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Is it fair to judge Morey on wether he hits the "Home Run" or not?

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by jae713, Jun 28, 2012.

  1. Ashes

    Ashes Member

    Jul 8, 2007
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    So your natural progression is solid then great? Hmm, I see.

    Regardless, solid is not bad, but less than good in my book.
  2. Downtownbrown

    Downtownbrown Member

    Jul 12, 2009
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    I understand that he has been aggressive in trying to get a superstar. I understand that you don't make a deal just to make a deal. Even with that said OKC got better from day 1 to year 5. I have not seen the Rockets get better from Day1 (Being the year we missed playoffs) to year 3. I would like to see progress. It doesn't have to be a "home run" but it needs more substantial then getting another Jordan Hill that has potential. Who ever we get needs to help this team make the playoffs.

    DOMINATOR Member

    Feb 10, 2007
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    Thats dumb. So morey has been gm for 15 years? Come on. He started with 2 injury prone players to build around. Not easy but he did it with moves for scola artest brooks then found solid players in lowry lee martin bud etc... Its not his call to tank or not but he certainly gives the feeling he wanted this past season. But again thats on les. Now is the time to show just how good he is by using his 'assets' to get some big time players. If he doesnt then you all can criticize him but as of now how is he not a top gm. Only knock on him as of now would be the high player turn over rate which looks bad to players but shouldnt to superstars.

    How many top teams have been built from nothing? All from high draft picks which morey doesnt have the luxury or wade playing super friends. Only the mavs and spurs have maintained competitive because cuban does anything to win and spurs are solid organization top to bottom.

    If morey was replaced yall would want him back so quick itd be hilarious.
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  4. ArtV

    ArtV Member

    Jun 25, 2002
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    I like what he's done so far. I would hate it if he blew it all on Howard and wasn't able to get him to stay. All the signs point to failure but he wants to pay chicken or thinks he's got an Ace up his sleave.
  5. jwayne

    jwayne Member

    Feb 16, 2009
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    Old cliche: It takes two to tango.

    No one can say Morey hasnt tried all he can to hit that "home run". I can in fact guarantee he is trying to hit one right now as I type. But if other GMs dont play ball, its hard to hit the home run.
  6. glimmertwins

    glimmertwins Member

    Jun 26, 2006
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    All you can judge the guy for is how well he did putting us in a position to win. Houston has been dealt a pretty poor hand for the last several years and Morey came into a bad position with two stars who were physically unable to hold up. Yao's brief career and Tracy's sudden drop off where both relatively rare occurrences for guys on their talent level.

    Morey has taken that poor situation and made us a decent team every year and tried to keep us in the right place at the right time with enough picks, young talent, cap space, and reasonable value vets to make something happen as a trade partner or on the FA market. To that end I think Morey has done a good job. That the opportunity hasn't been there is circumstantial. After all, how many other GM's have had to contend with getting vetoed by David Stern? It's clear Lebron & Bosh were in cahoots with Wade all along so there really wasn't an opportunity there. Melo? He wanted New York and New York wanted him and had assets to make it happen - there really wasn't an opportunity there either. Outside of those transactions - there really hasn't been another game changer I feel we missed out on. You could argue we lost out on trading up for a few draft guys but I don't think we realistically had much of a chance at acquiring anyone who was going to make us a contender today except maybe Roy in his prime(and that was very short lived).

    ...the fact that we are consistently "in the mix" for every relevant NBA transaction is a good thing - one of these times it WILL work out for us. He may not have hit the home run yet, but he hasn't got us out either. I would say he has been fouling off pitches looking for the right one.
  7. Downtownbrown

    Downtownbrown Member

    Jul 12, 2009
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    If your Pujols you can hit a bad pitch for a home run.
  8. Hippieloser

    Hippieloser Member

    Feb 25, 2003
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    It's not just other GMs. Free agents and NBA commissioners have also dick-slapped Morey hard despite his best efforts.
  9. Rockets Jones

    Rockets Jones Member

    Apr 27, 2008
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    Yes, it is because it's been 5 years now since the 07-08 offseason and the best he's come up with is trading for Gasol and pairing him with Nene. Can you imagine how bad our cap space would've been and how far we would've been from a championship with those two as our front court?? I can honestly say that is the one thing I thank Stern for, blocking that trade. This season is the last one to prove he's worth all his talk.
  10. JuanValdez

    JuanValdez Member

    Feb 14, 1999
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    I think it is completely fair, considering I'm one of the big advocates of the home-run-or-else position.

    But, I think I see the whole thing differently from you. I'd agree he's a good GM. But, I wouldn't say his moves have made the franchise better. In Dawson's last season, we won 52 games. We got slightly better with 55 wins and 53 wins (and 2nd round in the playoffs) over the next 2 seasons, and then after that basically .500 ball for 3 seasons with no playoffs. That's not getting better, that's somewhere between running in place and getting worse. You'll say it isn't fair because of the Yao/McGrady injuries. I say results are all that matter. He mitigated some damage from the injuries, sure, but he hasn't made the team better. Those are the results at the end of the day.

    Now, it didn't have to be a home-run. If he could have made us incrementally better each season, I'd be happy with that. But, instead we've run in place for 3 seasons and patience has been runnning out in the meantime. For me, the window is almost closed and Morey hasn't done much to push the ball closer to the goal. That's why he needs a big score now. To catch up.

    But, that's okay because supposedly he's been setting things up for the big score over the past couple of seasons. That even if our record doesn't change season after season, he's been making moves to put himself in a position for the big trade. Now the set-up is done and it's time to show what's he's got. Has all this work (on his part) and waiting (on ours) been worth anything?

    We find out tonight.
  11. sammy

    sammy Member

    Jul 5, 2002
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    That food was solid. That chick was solid in bed.

  12. coachbadlee

    coachbadlee Member

    Feb 5, 2010
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    No. I have never thought it was fair to Morey because of the whole T=Mac/Yao situation throwing him and the team off. He hasn't had a full season without those two to worry about.
    After saying all of that, if he wastes our future chasing a clown who does not want to be here, he needs to go.
  13. glimmertwins

    glimmertwins Member

    Jun 26, 2006
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    This must be the same guy who didn't think Kevin Garnett was a very good player...until he got to Boston, won a title, and anchored a top tier team in a relatively weak Eastern Conference.

    Being good and having opportunities are two unrelated concepts.
  14. larsv8

    larsv8 Member

    Nov 11, 2007
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    Best GM in the league easily. Greatest strength of the organization as a whole.

    Can't believe how closed minded and ruthless people are in thier judging. Almost child-like to be honest.
  15. fkc20

    fkc20 Member

    Jun 26, 2012
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    Even no more trades to come before the draft, this pre-draft performance has already been satisfactory.
  16. solid

    solid Member

    Apr 10, 2001
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    Absolutely, while it doesn't ALL depend on him (many factors involved), the bottom-line is the thing. We are all in outcome based jobs; if we don't produce results in a reasonable amount of time, we are replaced. He is in a high profile, highly paid, competitive business. You don't get style points.


    Jun 26, 2008
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    I've been VERY critical of the Daryl/Les approach to rebuilding ( depending on who you believe) but I think if he swaps these picks and goes all in for Howard it'll only enhance his reputation as a GM. He's proved he can identify role players at any point of the draft. The only thing left is to nail that superstar trade. If he gets Howard it proves he'll do anything to win and speeds up the rebuilding process whether Howard stays or not. We'll have a defined direction either way. It could play out only 3 ways IMO;

    A) If Howard walks the team is stripped and you can rebuild through the draft & with cap space. (This is the traditional way to rebuild and I think Daryl is built for it.)

    B) If Howard stays Morey is a legend in H-town and will never have to buy his own dinner ever again. (Morey can start shopping for complimentary players)

    C) This is the most unpopular option, deal the picks for future picks, while having to shuffle the deck once again for a shot at the 8th spot.

    IMO Morey has to go all in and get a deal done because whether Dwight stays or not the Rox/Morey will have a defined path.
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  18. Rocket River

    Rocket River Member

    Oct 5, 1999
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    Yes. Are the Rockets better than when he took over?
    If something bad happens. It is because Les.
    If something minor and good happens, it is all him and it is the greatest thing.

    We have been patient like waiting got Parlament on concert.
    Then being told they only doing their new songs.

    He has to cash it in.

    Rocket River
  19. MrButtocks

    MrButtocks Member

    May 29, 2005
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    Everyone who thinks Morey was dealt a bad hand can't explain why Portland is in a better position to rebuild. They were dickslammed by injuries just as badly as we were. They've been closing deals while we've been kicking tires.
  20. Joe Joe

    Joe Joe Go Stros!
    Supporting Member

    May 3, 1999
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    Yes. The NBA is a star-driven league. Morey should be judged on whether he gets the Rockets a star or not. I am counting Gasol as a 1/2 star based on what happened to that deal being out of the ordinary.

    I do find his little deals are regarded too harshly by most. He's made some mistakes, but getting value in 2nd Round has been very good. Landry, Bud, Parsons, and Llull sitting over in Spain looks to be a good haul. I think if Morey ever gets us up to the top, the Rockets will be competitors for a long time with his ability to manufacture role players.

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