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Manning interested in Texans

Discussion in 'Houston Texans' started by drewd17, Feb 13, 2012.

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  1. couple of d's

    couple of d's Member

    Oct 30, 2003
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    Anyone saying Schaub is a better qb than Manning is off their meds. With 2 minutes to go and the game on the line i go with Manning 100 times out of of 100 times.
  2. Hey Now!

    Hey Now! Member

    Jan 20, 2000
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    So wait a second - are you suggesting they would have collapsed and not made the playoffs this year had Schaub stayed healthy?...

    I assumed we were all operating under the same assumption that with Schaub, this is a likely playoff team and that the discussion was how far into the playoffs he could take them. Is it not?

    They gave up 430 points last year and literally just released or let walk their entire offensive core. This was a team on decline long before Peyton Manning's latest neck surgeries.

    I see your share cardpire's propensity for, when backed into a corner, making stuff up. Please find where I said either of those things.
  3. macalu

    macalu Member

    May 19, 2002
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    with a healthy manning, playoffs are a forgone conclusion. that's obvious. but some of you think he brings guaranteed Super Bowls (which I believe Hey Now's been arguing) when it's clear he chokes a lot more often than not.

    and if what Bob Mcnair say is accurate, that teams who sign him are signing him on faith without a workout, then that makes it much riskier. oh and by the way, we're cutting guys left and right to just get under the cap. who else will be have to cut to make room for him?
    #763 macalu, Mar 13, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2012
    1 person likes this.
  4. Hey Now!

    Hey Now! Member

    Jan 20, 2000
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    I love how incapable people are of being rational. What is this pay whatever nonsense?

    I'm not trying to convince you Schaub is better than Peyton Manning. If you scroll back several dozen pages, I had to repeatedly remind cardpire that, in fact, I think Manning is very obviously better. But his playoff results are underwhelming, and that's being very kind. So if the discussion is about Manning making us a better *playoff* team... well, Manning's playoff teams have routinely been one and done. Are you going to address this, or shouid I prepare myself for another remarkably inane, pointless response?

    You know what - let me save you the trouble:
  5. Pete the Cheat

    Jun 30, 2006
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    Kasey Studdard to the rescue!

    I feel a little queezy after typing that...
  6. cardpire

    cardpire Member

    Feb 6, 2008
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    you obviously say that to keep yourself squarely on the fence. "hey look at me, i'm going to tell you all that i think manning is better, but i'm going to provide you 60 skewed statistics as to why i think he sucks! but, just in case matt schaub flounders this season and peyton signs with the texans or wins the super bowl, i'm gonna leave myself an out! wheeee look at me! i'm never wrong this way!!!!"

    silly child games are easy to see through for me. continue your idiocy with the rest of the posters who you somehow think you are smarter than though.
  7. Hey Now!

    Hey Now! Member

    Jan 20, 2000
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    If this is your premise, fair enough, and a legtimate point. But I assumed we had all conceded that this was about winning in the playoffs, not getting to the playoffs.

    I think they're playoff bound with Schaub or Manning. Do you disagree?

    Actually, there is no sure-fire path to Lombardi... which is sort of, kind of why I keep challenging your repeated contention that Manning is a sure-fire path to Lombardi.

    But since you brought it up, Brad Johnson, Trent Dilfer and Peyton Manning all have the same number of Super Bowl championships - but, by all means, continue to spend page after virtual page yelling at all us buffoons how the Texans can't reach the Super Bowl with Schaub but absolutely, certainly will with Manning.
  8. cardpire

    cardpire Member

    Feb 6, 2008
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    show me where i said that they can't possibly reach the superbowl with schaub. never did. not a once. and you know i didn't. you just choose to continue putting words into my mouth because your arguments are all rubbish, and making up lies is your best method of eliciting responses from me. good job.
  9. cardpire

    cardpire Member

    Feb 6, 2008
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    with the exception of if manning signs with the titans, and brings his army with him, i agree. although i suppose we still could get a wild card. i think that would cut our division chances in half though.
  10. PDJACK7

    PDJACK7 Member

    Jun 14, 2008
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    That's why if you go back and read some of my older posts you will see I clearly state that if he doesn't want to a have a workout for you, then don't sign him, plain and simple.

    Schaub lowest point- not making the playoffs (which he has not done). His highest point- winning a playoff game (hopefully a couple to meke it to the Superbowl).

    Manning lowest point - making the playoffs (has done numerous times). His highest point - winning the Superbowl (which he has done). Give me Manning.

    by the way I like Schaub, but have found myself having to respond to people who make it seem as if we are better with him than Manning. I realize that FA we have to sign, cap room, health etc.. all has to be put into account. But to harp on Manning's failure in the playoff (which I would take all day everyday) and just ignore schaub failure to make the playoffs is just crazy.
  11. Hey Now!

    Hey Now! Member

    Jan 20, 2000
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    And… we’re officially back to cardpire, bereft of any tangible response and lacking a leg to stand on, making things up. Yes, I think Peyton Manning sucks. I never posted it – but doggone it, I was thinking it this whole time, you sneaky devil you. Get out of my head. And into my car!

    No one is right. No one is wrong. I’m merely asking why you think Peyton Manning is suddenly guaranteed to reverse a very obviously poor playoff track record. It is, and always has been, a really simple question. I look forward to the response somehow invoking Matt Schaub's lack of playoff experience and not addressing Manning at all. I'm all tingly with anticipation.

    I bet they are…

    I will!
  12. macalu

    macalu Member

    May 19, 2002
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    is that your way of covering your ears with your hands and shouting, "I can't hear you!"

    you have stated that Peyton Manning (even in his current state of health) guarantees the Texans Super Bowls. Hey Now's rebutted with facts that clearly indicate, even when healthy, Manning's playoff history has been anything but stellar. WE ALL KNOW MANNING IS A BETTER QB THAN SCHAUB. We know he can make the playoffs. But history tells us that onces he's in, he's only been able to win the big one 9% of the time.
  13. cardpire

    cardpire Member

    Feb 6, 2008
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    ah, so you can both view somebody as a complete failure when it counts, but not think he sucks? why would you want that guy as your qb? how good can you possibly think he is?

    but wait...you still claim to think that he is better than matt schaub? hmm, is this possible? does that mean, by deductive reasoning, that you think matt schaub is even worse than somebody who is a failure when it counts most?

    but wait...you still would rather schaub is the qb of this team than peyton manning? i don't get it! could it be because you are waffling around and are just waiting to find the right side of the fence to hop off onto? nooooooooo, it couldn't be!
  14. cardpire

    cardpire Member

    Feb 6, 2008
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    you understand that, using this idiotic logic, and ignoring all other factors, that this means that, history tells us, that once an NFL season starts, matt schaub has only been able to win the big one 0% of the time, yes??

    give me the guy who only wins 9% of the time, i guess??
  15. Ricksmith

    Ricksmith Member

    May 6, 2009
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    I like where this thread is going.
  16. macalu

    macalu Member

    May 19, 2002
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    you claimed that Manning guarantees us Super Bowls. all i'm saying is no he doesnt.
  17. Hey Now!

    Hey Now! Member

    Jan 20, 2000
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    Did you just copy and paste this from one of my 4 million posts, or… cause it sounds eerily familiar.

    Unlike you, who ignores your cheap tactics when they’re exposed, I’ll cop to the error, unintentional though it may have been, and ask you to then clarify your position. You think the Texans can win a Super Bowl with Matt Schaub – but you think they can… *really* win a Super Bowl with Peyton Manning? I don’t get your point anymore… if I ever did.

    So is it a % thing? Like, with Schaub, you think it’s 5% likely but with Manning, it’s 99% likely? Again, if that’s the case - then what makes you think Manning is a better bet than Schaub, given Manning’s poor playoff record? Because Schaub has no playoff record? So you’ve concluded Schaub’s playoff record will eventually be worse than Manning’s?

    Then, again – if the book begins with the Texans already in the playoffs, how does Manning give us a better shot? His playoff record is not very good – I’m not making this up. It’s really, really bad, in fact (IMO).

    I get that Schaub has no track record – but why should we assume his eventual track record will be worse than Manning’s? You’re operating under a premise in which Schaub will fail and Manning will succeed. But it’s based on… literally nothing tangible. I’ve been trying for three weeks to get you to understand this. I look forward to you not responding to this in any way.

    These are your terms, cardpire, not mine. His playoff record is bad. If you want to argue 9-10 and 7 one-and-dones with a team that averaged 12 regular season wins for 10 seasons is good, have at it. But I’ve never denigrated Peyton Manning, generally speaking. Of course he’s great. Of course he’s better than Matt Schaub.

    But we’re not judging these guys 1:1; there’s a whole bunch of context here. Age, injury, cost, experience, chemistry… I’ve argued Schaub specific to this situation; never Schaub in general, and you know it.

    I believe the Texans are a Super Bowl contender with Matt Schaub. With Peyton Manning, they’re… a Super Bowl contender. I’ve upgraded… how? Is there a level above Super Bowl contender? Are they SuperDuper Bowl contenders with Peyton Manning? You’ve “upgraded” a position that didn’t necessarily upgrade the team.

    Wow… So in the space you occupy, where the sky is a pit of lava and trees grow into the ground… I can’t objectively and separately consider overall performance vis-à-vis specific, limited performance? It’s all one a giant black-and-white jumble? This would explain a lot.

    Peyton Manning is a great QB that has struggled in the postseason. (PS I wrote that, mentally, with crayons. Felt it was appropriate.)

    It’s funny that you made this flaccid, “I NEVER SAID SCHAUB COULDN’T WIN A SUPER BOWL!!!” blast and then spent the last hour contorting yourself into this mess of an idea that I’m trying to have my cake and eat it too.

    (pulling back out the mental crayons) Peyton Manning is a great QB. Matt Schaub is a very good QB. I’m perfectly content going to battle with Matt Schaub. I believe he can take us where we want to go and that we don’t need to upgrade the position.

  18. emjohn

    emjohn Member

    Jul 29, 2002
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  19. br0ken_shad0w

    br0ken_shad0w Member

    Jun 11, 2006
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    Still a far cry from the Vince Young threads of years past.
  20. cardpire

    cardpire Member

    Feb 6, 2008
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    so, you are saying that matt schaub gives us just as good of a chance at winning a superbowl as any other qb in the league. just say "yes", so we know your stance and then you can stop posting. with matt schaub they are a super bowl contender, with (peyton, eli, rodgers, brady, brees, etc.) they are...also a Super Bowl contender. there is no level above Super Bowl contender, and once a qb is deemed a super bowl contender by you, they are all on equal footing. One quarterback cannot give a team a better chance at winning a super bowl than the next, assuming you consider them both to be super bowl contenders.
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