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Some of y'all need to apologize to Sam...

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by mrjohn, Jan 19, 2012.

  1. thetatomatis

    thetatomatis Member

    May 25, 2010
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    We needed size and got it. Only proved my point over Chuck Hayes in the size argument more with every win. Was it good compared to other possible outcomes? Probably or probably not. We will never know but Sam so far is solid.
  2. Dreamin

    Dreamin Member

    Dec 14, 2010
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    You know what the best thing is? We got him at the same price as Kwame Brown. KWAME BROWN?
  3. MadMax

    MadMax Member

    Sep 19, 1999
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    Best thing about getting him is we kept Dallas from getting a true big.

    Worst thing about getting him is he filled a need on a roster with tons of holes..will keep us in the .500 range.
  4. Rocket_Man_2.0

    Oct 14, 2007
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    I apologize:eek: I had no idea what we were getting when we sign Dalmebert.I just thought he was a shoot blocking stiff. I had no idea he was this good offensively :eek: Makes me wish we would've traded for him years ago..Him, Parsons, and Lowry have gotten me excited for this team again. NO Tanking..stay the course:eek:
  5. Rocket_Man_2.0

    Oct 14, 2007
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    Mchale's Coaching has surprised me also. He may not be an X's O's coach, but his lineups are far superior to Rick Adelmen's. I like how Mchale doesn't play favorites like Adlemen and plays people who perform on the court. He knows who deserves more minutes and who deserves to be benched. Being 8-7 without any training camp is fantastic...To think we were 0-9 last year..Thanks to Adelstubborn.
  6. ashishduh

    ashishduh Member

    Aug 21, 2010
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    Way to go out on a limb and say it's better to have a 5 playing the 5 instead of a 4...
  7. durvasa

    durvasa Member

    Feb 11, 2006
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    Chuck was a stop-gap at C while we didn't have any decent options there. Your point last year, as I remember it, was that Jordan Hill should be playing instead of Chuck Hayes by virtue of his size. That I disagreed with, because Jordan Hill just wasn't very good. I don't think there was much objection, at least not from me, about bringing in a real center with some defensive/rebounding prowess to be a center instead of asking a strong, intelligent, but short PF to be that guy.
  8. Furious Jam

    Furious Jam Member

    Sep 29, 2002
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    For the life of me I can't understand how Tyson Chandler gets paid double what Sam gets.
  9. RocketRaccoon

    RocketRaccoon Contributing Member

    Aug 13, 2001
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    Wow, he raises a point and you threw this out at him.

    What jackasses some of you "old timers" can be at times.

    If anything I expect you to ignore the rooks...

    But I guess that's just keeping it real :(
    1 person likes this.
  10. DaDakota

    DaDakota If you want to know, just ask!
    Supporting Member

    Mar 14, 1999
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    Go away Raccoon, I have been following this team since before you were born....maybe, or not....oh, ok, you can stay.


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  11. azoghbi

    azoghbi Member

    Jun 29, 2006
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    It's alright, he is defending himself which is reasonable. The best way he saw fit was not to look at what I said, but glance over to the year I became a member of this site and my total post count. Again, I don't really post very often so he has a point. After 6 years on this site (compared to his masterful 10), I do feel like a "rookie" when posting. Its precisely because of people like him that I don't really care to post much on here and would just rather read. In the end, this is a wonderful message board on the internet and not real life, I will be okay...
    1 person likes this.
  12. ashishduh

    ashishduh Member

    Aug 21, 2010
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    I don't think I've ever heard of someone signing somewhere as a FA in order to play for a big contract the next year. So stupid lol.
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  13. LabMouse

    LabMouse Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    Sam is one of the best signings for us recently. Sam earns $7M, and Paul Gasol earns $17M, think it about. Gasol will not help us to get a NBA title, neither will Sam, but we can easily keep Sam or move him, right now I prefer to keep him, and use additional money to get another good player.
  14. ArtV

    ArtV Member

    Jun 25, 2002
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    Even as a protanker, I am impressed with Sammy. I do think that the structure of his new contract has something to do with his "motivated" play so got to give Morey a plus for that but a minus on the overall signing because we look to be headed for another 14th pick because of it. So overall - still a minus but on the detail of the signing and player - very nice play for both Morey and Sammy.
  15. gah

    gah Member

    Nov 1, 2008
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    Why did he sign with us and not with Miami or Dallas? A no brainer really: we offered the most money and a much more prominent role in the team. Kudos to him for not wanting to hop on Nowitzki's or Wade's back.

    Some of you seem to have forgotten about his contract terms, it's not a one and done contract, it's for two years, and his all out effort can only guarantee him this reward for next season: He's going to be earning even less money than this year. Go read Bima's analisis again:


    To try to spin Dalembert's inspired play to say he's just looking to get paid is ludicrous and let's get that out of the way: There's nothing wrong with that. What I've seen is a player that knows that this is the team that needed him the most, a player who's showing his teammates that he came in here to play hard and that they can count on him. Will he remain that way the whole year? It remains to be seen, but up to now, give him some effin credit.
  16. azoghbi

    azoghbi Member

    Jun 29, 2006
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    Have to agree with this.

    It's remarkably selfish of us to say all Dalembert wants to do is get paid and act as if that is a bad thing. The guy has worked tirelessly his whole life to get to this level and he wants to make tons of money as a result of it. I would do the exact same thing in his shoes. Now, if that comes at the cost of inspired play (i.e. once he gets his check he mentally checks out), I would be the first to jump on him. However, he has done the exact opposite. He took some time to get into game shape but this guy has been busting his ass after working himself into shape (clearly he is not in top shape yet).

    I find myself looking at Sam sometimes and thinking he looks so OLD, but the reality is that he is just a very old looking 30. This guy is remarkably serviceable, is rebounding at a top 8 level in the league, trying to make a mark on the game offensively, and is making game changing plays on both the offensive and defensive end.

    I was worried about this guy at the start of the year, but I can safely say I am proud of the way he is playing and would love to see him keep it up for the year.
  17. ArtV

    ArtV Member

    Jun 25, 2002
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    If he doesn't play well it's a 1 and done (2nd year buy out in minimal).

    If he plays well, I'm sure the Rockets will pick up the team option.

    So it benefits him significantly to play well this year (for the team to pickup the option) and next (contract year). That was a smart contract for Morey.
  18. BONIERO1576

    BONIERO1576 Member

    Dec 19, 2002
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    Funny stuff, I think you meant he'll have a donut spot on lock down in no time.
  19. Mark

    Mark Member

    Mar 16, 2001
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    True the Sam signing was a ho hum type of move that doesn't make us closer to being a contender, but what he does do is make us a playoff contender. Without him or Hayes, I'm not so sure we make it.....and Chuck is out for a few weeks with a shoulder.

    Sam keeps us legitimate and our hopes that Morey will be able to make a deal this season that makes us a contender are still alive....
  20. OremLK

    OremLK Member

    Jan 31, 2010
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    I was hugely in favor of signing Sammy D from the beginning, so here's my told-you-so.

    Granted, I didn't expect him to be this good and I don't know if he will keep it up, but I did expect him to post a low double-double and about 2 blocks if played 36 minutes a game, and provide exactly what the Rockets lacked overall with Chuckwagon at C. Too bad we couldn't keep Chuck to back Dalembert up though.

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