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Think Morey may amnesty Kevin Martin?

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by awc713, Apr 23, 2012.

  1. CCorn

    CCorn Member

    Dec 26, 2010
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    You act like Martin is Rashard Lewis. He will come back next year, healthy and more accustomed to McHales system, and avg near 20ppg. He is fine, and could easily be traded. He may not net a superstar like Morey wants, but teams would still trade for him.
  2. Pizza_Da_Hut

    Pizza_Da_Hut I put on pants for this?

    Jul 16, 2003
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    God I wish we made the playoffs...

    Oh, not because we would have a chance to compete for a title, or try and take down a top seed, not anything of the sort. I wish we made the playoffs so these God awful threads would stop. Madness has taken over the bbs and at the helm of it all is DD standing on a pedestal toting "I told you so's" and "McFail this" and "McFail that". Copycat posters preach the same asinine opinions and what are we left with? Disgruntled fans on both sides of the tanking agenda. Disgruntled fans on the Team Lowry and Team Dragic side. I'm not sure if this is a basketball forum anymore, or just a hangout for 14 year girls who are done with Twilight and need something new to talk about. There are people here who haven't lost their minds yet, but they seem to be outnumbered by the mad ones 4 or even 5 to 1. All we can hope for now is a product offseason, but even then the debate (if we can even really call it that) rages on...
    2 people like this.
  3. jayhow92

    jayhow92 Member

    Jan 15, 2011
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    Not really useful to use on Kmart especially with Camby, Gogi, and Lee coming off the books. We will have cap space to possibly sign back Gogi (and Lee possibly). No major FAs are out there for us to really target (except for EG, but I'm sure the Hornets will sign him back).

    Later on if we want to make move, but Scola's contract is bogging us down, then amnesty him. He's only reason the amnesty clause should be used for our team.
  4. httx713

    httx713 Member

    Jul 8, 2009
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    Darylllllllllllllllllllllll ,, whyyyyyy ? [​IMG]
  5. JuanValdez

    JuanValdez Member

    Feb 14, 1999
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    I agree that Deron Williams is the only believable target (and yeah, I can see some scenario that a trade for a big fish like Howard, the other team would rather trade into our cap space than take back salaries, but that's too complicated for me to think about, and an unlikely scenario at best) for amnesty of Kevin Martin. However, I don't think letting go of Dalembert, Lee, and Dragic is 'easier.' Maybe Dragic is gone anyway if we're signing Williams, but we definitely don't want to lose Lee, and don't really want to lose Dalembert either. Martin's a good player still, but I don't know that I'd say he's more valuable than Dalembert and Lee combined.

    Any RFA is a non-starter. You'd have to amnesty or renounce your players to sign the offer sheet and wait a week to see if it is matched. If it is matched, you lose out on the RFA and your own valuable players. No way is Morey doing that.

    Anyway, the most likely scenario is that any offseason overhaul is done with trades. Martin probably gets traded away. But, if he isn't, he'll play next season and probably be the starter as SG and do fine. I don't see that you'd amnesty a good productive player unless you really needed the cash.
  6. dobro1229

    dobro1229 Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    Not a chance. For the reasons that Bima alluded to plus I will add one more.

    -The Rockets owe Luis Scola a ton of money on the back end of his contract. At his age, any player could decline quickly, have a major injury, or simply get beat out by a young up and comer.

    The Amnesty should be saved as Luis Scola insurance or if they were to ever need the salary to take on more cap space if a major player was coming in free agency.

    Using it for Kevin Martin makes almost zero sense. I understand he wont necessarily be viewed a major trade asset as an expiring contract. You wont be able to pull a T-Mac expiring type of trade like you were before the summer of Lebron, but you will almost certainly be able to get something back of value for him at the trade deadline.
  7. studogg

    studogg Member

    Jul 1, 2002
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    I don't disagree with your assertion whatsoever. I'm simply pointing out that I don't believe Martin has tangible market value on the trade wire.

    Even as a proponent of getting the loaf off the team, I've acknowledged that I don't believe they will amnesty him.
  8. larsv8

    larsv8 Member

    Nov 11, 2007
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    Its madness fueled by trolls
  9. supa

    supa Member

    May 20, 2002
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    +2 it's hard to read some of this stuff
  10. thething

    thething Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    The only reason Martin would possibly be amnestied is if we needed the cap room to sign a much better player. Unless Deron wants to sign with us, that's not going to happen.

    Martin still has a lot of value as a player, even though he may be overpaid. We could at the very least get a 2nd round pick for him--similar to the deal Portland made with Camby. (though I believe he is worth much more than that)
  11. Third eye

    Third eye Member

    Apr 15, 2012
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    Why?-also you can only amnesty a players' contract once for the
    Whole rest of the CBA agreement. Each team has one that
    Is one, again ONE, and is Martin worth what he gets paid-I'd say
    A pretty good return on a lower level High salary. I think
    You save your amesty clause for a mistake such as maybe signing
    An "ageless vet" that proves his time far past it's prime. Martin can still be had
    In a decent trade, especially good is his 10plus million buck contract that helps facilitate trades for bigger names. You amnesty rashard not Martin who has a year left lmao SMH, read rules before posting
  12. Nook

    Nook Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    Scola would get the amnesty treatment before Martin.
  13. Nook

    Nook Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    I would not count on it bringing the Rockets much in trade, but if the Rockets package young players and Martin ONLY to make salaries match, it is possible.

    Further, wouldn't be surprised if a team like the Bulls make a run at Martin. They will not give a lot, but perhaps a draft pick or young player.
  14. Carl Herrera

    Carl Herrera Member

    Feb 16, 2007
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    Martin most likely will have some trade value. First, as long as he gets over his shoulder injury (plenty of time to recover), he should be a productive player and teams like the Adelman-coached Wolves (who was starting Ridnour at the SG) can certainly use use his skills.

    Second, with regard to his value purely as "expiring contract"-- an expiring contract will have value if and only if the Rockets are willing to use the expiring contract to absorb salaries. For example, the Rockets used Tracy McGrady's expiring contract to absorb Jared Jeffries' salary and got Jordan Hill and the upcoming NY pick in return (plus the "pick swap" that didn't materialize). Whether the Rockets pull off a similar trade depends on whether they think that taking on non-expiring salary will hamper their 2013 free agency period plans (the Rockets did not mind taking Jeffries because they were not gonna have cap room that offseason anyway). There is no guarantee that any player, on an expiring contract or not, will be traded, but an expiring contract can still be a handy tool to have.
  15. Prince

    Prince Member

    Apr 27, 2009
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    expring contract next year that means he'll play better. :)
  16. BimaThug

    BimaThug Resident Capologist
    Supporting Member

    Mar 24, 1999
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    I'm not necessarily talking about Martin being the VALUE part of any trade. See Nook's response below (which is what I was talking about).

    studogg, the fact is that the Rockets were able to acquire Marcus Camby (a VERY useful player who should have helped lead this team to a playoff berth, if not for the epic collapse) BECAUSE they had the large expiring contracts of Hasheem Thabeet and Jonny Flynn.

    Without those scrubs with large expiring contracts, that Camby acquisition could not have been done without giving away much more useful players to make salaries match.

    Martin's contract presents a similar situation, except that (a) Martin is much more useful as a player than those other scrubs and (b) his expiring contract will allow the Rockets to take back much more salary from another team in salary dump mode. Up to $15-18M, depending on the overall trade structure.
  17. studogg

    studogg Member

    Jul 1, 2002
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    I've just seen too many of them expire when we thought/knew/hoped they had some mystical value. I'm more pragmatic these days. Show me the value.

    I also firmly believe they shopped him this year at the deadline and got laughed off the phone.

    I hope I'm wrong and we see him shipped for a huge haul like hasheem thabeet and johnny flynn..... oh wait....
  18. Carl Herrera

    Carl Herrera Member

    Feb 16, 2007
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    If anyone thinks the Rockets are going to use the amnesty clause to create cap space to make an offer to an restricted free agent, let me give you two names: Hasheem Thabeet and Charlie Bell.

    The Rockets had interest in RFA Marc Gasol. They threatened to make an offer (max for his experience level) in order to open dialogue with Memphis to negotiate a possible S&T. Memphis was not interested and ended up signing Gasol back themselves for a slightly higher amount. Note that the Rockets did not actually have Marc Gasol sign an offer-- which would have required them to blow the amnesty on Thabeet. They didn't do it because doing so would basically have them risk using the amnesty for no good reason (and not having it available to be used on other players in later seasons if need be).

    The Golden State Warriors had interest in RFA DeAndre Jordan. So, they amnestied Charlie Bell, who was owed $3 million, (and dumped Jeremy Lin) in order to make a 4-year $43 million offer to Jordan. The Clippers matched the offer and the Warriors basically blew their amnesty rights for nothing-- a pretty big deal considering that they still have Biedrins on the roster and using the amnesty clause for his salary may be a good move to create much needed cap space in the future.

    So, the lesson is: You really shouldn't blow your amnesty rights for RFAs since the RFA's own team will most likely match any offer that your team deems non-stupid.
  19. studogg

    studogg Member

    Jul 1, 2002
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    See - here's where i disagree fundamentally.

    Camby is still a good serviceable center. A position that is at a premium in this league. He was also an expiring on a team looking to rebuild. Johnny Flynn and Hasheem no beat represent an essential goose egg in return for Camby. By clutchfans thinking, if we had camby at the trade deadline last year, we would have been able to add Budinger and get Dwight Howard with that package.
  20. Carl Herrera

    Carl Herrera Member

    Feb 16, 2007
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    Thabeet and Flynn landed the Rockets Marcus Camby, a pretty useful player.

    Jordan Hill's expiring contract landed the Rockets a 1st round pick from the Lakers, because they were willing take on Fisher's non-expiring contract (which ended up being bought out at a minimum cap impact).

    Expiring contracts by themselves don't have trade value. Like I said, they have value as long as you are willing to use them to absorb salaries.

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