Obama Campaign Launches 'Truth Teams' "grassroots" funded by his SuperPAC and Soros, no doubt. By Devin Dwyer | ABC News Blogs – 7 hrs ago The Obama campaign is today beginning a new effort to enlist and educate at least 2 million supporters for a "grassroots communications team" they're calling the Truth Team. "The goal is to ensure that when Republicans attack President Obama's record, grassroots supporters can take ownership of the campaign and share the facts with the undecided voters in their lives," the campaign said in a statement. The teams will be first launched in 13 "swing states," including Iowa, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Wisconsin, Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Minnesota, Nevada, Ohio and Virginia. The rollout also includes a social media blitz, directing supporters to three new websites: KeepingHisWord.com, which highlights Obama's record and "promises kept"; KeepingGOPHonest.com, which highlights GOP policy positions; and AttackWatch.com, which fact-checks claims made against Obama on the campaign trail. "If the other guys are going to run a campaign based on misrepresenting the president's record - and their own - we have two options: sit back and let these lies go unchallenged, or fight back with the truth," deputy Obama campaign manager Stephanie Cutter said in an email. "We're fighting back." So far, the "other guys" mentioned on the three websites are almost exclusively limited to former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney. There is one mention of former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and one mention of the pro-Republican super PAC Americans for Prosperity. Obama organized a similar grassroots effort in 2008 - Fight the Smears - that involved more than 1 million supporters, campaign aides said.
OMG this is real, obama's campaign team wants to relate facts that support Obama. my god seriously dude, you and texxx are too much for one day
Candidate of major political party is training volunteers how to articulate their message to counter the opposition message. I wonder if this was news when John Adams and his supporters had this meeting oh so long ago.
Ugh. This is solely for people dumb enough to think that a political campaign has any real interest in genuine expressions of the facts. Smart people will continue to get their information from non-campaign-financed and, as far as it's still possible, objective sources. Politifact and other similar sites and organizations already appear to be doing a pretty good job of honestly analyzing political claims.
So Basso, are you going to step up and gamble your bbshood on 2012? You talk large, and you think *insertNOcandidatehere* is going to beat him. So, why not say it now. Here. Put something behind it. I'll post a thread admitting you were right and praising you to high heaven and abstain from the d&d for the entire term, if your boob can unseat the magical negro. What will you stake? Stepping up? Or is this another paste-a-formulaic-right-wing-blog/article and run type of thing?
the truth is gonna get real interesting in the next term when dems take back the house and obama stops even asking the obstructionists for their opinions.
I know they've fact-checked your chosen representatives into oblivion, but their methodology and research is sound and thorough. Don't confuse the fact that you don't like what they say with the fact that they're one of the best sources of unbiased political information out there.
when he tried to pass a 4 billion dollar deficit savings budget to get the debt ceiling raised and boehner wanted to deal but cantor fought it
basso - surely you realize by this point that no one here takes you seriously? That everyone here recognizes that you're incapable of honestly debating your chosen viewpoints? that you're just a punching bag, a bit of sport, for people who actually can present a rational argument?