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Morey to be on 790

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Horry33, Jul 9, 2012.

  1. Rockets Jones

    Rockets Jones Member

    Apr 27, 2008
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    For us, how can that be when the roster is already set?
  2. hooroo

    hooroo Member

    Oct 16, 2003
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    and if you're that free agent. i wonder how you'd feel hearing that? :eek:
  3. Genesis

    Genesis Member

    Jun 24, 2010
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    I don't think its Morey begging to be on the radio in the first place.
  4. DieHard Rocket

    Sep 9, 2000
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    I think the only thing that can save Morey at this point is to strike gold in the lotto. It's becoming evident that he's not a good recruiter whatsoever and his reputation with players isn't very good -- he's probably too transparent in interviews like this, honestly. He'd be better off being vague and sweet talking the team like Kubiak and Rick Smith do with the Texans.

    I don't know if we'll ever see him lure in even a top 10 player, which is a shame because he could put together an unbelievable team if he could just do that.
  5. Horry33

    Horry33 Member

    Oct 9, 2009
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    First of all Dragic and Lowry are not here so what does that matter.

    I'm talking about him saying
    "We're gonna go after players. If we don't sign them, you shouldn't be upset about that. Nothing's lost but our time. So it's not a big deal."

    Losing Lee's restricted status can't be ignored.

    And Morey shouldn't be telling rockets fans not to be upset about Rockets not signing the players they are going after. Absolutely absurd. For example, there is a reason why Morey is going after Asik and that's because he likes him more than any other big man for the price. So if he fails at getting Asik then he is turning to his own 2nd, 3rd, or 4th option. Of course we are going to be upset that he can't get his 1st option in free agency.
  6. JoeBarelyCares

    Jan 9, 2001
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  7. arno_ed

    arno_ed Member

    Jan 14, 2002
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    I agree with Morey, you do not overpay for players unless they are either a superstar, or you have a superstar and are championship material with this one signing.

    Why overpay Dragic (or give a player option) when he will do nothing beside getting us barely in the play-offs or just outside of the play-offs.

    All the people who are complaining about the tredding water for the last 3 years should be delighted, we are ging all in, either we get a superstar (I do not want Howard) or we are a bad team who will get a high lotery pick. There seems to be no tredding water this year. either way things change.
  8. HollaIFyaHEMI

    HollaIFyaHEMI Member

    Dec 29, 2011
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    Wow guys...so the Rockets are finally doing what we begged them to do last year. Playing the young guys, clearing up cap space, and somewhat tanking. Now you want to complain? Seriously...who gives a crap about Asik and Lin. They are not going to make the Rockets any better than .500. Hopefully we don't end up getting them, and when we lose 55 games next season we can at least look like we tried. I am excited with the direction the Rockets are taking, as this is exactly what we wanted to do if we didn't land a star.
  9. JoeBarelyCares

    Jan 9, 2001
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    I think it is obvious Morey drew the line in the sand in the Dwight negotiations that we would not be taking back any bad contracts. Right or wrong, this is why Dwight will not be a Houston Rocket.
  10. TexAg713

    TexAg713 Member

    Feb 24, 2010
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    I assumed he meant summer league, but maybe not. Radio host on 1560 asked him point blank who was playing the point and Ishmael Smith was the first name mentioned.
  11. Rockets Jones

    Rockets Jones Member

    Apr 27, 2008
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    That's a good thing though, doubt it's true though. Do you want us to be tied up in bad contracts of Turkoglu and or Davidson / Duhon or whoever for a year rental of cry baby dwy?
  12. Dreamshake1

    Dreamshake1 Member

    Jun 30, 2012
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    I feel like we were all sold a dream and now are realizing it. The more Morey talks the less his fans can support him. He's obviously back peddling at this point
  13. conquistador#11

    Jun 30, 2006
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    but what if dragic turns out to put up superstar numbers? I have mixed feelings on this because I really like gogi, but I'm also confident maury can find the next dragic in llull or some kid sweeping the universities of Hahhhvahhd.
    But where does it end...then those guys get replaced after their contract is up
    : Maury in creepy matthew voice:

    "you know what I like about my contracts...i keep getting older they keep expiring."
  14. Rockets Jones

    Rockets Jones Member

    Apr 27, 2008
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    I'm loving it, the guy always come across as desperate to me and should've to everybody else. Just look at all the star players he has tried to get here and failed every single time. He must be tired :)
  15. xiki

    xiki Member

    Jun 18, 2002
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    Lee's loss, if without compensation, is not positive but doesn't throw me into piteous paroxyms of peevishness. Dragic's does. Lowry was undersold IMHO. I am hoping for some return on Lee and Camby, but not holding my breath for big smiles.

    It is fair to anoint DM the GM as the anti-Riley, a very very poor recruiter.

    It smells er seems like, at this point (or lack thereof), we will play the season hoping for lotto ball magic because we'll have plenty of them to play with.
  16. Mav-Hater

    Mav-Hater Contributing Member

    Jul 15, 2004
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    So it is his undercover Morey Basher ID. Cool. He should be at 1000 posts before lunch time!!!LOL :grin:
  17. xiki

    xiki Member

    Jun 18, 2002
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    Superstar #s do not necessarily equate to superstar. But Gogi IMHO can lead a very good team plenty far.
  18. Rileydog

    Rileydog Member

    May 24, 2002
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    I listened to the whole thing. Those that have not and are reading quotes should listen, to get context.

    One thing that came out of the interview that should be discussed.

    "Nothing lost" if you fail to sign RFA's like Lin or Asik
    That comment came in the context of a larger discussion about the fact that we are in a phase where we have no franchise player and in such a phase, all actions go towards landing a franchise player and you can't overpay what you think is proper value. So, in that context, saying that there's nothing lost if you don't get Lin or Asik was clearly intended to say that you haven't lost anything in the bigger picture of getting a franchise player.

    In a big picture sense, I basically agree with him. However, I disagree to the extent that Lin and Asik have the potential to become very good players that are attractive teammates or trade chips.

    However, Morey needs to stop giving interviews or become a better salesman. His honesty is refreshing and enlightening to me and a lot of fans. However, I don't think it helps with "recruiting". In the NBA, I think players get it's all business, but everybody, and I mean everybody, wants to feel valued.

    Morey's words: Everything we're doing is geared towards landing a franchise player.

    What current Rockets hear: I know I'm not a franchise player but damn . . . don't act like I suck. I guess I'm a temp holding down a spot until my replacement arrives. If they didnt' pay Dragic, I guess they won't be paying me.

    What Free Agents hear: I'm not a franchise player but I'm damn good. If the Rocket's won't pay, some other team will pay what I'm worth. Hell, they don't even pay their own dudes that play well. If I sign there, when it's my time to re-up a contract, they won't pay then either.

    Bottom Line:

    - Morey, your plan is obviously right. Quit acting like you have to sell the plan or convince people you're right.

    - You aren't talking to a bunch of brilliant Ivy/MIT grads where you can have a GM summit type conversation.

    - Fans will see that the Rockets stink, and other than the die hards around here, they'll quit paying attention and attendance will plummet. Doesn't matter what you say.

    - Players dont' need to hear this either.

    - Let me provide some lines for you:

    "The Rockets are committed to winning championships. Not 1, not 2, not 3, not 4. . . ."

    "Our approach to doing that is to get great players, and we are looking for young players that can become great."

    "Everyone saw that Jeremy Lin has star potential. And he is a lethal bridge partner, which translates to PG play in the NBA."

    "Omer Asik has proven his ability to completely shut down the paint at an elite level. You don't have to look too far in the past to see that championship teams have been built on defensive anchors."

    "Lamb. White. Motie. Jones. Parsons. and on and on. We have accumulated a number of terrific young players that have star potential. We need to find out what these young men will become."

    I got plenty more lines Daryl. I work for cheap. Email or call me. Until then, dont' give interviews.
    8 people like this.
  19. jopatmc

    jopatmc Member

    Sep 4, 2002
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    Give me an example of a player in Lowry's class hitting restricted free agency and a team paying them to stay off the RFA market.
  20. Rockets Jones

    Rockets Jones Member

    Apr 27, 2008
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    Morey's honesty is going to kill him, just like it did for T-mac and many others. You can't keep saying stuff like this and get away with it. The whole asset thing is overblown but when your GM keeps using it when he's referring to players, that's not going to sit well with human beings. Morey comes across as a ****ing moron, he doesn't have any social skills. Press conferences is even worse, did you see how he wasn't happy at all this year introducing the 3 guys. You can just read Morey like a book, his body language reveals his true feelings and that's bad, considering what he says is most of the time bad already.

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