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DONE DEAL: Dwight Howard to Lakers, Bynum to Philly, Iggy to DEN, Garbage to ORL

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by SidDaKid, Aug 9, 2012.

  1. jopatmc

    jopatmc Member

    Sep 4, 2002
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    Not really too bold. Those guys ranking teams, they aren't watching teams on a day to day basis. They're looking at the transactions. We know what we had on the floor last year. We know what the strengths and weaknesses were. I guarantee you, I along with others here have watched 20x the number of Rox games last season than any of those guys that rate teams have watched.

    This is a better team. They will take some time to gel. They will be a different style team. Look for a lot of helter skelter run up and down play, more than last season. But this is a better team.
  2. sugrlndkid

    sugrlndkid Member

    Apr 22, 2012
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    "Breaking news" a three way trade which includes the Bobcats, Rockets and ORL.

    Rockets get Michael Jordan and tickets to Disneyland, Bobcats get Hennigan and Howard, and ORL gets a 1st round pick and free tickets to NASA
  3. Ziggy

    Ziggy QUEEN ANON

    Jun 11, 1999
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    Great deal for Philly and Denver.
  4. The Cat

    The Cat Member

    Jan 24, 2000
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    Completely agree with you, by the way.
  5. anchel

    anchel Member

    Jan 7, 2010
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    I also think we would be better than most of people thinks, still, teams that young and that new rarely compete for the playoffs.

    And you don't consider that other teams have also imrpoved. Utah, Minnesota, Golden State, Clippers...

    I'd say the current roster is a 30-40 wins team, depending on a lot of things.
  6. sugrlndkid

    sugrlndkid Member

    Apr 22, 2012
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    In our own division...we will be the lowest ranked team(SAS>Dallas>Memphis>>NO> Houston)...jopatmc...put down that purple stuff...its bad for you...:)
  7. Nero

    Nero Member

    Jun 12, 2002
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    Clearly that would be a HORRIBLE deal for Orlando, especially considering what Houston can offer.

    But everyone knows Houston CAN beat every other offer by a mile, and while we don't know exactly what our off is, we should feel pretty certain that there IS an official offer of some kind on the table already to Orlando for DH.

    So the question is, since a deal has not yet been done, what is the hold-up?

    If it is the easy assumption, that Henigan is trying as hard as he can to get MORE from us than we have offered, then that leds to the obvious conclusion that Orlando is asking for pieces from Houston that Morey is as yet refusing to give, or else a deal would be done by now.

    So that then leads to the most interesting question to ponder: what EXACTLY is it that Orlando is asking for that Morey is unwilling to give up?

    My own guess is that Henigan is demanding one or both of Lamb and Motiejunas. Whether we love the 4 young PF's we have or not, they simply can't all stay here. If they do, at least two of them are going to have no careers, because they will never get any time.

    So it should be safe to assume that Morey is willing to give two out of Jones, PPat and White. And MAYBE Motie, but I hope not.

    But if Martin goes in the deal, which he almost assuredly must, then that leaves us with a gaping need at his position, and hence Lamb being the one player I suspect Morey is not going to budge and give up.

    My guess is this is all mostly about Lamb.

    It's a game of chicken to be sure, because Henigan probably sees the same thing we see, that we have a totally unbalanced roster, filled with high quality assets, but the longer WE wait, the less valuable our own assets are, just like DH loses his value to Orl with every passing day.

    The ace in the hole for us of course is that we will have several really good high picks over the next couple of years, and that is more than Orlando has, so we still hold the upper hand.

    The only bad thing is, when two really stubborn people play chicken, they can actually both lose.

    Here's hoping morey is better than Henigan at it.
  8. jopatmc

    jopatmc Member

    Sep 4, 2002
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    We have 4 rookies. Look for at least 1 or 2 of them to make significant impact. And don't be surprised if more of them than that make significant impact. No, Asik and Lin by themselves do not make up for what we lost. But Asik, Lin, a healthy Patterson and Martin, and the rookies make up for what we lost. Remember, Martin and Patterson were basically no-shows for most of the season. Motie will most likely see rotation minutes, probably 20-25 to start the season and then 30 or more by the end of the season. He's young, full of vim and vigor, and he's skilled. He's gonna be a load for other teams to match up with coming off the bench. Patterson is young, healthy, and coming into his prime in his 3rd season. Expect him to be very, very good. Those two right there, will make up for Scola's offense (Motie) and will be 10x better defensively (Patterson).

    And don't be surprised that with or without Dwight here that we make another deal or two or three. We've still got cap. And we've still got plenty of trade options.
  9. Clutch

    Clutch Administrator
    Staff Member

    Feb 13, 1999
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    The only real scenario, in my opinion, where the Rockets should ditch (or could justify ditching) a full rebuild is for Howard, because he's a rare talent and probably a risk worth taking.

    Outside of that (and maybe not even that), the Rockets should be sticking to a full rebuild plan. But I agree with you -- I'm not convinced they're going to do that. Everyone keeps saying they are but I just don't believe that Les Alexander is suddenly going to admit mistakes the past few years and change his philosophy.

    I don't think this current team is a playoff team -- you may be underestimating the learning curve for rookies in the NBA.

    I'd say the Thunder, Lakers, Spurs, Clippers, Timberwolves, Grizzlies are playoff teams. Mavericks, Nuggets, Jazz, Blazers should be better than the Rockets. You can argue the Suns and Warriors might be.
  10. Raven

    Raven Member

    Jul 24, 2002
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    If that's the best Orlando can get, maybe Lamb isn't part of the deal, as most of us assumed.

  11. withmustard

    withmustard Member

    Dec 14, 2002
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    I'm concerned about how thin we are at the 1. Maybe I'm spoiled but we've had the league's best back-up point for 3 years now and I can't even remember who it is now.

    I don't really trust Martin at this point. If he gets back to scoring 20 a game efficiently than good, but after last season's injuries and pouting, i'm not banking on it.

    We also traded two 7 footers, for 2 less proven 7 footers.

    I hope you're right about this upcoming season, but it seems like a huge longshot.

    Maybe put some money down in Vegas?
  12. sergio

    sergio Member

    Sep 25, 2009
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    If this deal goes through, it would be another example of how clutchfans overrates our players and assets on here.
  13. Nero

    Nero Member

    Jun 12, 2002
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    No it wouldn't. It would be an example of Henigan deliberately committing career suicide.
  14. juicystream

    juicystream Member

    Apr 17, 2001
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    They would certainly need to get more back. I think Gasol to Orlando makes some sense, since I think Gasol can be moved for more pieces at the deadline, or even just for the cap space in the offseason to the losers of the DHoward/Bynum sweepstakes.

    Edit: And to clarify they would have to be unloading all their bad contracts for receiving Gasol to make sense.
  15. Doctor Robert

    Doctor Robert Member

    Feb 16, 1999
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    Gasol made sense before we cleaned house. Now he makes absolutely NO sense. We would have to turn the team upside for a second time this summer to bring veterans in, which I don't see happening (although I didn't see the complete roster dump happening this summer either).
  16. The Cat

    The Cat Member

    Jan 24, 2000
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    Um, no. It would be an example of the Rockets not OFFERING what many here expected them to offer. There's not a sane person in the world that, in Orlando's shoes, would prefer Gasol/Afflalo to a package starting with Lamb, the Toronto pick, Martin and others. If something like this goes down, it's because the Rockets for whatever reason weren't willing to make such an offer.
  17. juicystream

    juicystream Member

    Apr 17, 2001
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    You remember when Chris Wallace pulled the trigger on that crappy Lakers deal?

    Worked out well for him.

    Hell, David Kahn still has a job, and the average fan could do better.
  18. jopatmc

    jopatmc Member

    Sep 4, 2002
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    I don't really want to derail this thread further by discussing whether or not we are a playoff team right now. I understand those of you that don't think we are a playoff team. One of the biggest things you don't account for is how hard we play, the fact that we won't tank. Some of those other teams, when they see they aren't great, they'll tank. But enough of that.

    Bottom line is still.............Dwight is coming to Houston. This is all a bunch of drivel created by Fegan and Hennigan to serve their own purposes. Fegan is trying to get Dwight to the Lakers. Hennigan is trying to extract the best value for Dwight. And they aren't going to be able to come up with a combination involving Denver and Philly that accomplishes both. They may be able to involve Houston and do both. But Denver and Philly won't get it done. Dwight is still coming to Houston.
  19. haoafu

    haoafu Contributing Member

    Jun 29, 2006
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    I mostly agree with you, and Morey himself said we will be better than people expect. I'd say we'll probably hit lottery again, but should be very competitive and anything can happen.
  20. rocketblood713

    Apr 14, 2011
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    you'll believe it when you see it but then it would be too late lol

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