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Derek Fisher Opted Out

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Carl Herrera, Mar 19, 2012.

  1. daywalker02

    daywalker02 Member

    Jul 17, 2006
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    Hill came around with 15 games being played. He had an output of 15.4 PER which is what an average NBA player brings... hardly a bust.... maybe your expectations were too high.
  2. cdastros

    cdastros Member

    Nov 6, 2002
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    I don't think he was going to play all that much. I think the Rockets wanted the expiring contract of 3.4 mill.
  3. Old Man Rock

    Old Man Rock Contributing Member

    Oct 23, 1999
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    I posted this in another thread but I though it belonged here too.

    Morey: Hey Derek we're really really glad to have you on board! Lowry is sick and we really need you right now. Please report as soon as you can and at least check out Houston.

    Fisher: I;m really not interested in playing there. Is there anyway we can work something out.

    Morey: Man Fish we really need you right now. We're not interested in buying you out. Come give us a try. If you do not like it you can opt out this summer.

    Fisher: Man I really would just like to be bought out.

    Morey: FISH I really really think you'll like it here. And we really really want you. But (long pause as he slips the cattle prod in) if you insist on a buyout the only way I can do that is if you opt out.

    Fisher: You want me to walk away 3.4 mil.

    Morey: No. Absolutely not! We really really want you hear. We really really need you.

    Fisher: So if I opt out you will release me.

    Morey: Yes but thats not what we UM UM (Clearing his throught trying not to laugh). We really want you. (pause) Hey why don't you sleep on it. We'll extend the your time to report 24 hours. Get back with us tomorrow.

    ONE DAY LATER (the phone rings)

    Fisher: I made up my mind, I'll opt out just buy me out now.

    Morey: Ok Derek. It's been a pleasure doing business with you.
  4. Carl Herrera

    Carl Herrera Member

    Feb 16, 2007
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    Just want to point out that Derek Fisher acted like a man of principle in this situation. He didn't want to play for the Rockets, so he gave up the salaries owed to him in order to get his freedom. Most players want out but would only agree to a modest discount on the salary (Alonzo Mourning is one example).
  5. Noob Cake

    Noob Cake Member

    Mar 10, 2008
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    We already paid most of Hill's salary for the year, Lakers did the same for Fisher.

    Rockets are gonna pay part of that 200k extra more (compared to keeping Hill) for the pick. Since the season is already 80-85% over, Les will be paying essentially paying ~$50k more for that pick.
  6. Clutch

    Clutch Administrator
    Staff Member

    Feb 13, 1999
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    Right. We weren't going to re-sign Hill, so he turned something he was about to lose into something with some potential. He's very good at it and has done it quite often -- again, this is a very smart move. But in the grand scheme of things, these small moves haven't moved us forward as much as they've simply kept us overachieving and competitive (which tankers could argue has been a detriment). Having a pick in the 20's is better than not having it (unless cap room is a major priority), but it's not blue chip central either.

    Scooping up Bogut or acquiring New Jersey's first round pick (with only top 3 protection ... good night) -- those are moves with great potential. Daryl's moves are fascinating case studies in how to maintain or marginally increase value and improve your team's financial bottom line.

    Not knocking Morey -- been a big fan for a long time. But the fan base is growing a little weary of the organization's moves being sacrifice bunts.
  7. IzakDavid13

    IzakDavid13 Member

    Jan 2, 2011
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    Darth Morey
  8. Carl Herrera

    Carl Herrera Member

    Feb 16, 2007
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    I guess it depends which way you want to go:

    If the plan is to get really bad in order to get good, then staying competitive is not all that helpful. On the other hand, if the plan is to get good by getting a star via trade or free agency, then the extra little smart moves to make you competitive are useful-- you want assets to trade for a star, talent to make your team competitive in free agency pursuit, and players to complement a star when you get one. Now, the Rockets have only come close to getting that star (Gasol trade, etc.), and we are all disappointed, but at least they have a plan other than just trying to be a .500/low playoff seed forever.
  9. jopatmc

    jopatmc Member

    Sep 4, 2002
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    I'm flabbergasted. He'll never get that money back. I would bet he's getting something under the table to turn loose of that money.
  10. thetatomatis

    thetatomatis Member

    May 25, 2010
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    It can grow on its fanbase if it turns out to work. I can see how this might work out in the long term. Few small moves here and there. Then strike. Keep improving.
  11. mattrbowers

    mattrbowers Member

    Nov 4, 2009
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    Two former champion lakers in the d league?? :grin:
  12. Stevierebel

    Stevierebel Member

    Jan 17, 2001
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    careful now. ha
  13. Icehouse

    Icehouse Member

    Jun 23, 2000
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    So I guess this makes up for giving the NJ pick away, kinda?
  14. joesr

    joesr Member

    Aug 24, 2008
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    If he isn't wanted on the team and you don't want his salary counted against your salary cap, you buy him out.

    But a player isn't just gonna up and leave with (2) years of guaranteed money!

    So you come to agreement that satisfies both parties.

    Pretty sure, regardless of what Fishers agent said, that he remember the 2nd round incident to Scola and didn't want to stick around.
  15. BleedRocketsRed

    Jul 15, 2009
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    Win-win. No way Fish opts out from Lakers.
  16. Sir Thursday

    Sir Thursday Member

    Mar 19, 2012
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    And of course, the latter is the plan rather than the former, or at least that's what Morey told Simmons.

    I guess the lack of playing time that Hill received this year and the fact that we didn't pick up his option were signs that Morey wasn't planning on resigning him. I'm a little disappointed, because when he was on he looked pretty good - it always seemed like it was just mindset that was holding him back. Admittedly most of those good games were last year, and I get the impression that mindset is one of the things that Morey feels is hardest to teach (given the value he puts on players with a good head on their shoulders). And the trade continues Morey's pattern of trying to get a return on players that will have no value at the end of the season...so fits neatly with his worldview on that point.

    I don't think I quite agree with the posters who say that we've picked up this pick for free, because Hill does have more value than just his contract, but I would agree that we seem to have got it for cheaper than the going rate. If the league ended today we'd be picking 21st, which is pretty much as good as it can get :).

  17. jayhow92

    jayhow92 Member

    Jan 15, 2011
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    Damn we got a 1st rd pick and an expiring contract in Fish for Jordan Hill!? Hell yea! An above average move just turned into one a great one! :grin:

    A+ even though some of that was probably pure luck (but luck counts)
  18. joesr

    joesr Member

    Aug 24, 2008
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    DM is very good at trades and building assets. But what are weaknesses? I think draft picks. He is very known for picking the safe route. Maybe this year with a pick or two he will take a chance?

    Overall, good job to DM!
  19. Buck88

    Buck88 Member

    May 29, 2001
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    I think you hit the nail right on the head with this comment! I am starting to conclude that Morey, has by his own savy moves , has become his own worst enemy.

    By making these small moves - which clearly are upgrades/additions - he limits the possibility of bottoming out and getting the "superstar" he needs. Yet it is these very moves that make him one of the better GM's in the NBA.
  20. Nook

    Nook Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    We never get a firm answer, please tell us how much of it is Morey and how much of it is Les. I don't think the Rockets have passed in any stars that were available, so that only leaves rebuilding... Is it Morey or Les preventing hitting rock bottom?

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