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T.O. Why not?

Discussion in 'Houston Texans' started by tharges, Oct 26, 2011.

  1. Hey Now!

    Hey Now! Member

    Jan 20, 2000
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    I disagree – it’s a blanket statement, yes - but I don’t think a total lack of interest across the league is devoid of meaning in the context of this discussion.

    If the Texans made Andre Johnson available, 31 teams would show up for his workout, regardless of need - confirming his status as an elite WR. So 32 teams NOT showing up at all – need or not – does indicate a consensus in terms of how far removed from his prime he is. And in that respect, IMO, it does serve to invalidate any claim that the Texans “need” him, or that he would make them better, etc.

    (And, PS: I would argue the Texans likely view themselves in the same vein as the Packers – set at WR with no place for TO, let alone a need.)

    Agreed. And I personally remain confused by this sudden need to upgrade a prolific passing offense.

    Great point. And there’s also an age component, too. In two years, would you rather have a 24-year old special teams contributor with a modicum of upside or the lasting (likely sour) memory of 8 games with Terrell Owens? There is no long-term viability in signing TO.
  2. DonkeyMagic

    DonkeyMagic Member
    Supporting Member

    May 22, 2006
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    i'm sorry, but are you actually arguing about TO?
  3. wallyj12

    wallyj12 Member

    Jul 4, 2006
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    He's not even eligible to be on a practice squad. He's played too many games
  4. Nero

    Nero Member

    Jun 12, 2002
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    Maybe I missed it, but nobody showing up to his private hyped 'workout' is not a big deal. If a team is interested, it will bring him in and he will workout for them, on their terms, not his, they will put him through a battery of tests and a complete physical. This workout event was just a hyped media thing to generate interest in fans' eyes, but it was not really intended to 'attract' NFL teams, because they already know if they are interested or not. Someone will probably bring him in for a look, but who? Dunno.

    But honestly, whatever else people think of the guy, if his knee is in fact ok now, then he can fly, and chances are he can still catch better than Jones, who plays WR like he is wearing boxing gloves.

    I would not mind knowing the Texans actually brought him in for a physical and a real workout. What would it hurt? If they guy turns into a turd, cut him. What less do you have then, than you had before?
  5. v3.0

    v3.0 Member

    Jan 23, 2005
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    This isn't picking up a cheap electronic device from the store and returning it right away because you realize it was crappy. We're in the middle of a season, we're a team trying to find consistency and now you want to shoe horn some players that are out of the game, not in game shape, and looking relive some glory years. If Gary and Rick already deem it's a waste of time, then why go ahead and waste that time? It's not like Rick and Gary are sitting comfortably in their cushy chairs with no worries at all about their jobs. They know they are on the hot seats if the team doesn't go to the playoffs this year. If they see someone they are willing to gamble on and make them a better team, I'm sure they would explore that option, lest they lose their jobs later for not taking advantage of it. This, it seems, is not worth a gamble for them.
  6. ima_drummer2k

    ima_drummer2k Member

    Oct 18, 2002
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    Once AJ comes back, Jones will be the 4th receiver and 5th or 6th receiving option (behind AJ, KW, Mason, OD, and Foster).

    I'm not a fan of Jacoby at ALL, but we don't really need a replacement at 6th receiving option.
  7. tharges

    tharges Member

    May 31, 2003
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    My point is basically why are we not bringing in any of these FA and at least exploring the option of signing them. How many of us hate the fact that Kareem is still on this team and their are FA's out there becoming available daily and we are not even entertaining the idea of bringing them in. The same goes with the receiver option, Jacoby should be exclusive at running kicks back. When the running game isn't rolling you really see where we miss AJ, having another option out there that can make some noise would be awesome because this would only make us better when AJ is back healthy. I was really disappointed when we didn't go after Lloyd, we let the Rams take him, thats what pissed me off. Now you have TO with a bump knee who claims he is healthy, who had 9 touchdowns last year. I am not sure who is qb was last year, but imagine with Schaub, AJ, Owens, & Foster? I would purchase a muzzle for his ass.
  8. Hey Now!

    Hey Now! Member

    Jan 20, 2000
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    I would wager the Texans absolutely, positively do kick the tires of each and every available FA. I just think they think more highly of their personnel than you seem to.

    Did you know they played last weekend? Against Tennessee.

    And, btw, here's where the pass offense has ranked these past two+ years: 1st ('09); 4th ('10); 6th ('11). What bums....

    Or, imagine just Schaub, AJ & Foster (plus OD, Walter, JJ) - they finished with the 3rd best offense in football last year with those guys.
  9. tharges

    tharges Member

    May 31, 2003
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    How much of their offense was OD, Walter, and Jones? Last year the three of them had 10 td's between them, TO had 9 by himself and Lloyd had 11 td's. By the way AJ had 8 td's last year.
  10. vinsensual

    vinsensual Member

    Nov 2, 2008
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    Jeez louise last year's Owens is not this years Owens. If your only argument is last year's numbers save your breath. Oh man AJ only had 8TDs last year?? So Owens is better than AJ? Or maybe Foster's 18 TDs had something to do with it, or maybe AJ's lack of end zone targets?
  11. KingCheetah

    KingCheetah Notable Member
    Supporting Member

    Jun 3, 2002
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    Wow, how did I miss he had another alleged suicide attempt this month..?
  12. tharges

    tharges Member

    May 31, 2003
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    Thats not my arguement at all, my issue is that any high profile potential target that could be had, we pass it up. Whether it be TO, Lloyd, Harris, or today now its Bodden. Guys get waived and we dont take a chance, Lloyd was traded for a 5th round pick and we traded for Mason with a 7th round pick? I would like to see our management be more aggressive with FA's instead of over valueing scrubs like Jacoby and Jackson.
  13. justtxyank

    justtxyank Member

    Jul 7, 2005
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    1. Texans were set to visit with Chris Harris if he cleared waivers

    2. I wanted Lloyd, and I recognize that he was better last year than Derrick Mason, but people severely underrate Mason. Do you realize that every year the two of them have been in the league except last year Mason has been significantly better?

    3. Any potential high profile target? The Texans targeted Aso, Weddle, Joseph and Manning in free agency this offseason, Bodden the offseason before, etc.

    I think one of the problems this front office has had is that it was run by amateurs. A bunch of people who had never been in the positions they were in with no strong football president over the operation. They bungled a lot of dealings just by being amateurs. That doesn't mean they haven't tried.
  14. Grandpappy

    Grandpappy Member

    Sep 24, 2007
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    I didn't say that we had the best core of receivers, or that the Texans should not try to upgrade their receiving core. That being said I dont believe that a washed up prima Donna TO is an upgrade over anybody that we do have at this point. They need somebody better but not Terrell Owens. You really believe that he would accept a diminished role as the number 2/Number 3 receiver? All he would do is whine to the media about how Schaub likes to throw more to Andre Johnson. You dont think bringing in a known clubhouse cancer in the middle of a possible play off run is a risk?
  15. DaDakota

    DaDakota If you want to know, just ask!
    Supporting Member

    Mar 14, 1999
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    Question: T.O. Why not?

    Answer: Because he sucks.

  16. DonkeyMagic

    DonkeyMagic Member
    Supporting Member

    May 22, 2006
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    I hear Art Monk is available.
  17. tharges

    tharges Member

    May 31, 2003
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    Lloyd was available Donkey punch?
  18. tharges

    tharges Member

    May 31, 2003
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    Your right big D, i think Jacoby can take us to the promise land.
  19. Ramathorn006

    Ramathorn006 Member

    Nov 9, 2009
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    I beg to differ. 9 TD's and almost 1,000 yards last year is not "suck".
  20. Grandpappy

    Grandpappy Member

    Sep 24, 2007
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    Did you by chance miss that he had an ACL surgery after last year?

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