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Take Austin Rivers

Discussion in 'NBA Draft' started by n8dagr8, Apr 19, 2012.

  1. ThisIsOurCity

    ThisIsOurCity Member

    May 28, 2009
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    Austin Rivers will be poor mans Steph Curry at best. He's so overrated.
  2. Medicine N Music

    Supporting Member

    May 2, 2006
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    Do not want. We need to trade up for Beal or Lamb. I would honestly overpay for either of these guys. Lowry, draft picks, and anything else.
  3. RocketsBobcats

    Mar 24, 2012
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    Would be an amazing pick for us. I'm telling you he has star-potential, I watched every game he played in at Duke this season. He's the clutch scorer we need and can score from anywhere on the floor, he doesn't miss late in games. He wasn't the best fit at Duke, I'm glad he came here but he would have done so much better somewhere else... he's too 1-on-1 for Duke. He can be a top-15 player though I promise, we need to take him if he is available.
    1 person likes this.
  4. jbasket

    jbasket Member

    Jan 26, 2012
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    This. Need to resign Camby, draft, and hope PPat comebacks strong from his 2nd ankle injury.
  5. coachbadlee

    coachbadlee Member

    Feb 5, 2010
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    Sorry N8. But this is not gr8.:rolleyes:
  6. T-Slack

    T-Slack Member

    Jul 1, 2009
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    The suns will take him before we have the chance.
  7. coachbadlee

    coachbadlee Member

    Feb 5, 2010
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    Yes!!! Great idea! Take him at 14. Then trade him and Morris to Boston for #'s 21 and 22!
  8. cooliobob

    cooliobob Member

    Oct 10, 2007
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    Tony Wroten is a better pick than Austin Rivers. I'm sick of people talking about how Austin Rivers's ability to create shots for others than himself. He's never possessed this ability and did anybody that actually wants Rivers watch him play at Duke?

    Rockets fans b**** about Kevin Martin's defense (or lack thereof) and they want to pick a shot-happy tweener 2-guard. Dump Martin to grab his clone? This absolutely baffles me. Good thing we don't have these same fans running the organization or we'll be in NBA purgatory longer than we already are. Rivers has the ability to create his own shot, but in my opinion (having watched him play extensively from his days at Winter Park), he won't be nearly as effective against the bigger, faster, and more athletic 2 guards in the NBA, especially without that left hand.

    Also, this notion that Rivers will suffice as a combo guard is bogus. The reason why combo guards exist is because they have an ability to play both the PG and SG positions. If you have seen Rivers play, you know that he does NOT possess the essential skills to adequately play the PG position. He lacks the court vision and the passing skills to be effective as a PG as he is always looking for his own shot. While I think he has the potential to be a decent player in the league, he is NOT what the Rockets need right now.
  9. don grahamleone

    Aug 11, 2001
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  10. CCorn

    CCorn Member

    Dec 26, 2010
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    Take Austin, if it gives us a chance to get Doc.
  11. LongTimeFan

    LongTimeFan Member

    Oct 6, 2001
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    As a Carolina fan, I hope we.. draft Austin Rivers. Big time potential- I'll take that gamble.
  12. kaleidosky

    kaleidosky Your Tweety Bird dance just cost us a run

    Mar 20, 2002
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    huge Rivers fan. It was a weird (rare for me) case of not thinking as much of a player when watching him on TV...but seeing him play in person changed my opinion.

    I feel like there are some great raw skills there...and if he can be convinced to play within a system even more (coach K did a solid job, and I think he would have gotten Rivers there over another year) would really make him shine. I think he has issues when he doesn't trust his teammates enough.

    But I love his first step and aggressiveness. I think he's deceptively strong and does a great job finishing after contact in the lane. He reminded me of a quicker version of what I'd imagine Sam Cassell was like at that age (I didn't watch Cassell much in college) in some ways
  13. No Worries

    No Worries Member

    Jun 30, 1999
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    You might be correct but ...

    Rivers is like all the other one-and-done college players. He is 19ish and has likely only had one year of serious competition. Give Coach K a second year and Rivers could become above average on defense. Give Coach K a third year and Rivers could become an above average passer for a 2.

    Drafting Rivers is all about projecting how his skills will develop or not. If Rivers is now a finished product, I am not sure he will much of a NBA career. If Rivers can develop his shot, defense and passing, he could be an allstar.
  14. AroundTheWorld

    AroundTheWorld Insufferable 98er
    Supporting Member

    Feb 3, 2000
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  15. cooliobob

    cooliobob Member

    Oct 10, 2007
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    That is an awful lot to ask for, from a player that many people in this thread are deeming an immediate impact player. I didn't say he couldn't be a solid pro, but he is far and I mean VERY far from becoming an elite level player. Players that are deemed to have All-Star potential coming out of college (or high school back in the day) usually have a distinguishable skill (or physical asset) that sets them apart from their colleagues. There isn't a skill that Rivers does extremely well. He has solid fundamentals and decent basketball IQ, but honestly you can say that about a lot of players coming out in this years draft. People say that he can score, but I saw that particular skill neutralized at the college level when he was pitted against players that were bigger, faster, and more athletic. Pretty much, he became a glorified jump shooter.

    Tony Wroten is a better prospect (IMO) than Rivers in that he can actually play both guard positions and is bigger (6'6", more athletic, and actually plays some defense. With that being said, his distinguishable skill is his court vision, which I promise you is unmatched in this draft class. I have watched both these guys play in person and I believe Wroten is the better gamble. He might not be the "glamour pick" and have the same basketball pedigree (being Doc's son) as Rivers, but he has far more upside and is likewise only 19 yrs old.

    I respect your opinion, but there are too many people on this thread that are basing their opinions on Youtube clips and ESPN articles and haven't done enough analysis to actually justify their picks. These are the same people that will wine about Kevin Martin, yet expect Austin Rivers to come in and be something that he isn't yet. I don't see how this can turn out well for the Rockets or Rockets fans. Again, Austin Rivers can be a solid pro at the NBA level, but he will not have the impact that many are predicting he will have at the NBA level. Combine that with the fact that he is a bit of prima donna and all I gotta say is, "No Thanks."

    In all honesty, the Rockets need some athleticism to go with size at the 4 and 5 positions. I hope they address those issues first before looking at anything else.
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  16. dje243

    dje243 Member

    Feb 16, 2011
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    The rockets need a five more than a two. You trade up for sullinger using one pick plus whatever else it takes and then draft lamb with the other one. If Lamb isn't there then
    take Rivers.
  17. True Rocket

    True Rocket Member

    Aug 6, 2009
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    At this point we need someone exciting, who can create buzz and has star potential. I think with Austin you see the star potential, at worst you'll end up with a Smaller jr smith. I'm willing to take the risk , right now the Rockets have no must watch players.
  18. Yung-T

    Yung-T Member

    Apr 16, 2009
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    My sentiments man.

    I really hope we draft Wroten with the NYK pick, he has all-star written all over.
  19. Mariachi ROCKET

    Feb 13, 2012
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  20. ThisIsOurCity

    ThisIsOurCity Member

    May 28, 2009
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    If we are going to draft Rivers might as well as trade back and draft John Jenkins from Vandy. The kid has actually shown he can score and we could get him later in the draft. Rivers is over hyped.

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