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Has Morey officially gone off the deep end?

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by TheRealist137, Jul 12, 2012.

  1. rhester

    rhester Member

    Jun 14, 2001
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    I like Daryl Morey, but he is responsible for our strategy to win a championship, I am not interested in making the playoffs unless we are contenders are moving in that direction.

    Morey has had 5 yrs.
    I liked Van Gundy because I was lucky to spend a couple hours with him and he totally impressed me.
    I liked Adelman until I was lucky to have lunch with him when he came here and he told me a bunch of stuff that sounded crazy. I don't think he and TMac ever hit is off that first season because TMac didn't want to change their playing style.

    I think Morey had to be on the same page with Adelman or why make the change. (or Adelman was on the same page as Morey)

    GM's always wait too long to break up a team and Morey did that (can't fault him too much because I am sure it was under Les' orders) but still your GM has to move you ahead in 5 yrs.

    True he had to deal with alot of injuries but you could see the handwriting on the wall back in 2009 and 2010 that this team wasn't going to win a championship and I believe we should have been in a rebuilding mode back at that point.

    Again I like Morey, he is smart, he works hard, he is nice, and hopefully he will bring some team a championship.

    I think it is a long shot for him to do it here at the place we are.

    Getting Dwight Howard would be awesome but taking on garbage contracts and players will only start the cycle over.

    We need to land a top draft pick when a top player is available. Then build the same way we did with Dream and Yao.

    I know that if we sign Howard everything hinges on him resigning and if he does then it will take us a couple years to clear the bad contracts and get some good pieces around him.

    And after all that if Morey makes any mistakes and we don't win it all with Howard we are starting over again.

    It's not easy to win a championship but give me a good GM and a good top draft pick and start me there.

    I think we have to go with the Oklahoma City model, that is how we have been successful in the past.

    i don't see us doing it the Laker/Celtic/Bulls way we don't seem to have that kind of draw for free agents.
  2. albuster

    albuster Member

    Feb 18, 2009
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    This. And we don't even know yet how many no. 1 picks Orlando will demand from Morey. This is a huge huge gamble which, if it works, Houston will still have to rebuild around Howard, and this if he returns. If there are not many picks left in the next few years due to the trade, how will the Rockets build around Howard?
    Man, this would really be a very interesting development if it happens. The risk is extremely high even if Howard is traded here.
  3. Sydeffect

    Sydeffect Member

    Sep 6, 2010
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    God stop calling it the OKC Model! They just sucked for a few years and drafted well that's normal not something special that they did.
  4. liveguy

    liveguy Member

    Jun 23, 2011
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    lmfao @ "heavily flawed."

    Battered wife syndrome is all you, playgirl.

    I bet you still believe in Santa.

    Your time?

    You're the one that started this back and forth, but yet your time is so precious all of sudden, and YOU keep replying??? hahahahaha


    If you didn't want it, why start it?

    "I never said...I never said...."....blah blah.....whatever.

    Did you find that link yet?

    .......... ????
  5. Rox225

    Rox225 Member

    Feb 17, 2004
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    I'm a bit confused. It seems as if folks easily discount the whole situation with Yao. It has only been a year since Yao retired. He was supposed to be the centerpiece of the team, but we all know how that turned out. If Yao stays healthy then who knows how the past few free agent/trade periods would have turned out. I'll give Morey two years after this summer to show progress one way or another. If we trade for Dwight, he better get him resigned and surround him with the right pieces. If we skip Dwight, then he better make the right moves to have us knocking on the door.
  6. T-Slack

    T-Slack Member

    Jul 1, 2009
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    The Terrance Williams trade was genius move by Morey

    I'll admit I'm not the biggest Morey fan but his move to trade for T Will for a furture lottery protected pick was a sick unintentional foresight since the Magic can't have it since it belongs to Hawks since the nets traded the pick fpr Joe Johnson and we can't send another pick to any team until the Hawks collects the debt, but the pick is lottery protected and looking at your roster as of now its easily a top 5 lottery team. So I guess thats why the Magic is making it a little harder to get Howard.
  7. ind0fo0

    ind0fo0 Member

    Nov 18, 2006
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  8. kingjosh

    kingjosh Member

    Mar 13, 2010
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    Sentence structure and paragraphs are your friend. T-will was obviously morey's worst move, but hey, OKC spent the 11th pick on cole Aldrich once as well.
  9. T-Slack

    T-Slack Member

    Jul 1, 2009
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    I'm basically saying the T will trade saves us from trading a top 5 pick queen Josh
  10. Pizza_Da_Hut

    Pizza_Da_Hut I put on pants for this?

    Jul 16, 2003
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    I don't even know how to respond to this... You went full r****d son. There's no coming back from that...
  11. SynergySin

    SynergySin Member

    Dec 5, 2008
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    I'm mostly just glad that we're finally doing SOMETHING. I'm sick of being stuck in the middle.

    The way I see it, there are 3 outcomes:
    1. We get Dwight Howard and have enough cap space to sign another max deal next year
    2. We don't get Dwight, but can offer Bynum a max deal
    3. We tank and suck, and end up with high lottery picks until we don't suck again.
  12. liveguy

    liveguy Member

    Jun 23, 2011
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    No Hablo Ingles?

    lol.....figures, Sammy Sosa.

    Base argument for me has always been "just say not to a rental"

    You continually say "he may sign, he may not....." ...."he didn't say it himself" blah blah....and you're going back and forth with me as if there has NEVER been an instance in human history where a person has spoken through the media via another person(s)...

    Okay, lady....lol

    To me...with no assurances, it's "full r****d" to trade for a player that all visible indications show, doesn't want to play for your team.

    You think its smart business, obviously....I think it's effing stupid.

    You can deflect and subject change all you want.....but at the end of the day, when my Rox get screwed, then what?

    Per documented reports, that's what's prolly is gonna happen.

    If not and he signs long term....I will be the happiest mofo on this site!!!

    That said...you can Tooth Fairy this situation all u want.....but when all is said and done...we are not Brooklyn.

    He want's Brooklyn....and you can find multiple sources that say so.

    "I will extend with Brooklyn only" means he wants to play in Brooklyn LONG TERM!

    But naw......I'm trippin' for gathering that from given info right, sis? hahaha

    The fact that you gloss over KEY isht like that to save face for your lily-livered argument is comical.

    If he was willing to sign an extension with Houston also...wouldn't he have said that too?


    Did he?

    Wait...he didn't?

    I'm done waiting on that link, Becky.

    You got nothing. lol

    Good night, ma'am.
  13. meh

    meh Member

    Jun 16, 2002
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    I'm quite sure liveguy's just a troll. The way he posts is asking for conflict rather than trying to have a true discussion.
  14. liveguy

    liveguy Member

    Jun 23, 2011
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    I promise you i'm not, dude.

    I'm passionate about the Rox and bleed Rox red through and through.

    That said...someone comes at me sideways for voicing my view that doesn't jive with theirs and they want to argue about, cool.....I will defend self.

    Not here to start isht or make enemies.

    Real talk....I'm not.

    I just speak my mind.

    If u have search function...you'll see that.

    For those that don't like that....cool.

    Igonore me.

    I was over it before it happened.
  15. eddiewinslow

    eddiewinslow Member

    Jun 18, 2011
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    I can't help but wonder if Morey's Real Plan...

    Is to get Dwight, have dwight miss half the season with injuries, we land a top pick possibly #1, let motiejunas develop quickly as the star of the team since we'd have no talent besides him and then go into 2013 with a pipe dream shot of landing a top 3 pick

    Top 3 pick Shabazz Muhammad
    Chris Paul

    This would literally be a dream come and Dwight would definitely resign for more money plus having #1 pick plus possibly rookie of the year plus enough cap space for CP3, no personally I think CP3 will never leave LA so even iguodala would be a haul and we'd back to contender status with 2 studs on cheap deals and 2 studs on max deals.....OKC clone.....thoughts?

    I think morley needs to get off the peace pipe and just let us suck and land a top pick without dealing away 10 players for dwight
  16. gsmiths_s

    gsmiths_s Member

    Jul 6, 2012
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    If Chris Paul is a target you likely end up like Cubans/Mavericks ploy for Deron Williams. With nothing.
  17. ScubaSteve

    ScubaSteve Member

    Jun 2, 2012
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    Here's his real plan
  18. munco

    munco Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    the chances of all of that happening is one in a trillion. no way a stats guy from m.i.t. would bet on that.
  19. bloop

    bloop Member

    Oct 11, 2007
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    he's talking about 5 years and TBH Morey built a championship contending team within that time frame.

    that 2009 team was a contending team. even without Yao they took the champs to the limit. I believe with Yao that team would have made the Finals. and Yao OWNED capital letters boldface Dwight. versus Orlando, Houston would have won. by any measure that team was good enough to contend for a title

    what Morey is thinking with Dwight is clear. he just needs a centerpiece. he feels he can draft and trade for unheralded talent to surround Dwight. but he needs that first piece.

    he's specifically thinking about the Lakers and Thunder in the West and Miami in the East, against whom Dwight at center would be an unmatched asset against some teams that have very few weaknesses
  20. munco

    munco Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    it definitely makes no sense. we're going to be worse than the magic if the trade happens and we're in the west where it's even tougher to make the playoffs. oh and then there's the little fact that he doesn't want to play for us.

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