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Has Morey officially gone off the deep end?

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by TheRealist137, Jul 12, 2012.

  1. cheaterwon

    cheaterwon Member

    Jun 26, 2012
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    NO he didn't go off the deep end. Either way we were not going anywhere with those guys as are vets and best player is a team and I have heard everyone of you all at one time are another asking why we don't play are youngsters. Well guess what everyone is getting what they have asked for for 2 yrs. if no trade happens. The PG position is a little questionable but every time we question DM the GM moves at the PG position he always ends up being right. Think back and how you felt on these days when we made the trade for Rayfor Austin for Kyle Lowrey then it was arron brooks for Dragic and every time he has been right and we have been wrong. I believe this time I think he thinks he struck gold with Machado and traded Dragic and lowrey for cap space and Machado. Another move that leaves us all going WTF but watch is always Morey will probably be right. As for Scola I loved his personality and even his play on the court but he is far from a number 1 option and definitely deters from playing people like D-Mo who could be a legit number 1 or 2 option on a team but wont find out while we have really good but not good enough vets like Scola. I am worried but then I sit back at all the times that Morey has had me worried before only to end up in a slightly better situation than we were before. And we know the rumors are never true and always different then whats being reported. That is why ESPN hates him because he doesn't tell them **** and makes them look like idiots.
  2. rlmjdime

    rlmjdime Member

    Mar 1, 2007
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    Awesome. Nothing else really needs to be said. I have actually decreased in intelligence by having an association with you; who has an association with him.
  3. liveguy

    liveguy Member

    Jun 23, 2011
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    Naw, lady....YOU are the dumb one here, ma'am.

    If you honestly believe that that "not a chance" blurb wasn't put out there to scare the Rox off, YOU ARE THE IDIOT HERE, PLAYA!

    Clearly he wanted the info out there, hence it was out there!

    If he didnt want the info out there he would have denied it.

    Did he?


    That's what players and agents do when they DON'T want something to happen.....

    The fact that you think someone can deduce that from given info is telling about your intellectual level.

    But burden of proof is on me though, right? lol

    have fun listening: http://www.sports790.com/player/?st...e=podcast&program_id=pallilo.xml&mid=22252856
  4. roslolian

    roslolian Member

    Oct 30, 2008
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    For someone with the name "THe Realist" seems you have no grip on reality. I'm could slam your post point by point but a lot of that has been discussed on the boards already. There are a few unavoidable facts though:

    *Got 2 pfs because we're gonna use some of them in a likely DH trade. Also, a lot of the picks were BPA. If you subscribe to BPA in drafts then you shouldn't b**** about the picks.

    *Drummond deal didn't happen because Charlotte picked MKG 2nd and everybody could see they were gonna get their man in the draft. Are there any blockbuster trades that happened after MKG got picked? NO! That's because NO ONE wanted to moved down. Not sure why you're pinning the blame on Morey on that one. Also Drummond hasn't proved anything yet. His summer league wasn't that impressive.

    *Amnestying Scola will free up cap space regardless of a Dwight deal or not. Either way that clear time for our PFs. Why are you b****ing about that? LMAO this thread is so full of fail.
  5. Pizza_Da_Hut

    Pizza_Da_Hut I put on pants for this?

    Jul 16, 2003
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    Unless I hear Mr. Dwight Howard utter the words in which you claim he said, that podcast is not worth my time. While you feel like scouring the interwebs with claims to strengthen your arguments, why don't you look up the meaning of logical fallacies as well as fallacious arguments. Please do that before you waste my time again. Thank you sir.
  6. cbk41

    cbk41 Member

    Dec 21, 2010
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    This is why having media rights is such a power thing that deserves respect and responsibility. But in this day and age where sources aren't needed and news coverage is available 24 hour a day, along with the presence of social media, it really is a deadly weapon.

    In what other context can one spout out mis-truths and accusations that are mostly baseless, even looking ridiculous themselves at times, and still have warriors defending their thoughts/positions like it's blatant fact.

    Makes me realllllly sad sometimes, honestly.
  7. roslolian

    roslolian Member

    Oct 30, 2008
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    The team we got when CD retired was composed of two superstars and a ton of trash like Juwon Howard, CHarlie Ward and Boki Nachbar. Those two stars got injured, and we somehow replaced them with guys like Scola et al, all of whom are certainly much better than Rafer Alston and Luther Head.

    The team we have now is better top to bottom.
  8. Oski2005

    Oski2005 Member

    Nov 14, 2001
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    You are still overvaluing these guys and missing my point.

    Morey could be the greatest evaluater of NBA talent of all time, but it doesn't matter, you very rarely find all star players in the middle of the draft. To get a top tier player, you need to be picking in the top 3 or sign one as a FA and you can be as dumb as dirt and make that happen.

    We aren't getting a top 3 pick by staying the course and top tier FAs aren't signing here, not because they don't like Morey, because there isn't already a superstar player here for them to join with.

    Morey has shown he's good at finding good players where others have not, but the most you can hope from these guys is to be good supporting cast types, not the star of the show.

    Setting ourselves back isn't a problem because we really only have two options, take a step back and start over or take a giant leap forward. To not make this move is staying in place, treading water. If Dwight leaves, we can still spin him for something, possibly Bynum, it's win/win.
    1 person likes this.
  9. Pizza_Da_Hut

    Pizza_Da_Hut I put on pants for this?

    Jul 16, 2003
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    That implies that you had intelligence in the first place...
  10. liveguy

    liveguy Member

    Jun 23, 2011
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    Did he deny it?

    Legit question....

    Yes or No.

    If so....link please.

  11. Hak34

    Hak34 Member

    Feb 21, 2009
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    You guys drink the Morey Kool aid.

    The Rockets are in their 2nd longest playoff drought in 40 years.
    Morey has failed to allure any FA's to Houston. Some may say due to his way of handling players.
    The Rockets have no superstar, no real centers, and no real NBA PG or PF on their squad. All for the chance to maybe sign DHo for one year.
    How have these worked out for us.

    Steve Francis II
    Mike James II
    Giving 6 million in cash for 3 second round picks
    Joey Dorsey
    Brad FREAKING Miller
    Trevor Ariza
    David Anderson
    Derek Fisher
    Hasheem Thabeet
    Randy Foye over Brandon Roy
    Frederick Weis
    Giving the Nets a first rounder for TWill
    Releasing Linn...OH yeah we had two PGs already...and Jonny Flynn
    Jonny Flynn
    Will Conroy
    Jermaine Taylor
    Chase Budinger
    Jordan Hill-would of rather just let Tmac fall off the books.
    Kevin Martin.

    Lets not mention the Bosh Ipad embarrasment. Or the fact that he actually fired JVG and Rick to hire Kevin McHale. Supposedly because Rick wouldn't allow the GM to dictate playing time of such super additions like TWill. Look at how wonderful that worked out.

    Facts are facts. Houston used to be a place where we constantly drew big time FA's and players. Since Morey the Asset maker, penny pincher came along is it any wonder no one wants anything to do with the Rocks.

    Facts are facts. The Rockets as currently constructed are the Charlotte Bobcats. Even worse. If he manages to pull DHo then they are at best a low level playoff team (which is worse than what DHo had in Orlando) and first round fodder.

    The man hasn't struck gold in the lotter since 2007, and has made a series of terrible decisions and horrible draft picks.
  12. rlmjdime

    rlmjdime Member

    Mar 1, 2007
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    You caught me. I'm going to have a quick cry.
  13. Pizza_Da_Hut

    Pizza_Da_Hut I put on pants for this?

    Jul 16, 2003
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    Answer my question first: did he say directly to the media he will not sign with the Rockets if he is traded there? Yes or no. Stop twiddling around the question, saying that hearsay is good enough, has Dwight Howard contacted ESPN, NBC Sports, or even Telemundo and said "if traded to Houston I will not resign there after my contract ends"?

    I'll answer that one for you. No. At best he has said he will explore his free agency options and that Brooklyn is the only team he will sign an extension with before his contract ends. That doesn't mean he won't sign here, it doesn't mean anything other than what it means: he will not sign an extension with any team but the Brooklyn nets. That says nothing about resigning, that says nothing about anything other than an extension. Quit trollin'.
  14. Vnilla_Gorilla

    Dec 7, 2011
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    He's going all in on the last available superstar of this era. If he fails, who cares, there isnt anyone else up for grabs any time soon so might as well scrap the mediocre team and rebuild anyway. There comes a time when you have to cash in your chips, win or lose. At least we can say goodbye to 9th place purgatory.

    Although I think assuming Howard would bolt just because we arent on his magical list is comical, I do see the irony in hoping the CP3 will leave money on the table while expecting Howard not to.

    BUT, I dont think it would come to that. If CP3 decides he wants to sign somewhere other than LA, it is in their best interest to do a S&T in order to get something for him. Thats how he'd get his max deal.
  15. dreammvp

    dreammvp Member

    Jul 11, 2006
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    why didn't you apply for the GM job when it came open..i'm sure you are more qualified than an MIT graduate with experience running a NBA franchise...you have got to be kidding me..i love it when posters here think they are smarter than morey or know whats best for the team...its this guys job...its not a hobby...i'm pretty sure and i'm going out on a limb that you don't know all that goes into all the moves he is making...

    i think somebody needs to push you off the deep end....i'm just playin...you are entitled to your opinion..even though it is not correct:)
  16. hairyangryfella

    Jul 12, 2012
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    Having read this entire thread, this post strikes me as being the best one -

  17. liveguy

    liveguy Member

    Jun 23, 2011
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    No troll here, at all.

    Did HE say it directly......no...you busted me (lol...pfft).....that's well known.

    I've said repeatedly "Dwight's people...", per the media.

    But according to NBA insiders, "sources close to DH" did say it and DH didn't deny it.

    Now just steppin' back and using simple reasoning....

    Dwight's people: "not a chance"

    Dwight: *crickets*

    My guess (i know....its stupid to use deductive reasoning) is that he co-signs that sentiment.....if not....he woulda said something if he didn't think that, right?

    I mean....RIGHT???

    Wait a second.....He didn't, did he?

    Did he?

    Did you find that link where he said he would sign long term OR that he said he never said "not a chance?"

    Still waiting.....
  18. Krizzle

    Krizzle Member

    Mar 2, 2012
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    Morey has the biggest balls of any GM I haver ever seen.


    big ballsy moves hes making
  19. Rox225

    Rox225 Member

    Feb 17, 2004
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    I'd spend time trying to answer all of your drivel, but name the last time a big time free agent went to a team w/o another player to attract them there?
  20. Pizza_Da_Hut

    Pizza_Da_Hut I put on pants for this?

    Jul 16, 2003
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    Ok, so you admit your first argument is heavily flawed, now you're trying to waste my time stating that because he didn't address the issue it means he agrees with it? I never claimed Dwight would stay, I never even claimed he liked Houston, all I claimed is that he never said what you all said he said. However, I will bite here. Dwight's people do not equal Dwight. Dwight's silence does not mean he agrees or disagrees. I will not be so bold (or stupid) enough to claim to know what is going through his head, but if you feel like you are qualified to, be my guest. It's comical. Dwight has not affirmed nor denied that he will wear Rocket's red for one or more seasons. I live in the world of facts, maybe you should join me here? No. That's alright...

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