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How much longer until Bud is demoted to 3rd string?

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by pge71188, Jan 13, 2012.

  1. daywalker02

    daywalker02 Member

    Jul 17, 2006
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    His shot is streaky...... He didn't convince me when his shot was off.... with Lee or without Lee.
  2. daywalker02

    daywalker02 Member

    Jul 17, 2006
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    I can hardly remember Budinger actively demanding the ball.... and shooting it with confidence in crunch time situations.
  3. DaDakota

    DaDakota If you want to know, just ask!
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    Mar 14, 1999
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    Demanding the ball - LOL - one of the things Bud is good at, and Chandler too is understanding his place in the heirarchy, and to not try to do stuff he is not good at, he understands his role.

    His role is one of scoring primarily, rebounding a little and playing solid defense.

    If, he is 4th in the pecking order, he is not going to force it....I am surprised you missed that Daywalker, you usually are pretty perceptive about things like that.

  4. RedRedemption

    RedRedemption Member

    Jul 21, 2009
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    You are looking at the glass half full. You saw Chase's production in Adelman's system and just assumed he's a great player playing on a great system. When you see him perform in the McHale system you still believe he's a great player in a bad system.

    In my opinion Chase was never a really great player; its just that the Rick Adelman offense made him look great. Seriously, Rick Adelman's offense had a lot of cuts in their offense. Any NBA player with a reasonable amount of speed can get a ton of points just off of screen+cuts.

    There is no excuse for Chase missing wide open shots though; same for Martin.
  5. Downtownbrown

    Downtownbrown Member

    Jul 12, 2009
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    Bud seems to get off to slow starts. When Lee gets back here soon we will see how is shot is. We will have played 17% of the schedule so he can break out of these lack luster performances. Like they say... He might only need to see 1 shot go in to get going at anytime.
  6. DaDakota

    DaDakota If you want to know, just ask!
    Supporting Member

    Mar 14, 1999
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    You are making terrible assumptions about what is going on and what you think I see.

    What I see is a lot of people struggling out there, who were very good under Adelman - Kmart, Luis, CBud, PPat - and then others who were ok but struggling mightily - JHill.

    The only one not struggling is Kyle and he has the ball in his hands a whole lot more - I would think most people that take an honest look would recognize that fact.

    I never said Chase was great, in fact I can't think of anyone who said he was, only that he was successful in last year's system - as were most Rockets as proven in the top of this post.

    And for the record, Chase shot 2 for 3 tonight.....and had 6 boards in only 18 minutes, he played his role really well.

    What happens is people knee jerk...which is weird because the team won, and it is actually fairly irgnorant to be saying, because it is just a horrible opinion that doesn't take into account any circumstances or truths.

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  7. Rokman

    Rokman Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    Lin was a keeper but put better players around Dragic and I think we will see his stats and play become better.

    I think we would all say unanimously at this point that Courtney Lee deserves the starting spot over Kevin Martin (for Defensive purposes alone) and that Marcus Morris deserves the back up 3 spot over Budinger and Williams. In the next 2 - 3 weeks I would like to see McHale trim the rotation to:

    P.G. - Kyle Lowry
    S.G. - Courtney Lee
    S.F. - Chandler Parsons
    .P.F. - Luis Scola
    ..C. - Samuel Dalembert

    (Lowry, Lee and Parsons ought to take a lot of work off of Scola and Dalembert from having to protect the basket as much by cutting off the lanes.)

    Bench Rotation:

    P.G. - Goran Dragic
    S.G. - Kevin Martin (Demoted to bench should light a fire under his butt)
    S.F. / P.F. - Marcus Morris
    .P.F. / C - Patrick Patterson

    I see a lot more success against elite teams with this Starting 5 and rotation than with our current rotation.

    Drop Hill and Budinger from rotation. Williams, Thabeet, Flynn and Adrian have already been dropped and won't see the court unless dire circumstances occur.
  8. jopatmc

    jopatmc Member

    Sep 4, 2002
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    No, he's not.

    And Jimmer's not fast enough.
    And Tyreke doesn't pass enough.
    And Kobe is not young enough.
    And Monta is not tall enough.
    And KMart is not muscular enough.
    And Manu is not well enough.
    And Wade does not stand up enough.
    And Ray Ray doesn't drive enough
    And Eric Gordon isn't signed long enough.
    And JRich is not smart enough.
    And Vince isn't motivated enough.
    And Wes Matthews isn't Brandon Roy enough.
    And Derozen isn't Canadian enough.
    And Redd doesn't draw fouls enough.
    And Joe Johnson isn't efficient enough.
    And Iggy doesn't stand out enough.
    And RIP's nose wasn't protected enough.

    Is this enough?
    1 person likes this.
  9. daywalker02

    daywalker02 Member

    Jul 17, 2006
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    I do. Surely it would be out of place to demand the ball with Lowry on the court but come on, with the second unit. He is one of the veterans there. He should actively demand the ball IMO. At least nobody would accuse him of being a puss no more.

    You have to force something in your 3rd year or else he stays a 2nd tier role player his entire career with hops that could get him and his career higher than that. I remember he had as high reviews as Chandler now in his rookie season.
  10. DaDakota

    DaDakota If you want to know, just ask!
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    Mar 14, 1999
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    Yeah, but you know that is not his nature, CBud is a role player, a scoring mutli purpose role player.

    He is not, nor will he ever be a lead dog, or even a top of the options dog.

    He can have breakout games, but he is not good enough to be that go to guy.

    He is what he is a great 2nd round steal who can be a good starter in the right situation and a very nice scorer off the bench who will rebound, play solid team D and spread the floor.

    Maybe it is people's expectations that are out of wack, what exactly do they expect him to be?

    He is NOT a go to guy....

  11. RedRedemption

    RedRedemption Member

    Jul 21, 2009
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    Kmart and CBud are the only ones struggling. What I see are two system players, an iso player, and a hustle player. Martin and Bud don't really have iso games which are critical in this new offense. Not only that but it seems Martin and CBud can't get open without a complex series of picks instead of just a single simple screen.

    In the end both need to be traded, they do not mesh. Rick Adelman in Minny might be willing to take these guys for more value than they are worth.

    What Chase lacks is consistency. Just like many people berate others for hating on Chase after one game... an equal amount of people praise him for one game as well. Fact of the matter is he's had more horrible games than he had good games. That will not get it done, we definitely don't need another "impose my will" player than only is able to turn it on for a few games at a time...

    Also keep in mind DD, we were playing SacTown. The only team in the West worse than us.
  12. DaDakota

    DaDakota If you want to know, just ask!
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    Mar 14, 1999
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    Not true.

    Numbers are down across the board -offensively and defensively.


    All are struggling this year - you need to be honest in your assesment for anything you say to be considered truthful.

    Chase played 13 mins against San Antonio and 19 minutes tonight, he took 4 shots total but did manage to get 9 boards over those two games.

    If it is consistency you seek, then consistent minutes you need - again, you need to be fair with your analysis.

    Yes, and Chase played really well in his limited time on the floor.

  13. JMAD21

    JMAD21 Member

    Jan 14, 2010
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    I like bud, I really do! But him and Martin both look like theyre daddy (adelman) left them behind! I've always been a huge Kmart fan but him and Bud both need the rick in order to be successful.

    I gotta believe they'll be traded soon. And hopefully real soon before they play themselves out of any value they had.
  14. daywalker02

    daywalker02 Member

    Jul 17, 2006
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    Funny sometimes it just takes the right mentor to get out the best of one guy.
    Well mentality is a big part of the game. If he had Lowry's who was a late first rounder himself.- the comparison is not too far fetched... that could have helped him a lot.
    What others expect of him is irrelevant....what does he envision himself in 2, 3years is more telling.
    He has never been shooting stellar numbers..... if he could just be a good shooting Jon Barry half of the members would be happy.
  15. mfastx

    mfastx Member
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    Dec 1, 2009
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    When Courtney gets back, I think Bud's minutes will drop off even more.

    At least I would hope that's what would happen. He's a good player, but this year he is obviously struggling. He doesn't have the confidence he had during his rookie year. We could sure use that Chase right about now.
  16. rockbox

    rockbox Around before clutchcity.com

    Jul 28, 2000
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    What purpose does he provide except scoring when his shot is on?

    Does he get assists, does he rebound, defend, steals, glue the team to team together? Bud is a poor man's Kmart without the scoring capability. And he's only that about 30 games a season.
  17. DaDakota

    DaDakota If you want to know, just ask!
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    Mar 14, 1999
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    5 boards in 19 minutes disagree with you, or maybe the 4 he had in 13 minutes against the Spurs.....

    But it is easier to make stuff up I guess.

  18. Rockets111

    Rockets111 Member

    Oct 11, 2005
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    Are you on Bud's payroll? What's the deal here? It's OK to accept that the man is an average basketball player. Average. He's a scorer whose shot is spotty and he has no inside game aside from the random athletic play here and there that teases.

    You can't trust someone like Budinger in a game. If he's not shooting, he's not helping. You pick out random games for rebounding? I cite his 3.2 boards per game in 21.1 minutes per game in his career. Huh. Some rebounder.

    He's a decent defender in that he doesn't hurt you, but he doesn't help. He's just ... there. He's not quick enough and he doesn't block shots or get his hands on balls even at 6-foot-7.

    Budinger is useless aside from 4-6 minute spurts when you want to see if he has his shot going. No way he should be starting, and I certainly think on a good, legitimate, quality team, he'd be closer to third string than second.
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  19. shortfuse3

    shortfuse3 Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    Whatever the case is Kmart and Bud should never be on the floor at the same time since. Parsons just offers so much more in the SF spot and gave the starting lineup a bolt of energy. But I like Bud coming off the bench. He appears to be more aggressive.
  20. DaDakota

    DaDakota If you want to know, just ask!
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    Mar 14, 1999
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    No, I just don't like people piling on with made up perceptions that are incorrect.

    The guy is an average player, not sure what people expect, he is what he is a decent starter in the right situation, but more a decent jack of all trades role player that has a good 3pt shot.

    People blame him for hurting the team when that is just not true.

    I mean the guy plays less than 20 minutes a game...what do they expect?


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