:grin:

    Actually I hope Morey is proven right or we are in for a
    much longer "Magic Carpet Ride"....:(
  18. emjohn

    emjohn Member

    Jul 29, 2002
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    Don't listen to the trolls. 610 is just running with Orlando's weaksauce spin at the post-trade justification press conference. Orlando also tried to say they made the deal for cap flexibility...even though they have the same 2013 cap space as they did before.

    Hennigan was in talks with the Rockets before the draft. There's no crying about the Lin/Asik deals when a trade could have been struck long before.

    1) Morey wasn't that damaged in the head to take back Turk, Davis, Duhon, and Richardson combined. No one was. The Magic were pissy because they knew Morey COULD do so but wasn't going to - hence the summer long BS rumors they leaked to try and make Morey cave.

    2) Rockets still could have offered Orlando immediate and longterm cap savings. Orlando took a deal that gave them neither.

    Morey didn't botch this deal. At most, you can blame him for not overpaying to make it happen - it's obvious at this point that Orlando gave Houston an outlandish price that they didn't apply to LA. We were offering $4, they demanded we pay $6, then turned around and sold him for $2.

    Ultimately, we're better off. We know how disinclined Howard was to come here, that he would not play a full season, that there was a looming risk he'd sign with Dallas out of spite.

    Now, we get to keep all the young players and go into the 2013 draft with a shot at two very good lottery picks.

    Magic can try to associate themselves with the OKC model all they want, but they walked away with a handful of 2nd round picks and a couple of late firsts, spread out over the next 6 years. Good luck with that, House of Mouse.
    #58 emjohn, Aug 14, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2012
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  19. sugrlndkid

    sugrlndkid Member

    Apr 22, 2012
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    switched to 790...and havent looked back...610 is garbage now...just hoping the Texans find a way to also move off the network...
  20. bloodwings19

    bloodwings19 Member

    Jul 12, 2006
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    If Rich Lord of 610 said it, it would raise my attention. And if Charlie Pallilo said it from 790, it would definitely raise my attention. Other than those long time Houstonians, I don't care what these personalities say.

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