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[Chron] Gasol Take 2? Yes, Please

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by roflmcwaffles, Feb 14, 2012.

  1. heartofachamp34

    Jan 24, 2012
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    You'd have to be blind not to account for the fact your work is paving the way for the Lakers to get Howard (or CP3 in the original nixed deal). Ever play Monopoly? Our role in this would have basically been like getting the browns or light blues so another person could get broadway and park place.

    And personally, no I had no interest in the Rockets getting Lebron James in the '10 offseason, even if he had wanted to come here. Already knew since his Cleveland days he quits on his teammates in the biggest moments (see '09/'10 Celtics series), then proceeds to throw them under the bus. Nor was I interested in Melo (always was a cancer and a chucker) prior to the Nets trade, and Howard is quickly going the same way.
  2. ThatBoyNick

    ThatBoyNick Member

    Dec 8, 2011
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    Tell me this, would you give up lowry, martin, scola, patterson, dragic and picks for D-will and gasol? ... i don't understand why this isn't a subject spoken on here. If we can get gasol and if dwight gets locked up in anywhere else but nj D-will is basically ours.
  3. heartofachamp34

    Jan 24, 2012
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    Hmm, go play with NBA Finals MVP Dirk Nowitzki, a bona-fide alpha dog and clutch shot maker with a proven supporting cast, in Deron's hometown, and with a great owner?

    Or go play with Kobe's sidekick, never-won-a-playoff-game-on-his-own Pau "Big Bird" Gasoft, who Dirk regularly makes his personal *****?

    Tough choice.
  4. ThatBoyNick

    ThatBoyNick Member

    Dec 8, 2011
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    Ohh silly me your right... because if D-howard gets traded to the lakers the nets with obviously make the smart choice to let him walk in free agency instead of trading him... wellll lets say they spark a plug and decide to trade him!! he wants to go to the mavs...but there offer is ***** :( ... mean while down the road H-towns package looks perfect :cool: ... exactly the type of players were looking for to rebuild around along with some first round picks :) but HEY he wants to go to the mavs so who cares if he made us gut the team for a one year rental ill send em where he wants... Lol :grin: anyways with pau gasol on our team and solid starters around him and everybody out of the free agency game i don't see why he wouldn't resign.
  5. heartofachamp34

    Jan 24, 2012
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    And who exactly are we going to trade to the Nets for DWill once we've used all our valuable assets to get Gasol? They want our '09 riff-raff? Give away Lowry and be stuck with Flynn to back up DWill?
  6. Ricksmith

    Ricksmith Member

    May 6, 2009
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    And what exactly is Dallas gonna trade for D Will?
  7. ThatBoyNick

    ThatBoyNick Member

    Dec 8, 2011
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    Lol what? if we got dwill and pau would flynn playing 10 mins a game be a deal breaker? hell no and we have by far the best package for dwill and pau. you would haft to tell me what the deal for pau would be for me to give you a deal proposal for dwill. Its impossible to use all of our assets on pau. We have- lowry, scola, martin, dragic, patterson, D-Mo, Morris, hill, williams, thabeet - (will hill and beet have exp contracts) and the knicks pick along with any toher future picks were entitled to ands those player are ALL expandable with only getting back strictly pau and Dwill.
  8. heartofachamp34

    Jan 24, 2012
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    Assuming they need to trade for him, when he already has them as a preferred destination so they can just wait til the summer to sign him outright...


    JET, Delonte, Mahinmi, are all coming off the books after this season. They could also give NJ Beaubois, a good young prospect. Odom's expiring after next season if he doesn't pan out in Dallas, he can go chill with Hump in the Mr. Kardashian club. Not sure what Carter's contract looks like, I think he was just a one year sign though; maybe ship out him and JKidd for a NJ reunion tour before they both head off into the twilight lol.

    So, given the Rockets' injury history, you'd be cool with one bad ankle turn away from Flynn running the PG for us?

    Let's just say the package most often cited for Pau: Scola, Martin, Dragic, Knicks' pick. So you're telling me NJ is going to find some combo of:

    Morris (DLeague, never seen a minute of NBA ball)
    TWill (who NJ already gave up on once)
    Thabeet (just LOL)
    D-Mo (again, never seen a minute of NBA ball)
    Hill (inconsistent at best)
    Patterson (who's going to be our backup for Pau at the 4 if both he and Scola are gone? Adrien? Greg Smith? Good lord)

    more attractive than what I listed Dallas can offer? Come on now.
  9. jimmyv281

    jimmyv281 Member

    Jul 21, 2008
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    Dude i want to see a trade i want the gasol trade to go down i cant stand kevin martin and his case of vaginitis! If he cant score he is absolutley a waste !
  10. ThatBoyNick

    ThatBoyNick Member

    Dec 8, 2011
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    Ok first of all that dallas deal sound terrible, and absolutely. Second were not making a deal for pau without lowry it has been made clear. So my proposal would be

    L.A- P.Gasol + TPE + 2012 First Round Pick
    HOU- K.Lowry, L.Scola & H.Thabeet
    And the other trade for D-will..
    N.J- D.Williams & A.Morrow
    HOU- K.Martin, G.Dragic, P.Patterson & M.Morris + TPE + Knicks & L.A's 2012 Picks

    The mavs could not offer a better deal than this.
  11. heartofachamp34

    Jan 24, 2012
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    Lol, no way the Lakers give us Pau for Lowry and Scola. Not sure what they'd want Thabeet for. If they were already getting Scola, Martin and Dragic + Knicks' pick just for Gasol in pretty much all the known and rumored trade scenarios, why would they all of a sudden start asking for less, plus giving us THEIR first rounder. You're dreaming.
  12. ThatBoyNick

    ThatBoyNick Member

    Dec 8, 2011
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    Buddy that was a ** hypothetical ** trade - not real. We are going to give them one of the best point guards in the league who's only 25 along with a very capable post scorer and rebounder in scola along with thabeets 5 mill expiring deal (which saves them 5 mill when he expires this offseason) why in the ***** would they ever turn that down ? because they wanna keep they're late first round pick? comon buddy im speaking logic here, the lakers would love that deal, if you disagree then i can't debate these trade ideas with you. Lowry >>> Martin and dragic not only talen wis but martin cost 12 mill dragic will cost 5 mill ( at min ) when his contract expires... thats 17 mill!!! lowry only cost 6.5 or so for 3 years.
  13. ThatBoyNick

    ThatBoyNick Member

    Dec 8, 2011
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    Oh ***** i almost forgot a even better reason not to do martin dragic over lowry, Kobe plays the 2, where would martin fit in? the 1? the 3? and im sure kobe an martin would go along great LOL kobe and martin = 65 shots a game, lakers say hell no + kobe or martin aint playing the 1 or 3 for major mins.
  14. Ricksmith

    Ricksmith Member

    May 6, 2009
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    That deal was for the Hornets to send CP3 to the Lakers. The Lakers don't need Kevin Martin, they need a PG and a PF to fill the hole in the lineup after Pau is gone. You're reaching to prove your point and failing.
  15. heartofachamp34

    Jan 24, 2012
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    And it'd still be a 3 way trade, Lakers, Rockets, and a third team (most likely Orlando) to send a big name to LA. I don't think they have any interest in sending us Pau straight up for whatever we're offering, or they would have done it once the 3-way with NOH fell through. Who's reaching here? You people are the ones so desperate to get a 'star' that you actually think the Lakers would want what we're offering. They want a D12 or a CP3, not a Lowry and a Scola. Hell, they could just trade with NJ straight up, give em either Bynum or Pau for DWill if they wanted to. Way to destroy your own argument.
  16. Phillyrocket

    Phillyrocket Member

    Jun 12, 2002
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    You don't trade Lowry to the Lakers you trade Lowry to the Nets for Dwill.

    A cheaper arguably almost as good PG in return along with some other pieces like a PPat, Parsons, Bud etc. would be a decent package.
  17. heartofachamp34

    Jan 24, 2012
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    Don't tell me, I'm just following the hypothetical trades outlined by ThatBoyNick. He thinks we'd trade Lowry/Scola to LAL straight up (no 3 way, no D12 for Lakers) and then trade Martin/Dragic + filler for Dwill.
  18. ThatBoyNick

    ThatBoyNick Member

    Dec 8, 2011
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    Buddy learn when to give up, first of all... no the lakers would not do a straight up trade for williams. NJ would want to rebuild, and you cant do that with pau. They would want bynum and they're not giving him up unless they get dwight. So again whats your argument? Oh that L.A doesn't want to do a 1 on 1 trade with us, well i disagree i think they would love to get lowry from us especially just for pau an especial-specialy with scola being a capable replacement. Save 5 mill from the trade for cap relief? sure i think they're huge payroll will except that, give up that late first round pick? no problem + the deal you proposed to me was not a 3 way deal, u switched up your story so you wouldn't look stupid but your digging your self deeper.
  19. ThatBoyNick

    ThatBoyNick Member

    Dec 8, 2011
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    Yeah but we would then have nothing to trade to the lakers for pau, if your talking about getting both of them... if not then of course lowry instead.
  20. heartofachamp34

    Jan 24, 2012
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    If they wanted to get Lowry/Scola for Pau, they would have done so after the 3 way with NOH fell through. You have not a shred of evidence to suggest they would do such a trade.

    The deal I proposed was not a 3 way? I think every deal proposed between us and the Lakers is a 3 way; their whole goal is to get another top 10 player (ie. CP3, D12) to pair with Kobe for a few more runs at the chip before Kobe retires. Do you really believe LAL thinks they're winning it all with Kobe/Bynum/Lowry/Scola? OKC is not shaking in their boots at that lineup, nor is MIA or CHI. Less 'I switched up my story', more like 'It's not even worth repeating the trade would be a 3way.'

    Because you know, anyone who has 2 brain cells to rub together knows the only way the Rockets are dislodging Pau from the Lakers is as a middleman, a bit player who gets the borderline All-star while the Lakers take home the big prize.

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