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2012 Draft Rumors: Would Portland do a Lowry trade?

Discussion in 'NBA Draft' started by Egghead, Jun 1, 2012.

  1. xiki

    xiki Member

    Jun 18, 2002
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    Is there not a value to the TE as well? Particularly if coupled with a PPat or MMor for the #6 and #11 or with Sac for #5?
  2. xiki

    xiki Member

    Jun 18, 2002
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    Drummond got me excited about Thabeet when he talked about how Thabeet dominated him while they worked out together. So, since Drummond was supposed to be 'all that' I extrapolated that the Rox were in great shape at the 5. Drummond's season + Thabeet's = no thanks by my rough arithmetic.

    Henson 'seems' a lock at #9 to Pistons???
  3. xiki

    xiki Member

    Jun 18, 2002
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    Gotta wait for '14 for the 2012 picks to be valued in TheToyShop.
  4. plutoblue11

    plutoblue11 Member

    Dec 13, 2006
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    Another thing to reference with the Blazers, they are in position to move up and they might have a shot at Charlotte's pick with #6, maybe #11 and even Wilson Chandler and filler.

    One team that needs to trade out of the draft, but won't is ... the Washington Wizards.

    We might have a chance at Golden State's pick, but there are trying to net a small forward in return. You could trade Martin and #16 pick for the 7th pick. You could see what you could get with that pick and Lowry.
  5. plutoblue11

    plutoblue11 Member

    Dec 13, 2006
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  6. xiki

    xiki Member

    Jun 18, 2002
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    IMHO a roster should have about 10 guys who can be counted on for an 8-9 man rotation. Then a couple of vets and youngsters for insurance, development and practice.

    Last season's roster was replete with many too many similar talents with nothing to sustain their p/t but unhappiness at the coach and their situation.
  7. xiki

    xiki Member

    Jun 18, 2002
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  8. plutoblue11

    plutoblue11 Member

    Dec 13, 2006
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  9. plutoblue11

    plutoblue11 Member

    Dec 13, 2006
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    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/V1xHtOMCJPg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  10. jopatmc

    jopatmc Member

    Sep 4, 2002
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    On a serious note, if we draft Drummond to keep him and not trade him to somebody else, I'm going to join the 'Fire Morey' brigade.
  11. Houston_Rockets

    May 19, 2010
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    It´s funny, once upon a time there was this kid Perry Jones, one of the most intriguing prospects out there, now everyone is "sleeping" on him, this kid is one of those that will tremendously benefit from the NBA stile of game as opposed to college, IMO.

    I am going to be honest here, this is the 1st draft were I will demand Morey to go after the pick that lands the stud he thinks is a franchise player, we have 3 big time assets to go up in the draft #14 and #16 picks, Lowry, with Scola and Martin available too. I don´t care how much other teams value these, all I want is to go up in the draft and go after "our guy", I demand it DM.

    I demand big time upside and no safe picks, regardless of position. Perry, Drummond, Lamb are big time options in my mind
  12. Egghead

    Egghead Member

    Apr 22, 2008
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    I wouldn't take Drummond in the top 10. Too much of a risk. Reminds me of DeAndre Jordan coming out of a&m. Jordan was a top recruit who didn't play well his freshman year. Jordan was a projected lottery pick but his stock dropped after workouts and interviews.
  13. Deckard

    Deckard Blade Runner
    Supporting Member

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Does Drummond really shoot under 30% on freethrows? That's beyond terrible.
  14. RealContender

    RealContender Rookie

    Feb 25, 2012
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    I'd first offer Lowry and #14 to Portand for #6 (only if Beal were available).

    If Beal were still available and Portland said NO to Lowry and #14...

    I'd offer them Lowry, #14, Morris and Budinger.

    If they STILL said NO....

    I'd offer them Lowry, #14, Parsons and Morris for #6 (Beal).

    On a side note, maybe Minnesota ends up giving us #18 for Kevin Martin. Even more ammunition to move up with. (Yes, I'd also offer #18 for a shot at Beal)

    I have no problem whatsoever giving up a decent player who's more suited for a bench role (Parsons) as part of a package for a potential franchise-changer.

    ^^ I just feel like I need to be proactive and state that for the record. I'd trade 4 starters from this team for a shot at Bradley Beal.

    This is the time Daryl Morey needs to swing for the fence. If he hits a home run...well, Great! If he misses horribly...oh well. He's got to knock this Draft out of the park....not only for the Rockets' sake, but for his job's as well.
  15. plutoblue11

    plutoblue11 Member

    Dec 13, 2006
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    The Budinger deal, I'm not sure you could do until after the draft. Although, he's restricted, he's still a free agent.

  16. RealContender

    RealContender Rookie

    Feb 25, 2012
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    Thanks. I forgot about Bud being a FA.

    I think we'll be able to get to #6 without including Bud in that deal, but I'm not pulling any punches if I'm Daryl Morey. I'm giving up whatever Portland, or Sacramento, wants to get up and get the 6th (or 5th) pick and Bradley Beal.

    'Tis time for a superstar in Houston.
  17. meh

    meh Member

    Jun 16, 2002
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    To me, it should be something much more simpler than what you and Clutch are talking about. Because you can't just judge equal value in basketball like you would baseball or football. It boils down to this IMO.

    "IF" by the draft comes and come the 6th picks, a player the Rockets deem to have solid all-star potential and possible superstar potential is on the board, then they should be willing to trade Lowry straight up for that pick.

    "IF" come the 6th pick and the star-potential guys are gone with only some very iffy, unstable prospects, the Rockets should just go ahead and retain Lowry for later. Lowry is signed for 2 more years. The Rockets have no need to trade him now.

    To me by far the most important criteria to any Lowry trade is how much the Rockets like the guy at #6. The other stuff, swapping 14 with 11 or adding in 16 with Lowry are much more minor in the grand scheme of things. Granted, Morey tends to be good at negotiations and end up getting a little more to a trade than most, but that's more negotiations than anything else.

    I don't know. If he lacks the handles that some scouts feel he does, then he'll flounder in the NBA. He's intriguing if he's a 6-10 guy who can blow past slower defenders and post up smaller guys. But that's predicated on him being able to do that. Otherwise, he'd just be a lame stretch 4 that can't do anything well.
  18. moonnumack

    moonnumack Member

    Jun 7, 2002
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    As much as I like the idea of using Lowry to obtain a high draft pick, based on recent history, I just don't see it happening. How many times have teams with high lottery picks traded them in exchange for a veteran near the draft? The only 2 occurrences that come to mind are:
    -Boston's #5 pick for Ray Allen (who was a much better player than Lowry at the time)
    -Our own infamous #8 pick for Shane Battier (who was marginally worse than Lowry at the time)
    Am I missing any? If not, that's 2 trades of that nature in the last 5-6 years, and none in the last 3 years. It's great to postulate, but it only happens very rarely. Most teams tend to overvalue their draft picks or undervalue veterans from other teams.
  19. cod

    cod Member

    Aug 20, 2010
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    I'd trade out of the lottery if it indeed is lacking in start potential.

    The way I look at it, Gortat has a far higher trade value than either 2Patt or Morris. Trade the 14th for Asik who cannot sign for over the MLE. A 25yo true 7 footer.
  20. Ken8

    Ken8 Member

    Jun 23, 2011
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    If Lowry + 14th pick for Portland's 6th and 11th pick is sufficient, I will be ecstatic. However, to be more conservative and make the trade proporsal more enticing for Portland, I will include Samuel Dalembert as well and this will help them fill the center hold.

    I will then move Kevin Martin to Timberwolves say for Beasley and 18th pick(might work as Rick love Kevin Martin and most of the time Beasley is sitting on the bench anyway).

    I will then trade Beasley, Patrick Patterson and 16th pick to either Golden State or Detroit and get their 2012 pick.

    6th pick - Drummond
    Golden State/Detroit pick - Jeremy Lamb
    11th pick - Perry Jones III
    18th pick Tony Wroten

    Resign Camby and Dragic(or maybe Lin?) with the cap that we have. Perry Jones III and Marcus Morris can play either forward. Hence our Rockets line up will be

    C - Camby/Drummond/Greg Smith
    PF - Donatus/Perry Jones III/Marcus Morris
    SF - Parsons/Marcus Morris/Perry Jones III
    SG - Courtney Lee/Lamb
    PG - Dragic(or Lin)/Tony Wroten

    Trade Scola for whatever we can get or start him until any of the backup can take over the helm. I might be crazy but I would love to see those lineup. Drummond and Greg Smith could learn from Camby to at least be a defensive center. Perry Jones III and Marcus Morris can interchange between forward. Marcus Morris can be the PF and Perry Jones can be the SF on the offensive side. On defense, Perry Jones can be the PF and Marcus Morris can be the SF on the defensive side. The only trade that I don't see happening is the trade with either Golden State or Detroit. If that's is the case, I will sit pat and hope Terrence Ross drop to us at 16th pick.

    I think this line up can win now and if everything turns out well, set us up for the future. But I think all this will not happen because I think Daryl will not take such a high risk especially with Drummond, Perry Jones and Wroten(could be the best point guard in the draft).

    To me if this project fails, we are set for the top pick next year and as time passes and Drummond, Perry Jones and Wroten mature, this team could be scary.
    1 person likes this.

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