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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout' started by Lil Pun, May 16, 2011.

  1. htownrox1

    htownrox1 Member

    Nov 9, 2009
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    Damn man that's awesome! Thanks for the info. I'll be ready tomorrow then haha. Would rep if I could. :(
  2. seclusion

    seclusion rip chadwick

    Feb 20, 2003
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    Np! Let me know if you have any other questions.

    Some things I've noticed:

    In the lobby, if someone highlights your gamertag there are 4 little circles in the bottom right. Each shows an icon for the prestige / rank you were in some of the previous games. Cod4/World at War/MW2/Black ops in that order.

    There is a prestige shop where you can unlock a couple things. You get 1 unlock point for each game you've prestiged in. You get 1 point no matter how many times you've prestiged. I didn't play World at War / Black ops (multiplayer anyway) so I have 2 tokens (Cod4/MW2). The unlocks themselves are kinda...whatever. There is 1 that I am interested in however; if you prestige in MW3 you can use a prestige point to unlock a startup custom class that stays with you. The wording is a little odd, so it may only be 1 weapon you get to keep with you, but if that's the case that's more than enough. Hello permanently unlocked AK47.

    Knifing has been nerfed, you used to just have to aim in the general vicinity. Now it seems like you have to be dead on, it's a lot easier to miss someone now.

    It feels like when you drop prone there is a longer delay in you being able to shoot than previously. It's been awhile since I played MW2, but for the most part it seemed like the second you went prone you're ready to shoot.

    It looks like there are secret perks you can earn through challenges (it doesn't tell you what you need to do for them).
    Or they may just be challenges, it's really vague in the menus (under challenges -> perks).

    The rifles are a lot more balanced in that, there seems to be a natural progression. In MW2/CoD4 you could pick up an m16 and be good forever essentially. In this one for the most part it seems like unlocking new guns actually makes a difference.

    The maps feel like they literally found nostalgic layouts, views, etc from prior maps and combined them with others to make the current maps. I've gotten deja vu more than a few times.

    There's only a couple maps that I've felt were "bad". Most seem pretty good.

    The game itself looks pretty good, the campaign looks great. Especially if you stop and look around when you're not being shot at.

    There may be questions answered here as well: http://callofduty.wikia.com/wiki/Call_of_Duty:_Modern_Warfare_3
    #122 seclusion, Nov 7, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2011
  3. DaDakota

    DaDakota If you want to know, just ask!
    Supporting Member

    Mar 14, 1999
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    I love the Jonah Hill noob commercials for this game.

  4. seclusion

    seclusion rip chadwick

    Feb 20, 2003
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    The Dwight Howard cameo is great.
  5. htownrox1

    htownrox1 Member

    Nov 9, 2009
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    Picked it up this morning at Gamestop and the line was outside the freakin door. I wasn't expecting that many to pick it up. Nonetheless, the game is badass. Love it.
  6. Big MAK

    Big MAK Member

    Nov 13, 2008
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    I've been playing all morning and afternoon, working the night shift tonight. Was getting on average a .9 KDR. My last 4 games I switched the weapon config up and was getting around a 5 KDR... Then I had to go to work. damn.
  7. htownrox1

    htownrox1 Member

    Nov 9, 2009
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    Yeah it's all about setup. You gotta mess with the different guns and perks to get comfortable...
  8. rocks_fan

    rocks_fan Rookie

    May 20, 2002
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    Was talking to the manager at the Gamestop near me (by Reliant) and he said they had about 400 preorders, and they were far from the most. Woodlands had over 1k, Missouri City had 800, and the Galleria one all he said was, "You don't want to know." Saw analyst predicted over 9 million preorders for it. Crazy.

    I'll just wait for Skyrim, AC, and Saint's Row. I don't really have the fast twitch reactions for shooters.
  9. Big MAK

    Big MAK Member

    Nov 13, 2008
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    This was from the midnight release at the Best Buy on Richmond. I'm working night shift this evening, off yesterday, so it wasn't a big deal to stay up for it... I actually went to the 24 hour fitness and worked out for a couple hours before going.

    First time I've ever went to the midnight release of a game... and it will be the last. I got there a quarter till, and didn't leave until 130. It took them forever to check people out, it was ridiculous. Even worse, they had 2 lines, one for pre-orders and one for not. To check out someone who pre-ordered it took 10x as long as those who didnt, so people at the back of the line that didn't pre-order got in and out an hour before those who did. It was bad.

  10. k-money

    k-money Member

    Jun 6, 2010
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    .... and thats why i pre ordered it so that it would come in the mail.:):):)
  11. JunkyardDwg

    JunkyardDwg Member

    Oct 29, 2000
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    Seriously. I did that for Gears as well as the Halo Anniversary Edition coming out.

    I don't care how much I'm anticipating a game, no way I'm standing in line at midnight. So not worth it for me.

    Preorder online ftw!
  12. Big MAK

    Big MAK Member

    Nov 13, 2008
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    You could have walked in today and bought it and been out in 5 minutes. Preorder is a waste of time, they're not going to sell out of something like this. Plus, preorder by mail means you have to wait a couple days after the release to get it, since they don't mail it till the release day.
  13. RC Cola

    RC Cola Member

    Jun 11, 2002
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    I don't know if they offered it here (probably so), but Amazon usually offers release-day shipping (i.e., you get it on release day). Usually free too IIRC, at least if you have Prime.
  14. E_Saiyan

    E_Saiyan Member

    Oct 7, 2008
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    I've played the game for a few hours now. I knew going it this game wasn't going to be worth $60 but bought it anyway to play with friends.

    Does anyone find the terminator-like sound effects annoying? I mean, do guns really sound like this in real-life. It sounds like resistance or gears of war. And what's up with the colors in this game. There is so much gray and brown (even the menus).
  15. jae713

    jae713 Member

    Jun 20, 2008
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    This. I did this last year for Black Ops. All my friends waited at midnight for like an hour. I went in the morning and got out in like 5 minutes.
  16. vinsensual

    vinsensual Member

    Nov 2, 2008
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    Why would so many preorder at that best buy? Was there BB specific goodies? There's just so many gamestops around that a midnight release wouldn't take more than 30minutes tops.
  17. wallyj12

    wallyj12 Member

    Jul 4, 2006
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    I pre-ordered mine yesterday mid afternoon at BestBuy.com for pick up because I did the same with Madden and was in and out in 5 minutes for that midnight release. I walked in right at midnight expecting the same experience and there was a massive line wrapping around the interior of the store. Luckily one employee told me to just go to customer service since I pre-ordered where there was a line of about 10 people. Since there was only 1 cashier initially working the customer service compared to about 5 for the non pre-orders ours was definitely going slower until they opened another register but I was still out within 15 minutes. One of my friends pre-ordered his at Gamestop and he said he was still #134 in line.

    Anyways, I really like this game. I went 52-13 in my second full game in a domination match. At first it was impossible to get into games as a party but that problem got fixed around 3 AM. I'm a big fan of the small intricate things so the first thing I noticed was how badass the guns sound. Black Ops sounded like you were shooting pansy toy BB guns
  18. JunkyardDwg

    JunkyardDwg Member

    Oct 29, 2000
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    Nope you can preorder and have it delivered same day. Agree that you can walk into the store during normal hours and get it, but you're not gonna get a $20 gift card if you do.
  19. MiddleMan

    MiddleMan Member

    May 20, 2005
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    Amazon FTW! no lines for me.
  20. Obito

    Obito Member

    Jan 24, 2009
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    Add me on PSN: rocket4lifetmac1

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