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Chicago's Race War

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout: Debate & Discussion' started by JD88, Jun 21, 2012.

  1. JD88

    JD88 Member

    May 24, 2012
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    Tribune argues it's irrelevant in news

    According to a statement in the Chicago Tribune, reporting on the race of individuals involved in news events, such as mobs attacking, robbing and vandalizing, is irrelevant.

    A news anchor at the ABC affiliate in Chicago goes even further: Anyone who reads or writes about the epidemic of racial violence in Chicago is an “idiot” who engages in “meaningless … race baiting,” says Ravi Baichwal.

    City officials and the media might be the only two places left where people still deny Chicago is under assault from more than 50 episodes of black mobs attacking, beating, robbing and vandalizing over the last three years in and around downtown. Many of them are on display at YouTube.

    Some call it the “Chicago Intifada.”

    Over just the last two weeks, black mobs are under investigation in at least five new violent incidents in downtown Chicago.

    And according to the award-winning policeblog Second City Cop, there may be 25 more incidents of mob violence and lawlessness in that weekend alone that were never reported.

    “As someone who worked in downtown Chicago for many years, I am horrified that residents are not only not being protected by the police, but that the city and media are actively denying the public the facts they need to fulfill the most basic of human rights; protecting themselves,” said MichelleJacobsen.“The police and media have three basic purposes; serve, protect, inform. Their purposely miserable failure isputting livesin danger.”

    The latest epidemic of violence was centered around the Blues Festival on June 9. Shortly after a concert ended at 9:30 p.m., a mob attacked an out-of-town visitor and left him with a broken jaw. Six juveniles and one adult – all black – have been charged in connection with the assault.

    Thirty minutes later, another mob in a nearby subway attacked a man trying to protect his wife from theft and assault. The Chicago Tribune said he suffered a “concussion, a fractured orbital bone under his left eye, two cracked teeth and a cut over his left eye that required six stitches.”

    The paper published pictures of the assailants, none of whom has been arrested or identified.

    The next night, a doctor at Chicago’s Northwestern hospital was beaten by a mob, the second attack on a doctor in that area in 10 days, says the CBS affiliate in Chicago. All the suspects are black.

    Meanwhile, the Second City Cop web site says mob violence in the downtown precincts is massively under-reported:

    “And for the record, the ‘three’ ‘muggings’ that are being ‘investigated?’ Add a zero to that for incidents occurring last night in 018 (the downtown precinct.)Crimeisdown and ifno one reports it or the media doesn’t get a hold of it? It never happened.”

    The Chicago New Report provides details of similar assaults for the following weekend: “Saturday, Chicago police officers were kept busy trying to control huge crowds of unruly, young African Americans in the city’s increasingly violent downtown area. Separate groups, of nearly two hundred people, were responsible for several disturbances and at least one robbery in the area.”

    Over the last three years, Chicago has been Ground Zero for an epidemic of racial violence and denial – with dozens of attacks against women, “gays,” seniors, Asians and others from black mobs. Few, if any, were reported as racial violence.

    The beat reporters may not be connecting the dots, but three Chicago columnists are. If only to deny the dots are connected –or even exist.

    Last July, Tribune columnist Mary Schmich recounted the latest example of black mob violence, and said “there’s another fact that you also know, but it’s one you haven’t read in the Tribune or seen explicitly stated by most of the official media: The young men were black.”

    Which has nothing to do with anything, she says. And besides, she and her friends worry how reporting the race of the criminals “will reflect on all the good black kids.”

    Schmich’s comments echo a policy statement from Tribune editorial page member Steve Chapman.

    “There are good reasons not to identify the attackers by race. It’s the newspaper’s sound general policy not to mention race in a story, whether about crime or anything else, unless it has some clear relevance to the topic. My question to readers accusing us of political correctness is: Why do you care so much about the attackers’ race? If you fear or dislike blacks,I supposeitwould confirm your prejudice. But otherwise, it tells you nothing useful.”

    But posters to Tribune news sites and callers to talk radio wonder why the media has so much invested in refusing to report a unifying factor in many of these violent crimes.

    City officials sometimes even deny the violence exists – let alone has a racial component. Last year, the city closed North Beach for Memorial Day after a crowd of 1,000 black people attacked beachgoers, knocked some off bikes and created other mayhem.

    Mayor Rahm Emanuel said the beach was closed because it was too hot. No one told him about wide-spread racialviolenceat the beach, he said. Other city beaches remained open. Callers to talk radio and leaks from the police department revealed the true extent of the violence – and who was responsible for it.

    Also during the summer on at least fiveoccasions,mobsof black people swept through the “gay” district of BoysTown,beating, assaulting, destroying, even knifing. Some of it is on YouTube.

    According the local ABC affiliate: “It was an obvious mob mentality. You saw people cheering it on. People running in to give one quick jab or kick and the then back out and cheering them on. It’s scary,’ said Rob Sall.

    “Residents say the problems are due to largegroupsof people from outside the neighborhood loitering in the area. Alderman Tom Tunney, 44th Ward, said Monday night that this is a subject that has been coming up for the last couple of years. There tends to be large groups of minority youths on Halsted.”

    There’s been a stream of headlines:

    Random attacks cause concern in Chicago – Chicago Tribune

    Police Supt. Garry McCarthy vows to hunt down ‘flash mob’ suspects – Chicago Sun-Times

    Officials: Flash Mobs Already Plague South Side – CBS Chicago

    Four robbed, attacked by mob of young men in Streeterville –Chicago Sun-Times

    Teen mobs suspected in downtown assaults –chicagotribune.com

    The list go on and on. So does the list of universities,sports teams, retail associations, hospitals and others that have warned their employees and customers that downtown Chicago is now a dangerous place.

    Tribune columnist Mary Mitchell grudgingly acknowledges all the mob attackers are black. Mitchell doesn’t much like that, but she insists race has nothing to do with it. She says the attackers are from the suburbs, so don’t blame Chicago. She does however, worry that her grandchild goes to school with too many white children.

    Back in the city, Congressman (and former Black Panther leader) Bobby Rush said black mob violence has been around for a long time: “You know as well as I – shootings, killings,and flash mobs. This is a new one now. Flash mobs, pepper spray assaults by young men have dominated this weekend’s news. I’m disturbed because it happens on the South Side on a regular basis. It seems as though when it happens on the North Side, then it’s newsworthy.”

    Over the Memorial Day weekend, 10 people were killed and 40 shot, largely in Chicago’s black neighborhoods. The next weekend, the numbers were 8 dead and 40 wounded. And the weekend after that, five dead and 28 wounded.

    The Superintendent of Police Gary McCarthy said crime is down and he is frustrated that people do not know it.

    Last year, just a few days after denying there was any problem with violence from the 1,000 black people who were rioting at North Beach, McCarthy said he knew who was responsible for all the violence: Sarah Palin. Because she supports the right to bear arms.

    While city officials and the Chicago media stumble over each other to deny the racial violence, at least one black Chicago alderman figures if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em: Earlier this month, Alderman Anthony Beale said if Metra, the city transit agency, does not hire more minorities, “people are going to get hurt.”

    Even the Sun-Times could not ignore that: Its headline said: “Beale predicts violence if Metra doesn’t hire more minorities for rail project.”


    Talk about dangerous place to visit.
  2. Raven

    Raven Member

    Jul 24, 2002
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    Detroit 2.0 if the issue is not addressed.
  3. Mathloom

    Mathloom Shameless Optimist
    Supporting Member

    Oct 4, 2008
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    It doesn't help that this article uses the word "black" 17 times. Even if it is important, is it that important?

    Reporting things in this way has been scientifically proven to have "conditioning" implications, whether intentional or not. Since we know this to be true, then reporters are responsible for ensuring that they are avoiding the practice which is a serious breach of ethics against their consumers. While the people committing the crimes seem to have race in common, there are several other factors which they have equally in common and are more pertinent and completely ignored by these reports.

    It is probably irrelevant what their race is IMO. What is relevant is that they have committed crimes, many of them are juveniles and they have grievances.
  4. Raven

    Raven Member

    Jul 24, 2002
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    That does not excuse deliberately targeting a person because of their race.
  5. Mathloom

    Mathloom Shameless Optimist
    Supporting Member

    Oct 4, 2008
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    I don't think I said it does?
  6. RocketRaccoon

    RocketRaccoon Contributing Member

    Aug 13, 2001
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    merited racism! isn't that what some liberal on this board called it? Merited racism?

  7. JD88

    JD88 Member

    May 24, 2012
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    Unless it serves as a warning for others. Maybe had they REPORTED the first twenty instances that happened, people may have been aware that this was going on.

    You're right, there are other circumstances that need to be stated as well. Location probably most importantly of all (each incident had the location given), time of day (most instances had that given as well), situation (most instances of this were also given).

    What wasn't given was their race. I am careful as it is (and strapped), but if I was a Chicago resident and there had been 20 REPORTED (there's that word again) mob attacks by groups of black teens in the past few months (over 50 in the last 3 years), I may keep a closer eye on them as they approach me from the other side of the street. If there was groups of 8-20 (sometimes more) white teens running around Houston beating people within inches of their lives, A) it would be all over the news, and B) wouldn't you like to know??? I know I would.

    I bet you they didn't when have to state their race in the article, and you could probably guess. That's not important. What is important is that people have been put in danger to protect the feelings of a group of people, as if that's anything new these days.
  8. Rocket River

    Rocket River Member

    Oct 5, 1999
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    Hopefully we get back to the days of white women clutching their purses in elevators!

    If there were white. . . i am not so sure you would know about it.
    Alot of 'white crime' goes unreported and in some cases unenforced.
    Of course. . .you cannot really track the NOT crimes

    In any case, if this is true, then something needs to be done
    I know some would like some chad holley type beatings to go on . . .
    but their has to be some other things on the plate.
    First, Why is this happening . .. . is it mainly money? Doesn't seem so but . . . . have to ask

    Rocket River
  9. DaDakota

    DaDakota If you want to know, just ask!
    Supporting Member

    Mar 14, 1999
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    Mob violence, eh?

    I don't think there is anything wrong with reporting the facts.

  10. JD88

    JD88 Member

    May 24, 2012
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    RR, I looked into it a bit more, it appears they have cut some social programs, which I think is a bad idea, that many have said has led to a rise in violence.
  11. krnxsnoopy

    krnxsnoopy Member

    May 16, 2005
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    Basically this...

    I agree, nothing wrong if they're just reporting the facts.
  12. SamFisher

    SamFisher Member

    Apr 14, 2003
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    World Net daily, run out of some wingnut basement in virginia, is where I go for all of my local south and west chicago news updates.
  13. JD88

    JD88 Member

    May 24, 2012
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    "It is a Top 500 website, according to Alexa.com, the search and ratings agency affiliate of Amazon.com, and the No. 1 independent news site. WND currently attracts nearly 5 million unique visitors a month and more than 40 million pageviews, according to its own internal monitoring software."

    But seriously, the statistics reported in this article came from Second City Cop, voted as one of Chicago's best blogs by the Tribune, and Best Police Blog in 2008. They monitor all the crime in the city. I guess they are just making things up?
  14. SamFisher

    SamFisher Member

    Apr 14, 2003
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    They are definitely making up that there is a race war in Chicago. There is not one.
  15. Nook

    Nook Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    Race relations is Chicago are bad.
  16. cml750

    cml750 Member

    Jun 14, 2002
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    1 person likes this.
  17. Dairy Ashford

    Dairy Ashford Member

    May 20, 2002
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    They condition their descendants to racial anxiety, disdain and subconscious stratification through a century-and-a-quarter's worth of segregated residential, educational and professional opportunities; you assimilate and emulate them for your own social and economic well-being, and mind your own business while the worst of your breed bash up some windows for the amount of days it takes to unload the tear gas and authorize precinct overtime. That's the Chi-ca-go waaaay.
  18. Ottomaton

    Ottomaton Member
    Supporting Member

    Feb 14, 2000
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    I have trouble taking this thread seriously because I can't get this song out of my head as I read the thread:

    <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/ryVh9BuwOs4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    If Al Capone and Bugs Moran were around today, how long until some blogger started on about the impending Italian/Irish race war?
    #18 Ottomaton, Jun 22, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2012
  19. Dairy Ashford

    Dairy Ashford Member

    May 20, 2002
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    I don't know if blacks will ever assimilate or breed into the majority culture as well as those two groups, so unless East Asians and Hispanics start migrating in much huger numbers you could see this kind of story about this group for the next 50 years.
  20. Damion Laverne

    Nov 19, 2010
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    My fellow blacks aren't helping themselves by perpetuating the stereotypes that plague them everyday. Stupid asses!

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