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Some thoughts on bud

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by davidkconover, Jan 27, 2012.

  1. thetatomatis

    thetatomatis Member

    May 25, 2010
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    Besides I look to when Patterson came back for depth behind Scola to play defense when Scola wasnt scoring as the point when the team starting winning so many games. His defense cannot be overlooked. I think it can be elite with time and his offense can be in the Horace Grant range.
  2. flamingdts

    flamingdts Member

    Feb 23, 2008
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    His spot up jump shot is so advanced for a second year NBA player. The consistency never stops amazing me, everytime he shoots it I'm confident he'll make it.

    I think he could work on his post game some more, he's been trying a few things down the post in the last few games, and some of his moves are pretty solid. We've seen him pull off a couple of Scola-est moves that lacked the Scola-est finish.

    I think in due time he could be a combination of Hayes and Scola, not excelling in the offensive end quite like Scola, not excelling the defensive end quite like Hayes, but have good enough qualities from both to make a him a very solid player for any championship team.
  3. Rockets111

    Rockets111 Member

    Oct 11, 2005
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    Borderline all-star. LOL. C'mon now.

    I agree with the person who said Patterson is a jump-shooting tweener. He's productive in spurts but I would never trust him for long stretches. Can't guard the paint or the blocks and not quick enough to guard perimeter forwards.

    His rebounding numbers are poor and he needs to develop some sort of inside game to complement his jump-shooting.

    Bottom line, he has a long way to go.
  4. thetatomatis

    thetatomatis Member

    May 25, 2010
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    Ive decided you dont know what you are talking about. First you think Kaman is better than Scola. Then you think trading for him over Amare Stoudemire is a better idea. Then you think Patterson is a tweener when he is 6'9 and 235 pounds with a solid build, athleticism, and reach.
  5. daywalker02

    daywalker02 Member

    Jul 17, 2006
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    He must have mistaken him with Marcus.
  6. thetatomatis

    thetatomatis Member

    May 25, 2010
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    Maybe. :grin:
  7. Hakeemtheking

    Hakeemtheking Member

    Feb 26, 2009
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    This is not a fair assessment of Patterson. He is coming back from surgery and very slowly rounding into form. He was no rebound demon last year, but he was much more active defensively his rookie year, further proof that he is not near 100%.

    In fact, in the three games he started for Scola, dude was a threat to a double-double every game (2 out of 3 if memory serves). In that stretch of games, the Rockets played much better defense as a team.

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