While I agree with you, that doesn't mean we couldn't have kept Lin! Like Morey said, didn't realise the guy was this good (and nobody did). Had he known Lin could have 3x20 point outings in the NBA he surely would've kept him and ditched Adrien. Personally I think he made the right choice - balance of an extra big man over a 4th PG. If only we knew then what we know now! Hindsight 20/20 and all that....
We've passed up better players in the draft. And so has every other team. If we hadn't had Lin on our roster for a few weeks no one would care about this.
3 of the best PGs in the NBA? Can you REMOVE >>> Devon Harris and John Wall? :grin: becuz I put Dragic over them.
It is ego. As I said above, there is no reason for him to say that, when complimenting Lin. He was the last GM to have Lin in on his team to evaluate him...and we ALL knew (including Morey) that he was better than Flynn. Did Flynn impress you more during pre-season? Honestly? It was strictly a guaranteed contract issue, not a talent issue. In Morey's word, "anyone who says otherwise is misleading U." Honestly...anyone saying Morey is not displaying pure ego here and defending him as objectively correct on Flynn being better than Lin in December...is having a hard time separating the tiring Lin threads from me saying Morey is showing ego here. Leave those Lin Cult threads aside and admit that Morey knew Lin was better than Flynn...he didn't need to make that last line when complimenting Lin.
Just a thought here, but Morey admitting a mistake is actually a good thing especially nationally. It takes away some of the hesitation that teams have dealing with him based on his way of pulling off deals that benefit the Rockets. More teams may come to the table to deal with Morey based on all of this and think he's human. He's still Morey though and that man is still amazing regardless of this JLin crap.
Yes it does. The guy can play but if people (even you) thought he was gonna be this good, why didn't you go ahead and tweet Morey and let him know what you're crystal ball had predicted. Lin is right now a product of the system he was put in, in New York. He will come back down to Earth and once Melo and Amare return the impact he makes although will be good, won't be at the clip he has going now.
Morey knew he was better than Flynn, but we need the guaranteed contracts to match money in a trade. Where Morey messed up is getting Adrien over Lin, which now translates to Smith over him. DD
Dragic would run circles around Lin imo. It's a nice story but I expect him to come down to earth once Carmelo and Amare return to the team.
TheRealTWill Terrence Williams Now the whole world knows about @jLin7 when I seen it everyday happy for my guy, wish we could of saw it here smh T-Will smarter than Morey.
So you'd rather take a chance on a #3 PG as opposed to a young big that we desperately need? This is why all this Lin talk is garbage, and I don't just mean the Lin fanboy threads, I mean all of it.
That's the problem here. If we never had Lin, it's no big deal. But we had him, and he showed promising in preseason games, then he was let go so easily, it becomes a mistake for GM.
Regardless you keep the better player and worry about matching contracts later. Clearly Lin was better than Flynn and is proving it now, which many of us said in the preseason. The idea of needing Flynn for a trade is garbage because Flynn is just that, garbage. There won't be a significant trade and Flynn is on his way out of the league, every team is already aware of that, but Morey.
Teams aren't hesitating to trade with us because they're afraid Morey is some super-genius. We just value our players much more than they do.
That is really tough, I think that I would rather go with Smith at this point, even though Lin is a heck of a player, and will probably have a good career, we have Dragic and Lowry already, so we need to take flyers on guys like Smith. Now, if we could have traded Dragic or Flynn, then I would have wanted Lin as the backup PG..... Make sense? DD