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Social phobia/Low self-esteem

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout' started by ClutchCity3, Jun 17, 2011.

  1. Batman Jones

    Batman Jones Member

    Sep 9, 1999
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    I almost never do this but I've reported both of you for your incredible insensitivity to a struggling kid reaching out for help. You are always dickish trolls, the both of you, but both of your posts are way over the line. I hope the mods finally take notice and remove you both from the board.
  2. Bandwagoner

    Bandwagoner Member

    Jan 26, 2006
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    By almost never, do you mean weekly?
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  3. IBTL

    IBTL Member
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    Nov 22, 2010
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    you don't need anxiety medicine per se. Lots of roving psychiatrists around here ready to drug everyone.

    I would be friends with you but your english sucks.

    Have you stopped to think about that for a second ,that perhaps you dont need friends that care about how well you do or do not speak english? F -them.

    try having 2 or 3 better friends than 20 -30 okay friends.the emptiest people I know have over 2000 facebook friends. eventually you will find 2 or 3 worth a crap people ,and those can be the ones you are friends with. in the meantime the search is fun too meeting weird people that you would never be friends with anyway. Its fun to say to yourself 'this guy is a funny jacka$$ and I feel comfort knowing I will never see this guy again'

    You will find in the end the more you get to know people the more you will appreciate your dog. just dont be too chinese about and eat the b*stard(harmless joke guys).

    But stay away from the meds just yet. Try getting laid too. Even if she is a 2.. like george carlin says if you bang 5 of them that gets you to 10. I definitely think some sexual healing is in order. Dont deny yourself this.
  4. DonkeyMagic

    DonkeyMagic Member
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    May 22, 2006
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    i think everyone else is smart enough to realize that i was joking. If anyone needs to be removed it's a miserable and bitter jerk like you.
  5. SwoLy-D

    SwoLy-D Member

    Jul 20, 2001
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    ^ :grin:


    *whistles* Cat fight, everyone!
  6. van chief

    van chief Member

    Mar 12, 2009
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    Don’t worry about high school. Most people lose touch with all but a few of their high school friends anyway. With friends, quality is better than quantity, the few you have you will probably always stay in touch with.

    Find an outlet for your frustration. Accept the step mom, she is going to be a presence in your life for the foreseeable future.

    You dont have to like you just have to do it.

    Listen to Black Flag, go break stuff, exercise, drink heavily, talk to people. Read out loud.

    You have the ability to change your situation.
    Everyone goes through stuff, think of it as a learning process.
    Better to be awkward now, you got time to grow out of it, the social environments in college will present you with many opportunities to grow and learn from mistakes.
  7. IBTL

    IBTL Member
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    Nov 22, 2010
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    Have to agree with the donks on this one.. nothing wrong with a little joke here and there.

    Yeah someone says they have low self esteem, and no one is going to rag on the guy?

    Frankly I'm surprised how nice everyone is being.
  8. van chief

    van chief Member

    Mar 12, 2009
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    hey, he's not a Jazz fan we can be nice.
  9. DonkeyMagic

    DonkeyMagic Member
    Supporting Member

    May 22, 2006
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    thanks. BJ just has some odd obsession with me for some reason.

    The joke was harmless and wasn't even directed to anyone in particular. I don't see how anyone could be offended by a Nelson reference.
  10. DonkeyMagic

    DonkeyMagic Member
    Supporting Member

    May 22, 2006
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    It's a one way fight and he's embarrassing himself.

  11. Rileydog

    Rileydog Member

    May 24, 2002
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    CC3 -

    Keep your chin up dude. Things will get better.

    You speak with an accent. At university, you will find people just like you -- immigrants that don't speak english as a first language, and are struggling through their accents and the lack of confidence that comes with it. There are literally tons of folks that are just like you.

    I'm not saying that you should limit yourself to this crowd, but you may find commonalities with people that are just like you. I'm willing to be that there are a couple of best friends and girlfriends in such a crowd.

    Think about it - in a group like this, your accent is "normal" and nothing to lose confidence over. The other parts of your personality --- friendliness, generosity, sense of humor, maybe athleticism, kindness ---those things can shine through if you aren't worried about having an accent.

    Once you build up your social confidence, you will feel much better about yoru ability to mingle in all kinds of groups.

    As far as all the stuff you have to do at home, all I have to say is not to let that get you down, and focus on enjoying your teenage years however you can. I had a tough time of it since my family didn't have much, and was pissed about not getting to do everything my peers were allowed to do.

    It gets better. Granted, you have to be tougher and work harder than everyone else, but it's doable. I got student loans, put myself through college and law school, worked my ass off, retired the loans, and have a pretty decent life and am happier than most.

    Post more to vent. It's a rockets website and all, but it probably makes you feel better to vent. And you should. It's free. And some folks around here don't mind helping with advice or just sympathy.
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  12. Qball

    Qball Member

    Nov 9, 2001
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    CC3, Just hang in there bud. Don't lose hope, suicide is not the way to go. I'd wager you'll feel infinitely better at a university.

    Why is it so weird if everyone is so nice or helpful? Were you really thinking, "wow, everyone's actually helping him out...WTF?!", like it was a bad thing?
  13. freemaniam

    freemaniam 我是自由人

    Nov 18, 2005
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    So you are taking summer vacations, aren't you? I would suggest go sign up for a couple voluntary works, better if those are charitable:

    1. People in need will not mind your accent. What I'm trying to say is you probably will be surrounded by some nice persons, meet some new friends, not necessarily of your age group. Broaden your horizons, learn from the poors or unfortunates.

    2. You don't have to stay at home alone all the time during this summer. Less conflicts and probably some genuine subjects to talk to your families at the dinner.

    3. Add a couple good bullet points in your resume in the future.
  14. rrj_gamz

    rrj_gamz Member

    Aug 15, 2002
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    From my experience, in life, people usually only have 1 - 3 true friends...and what I mean by true friends, people that you would do anything for and visa versa...My best friend is a buddy from HS, but that's rare...usually people lose touch...

    What you'll find is that as you grow and mature, so does your tastes in friends, love and life in general...I use to care what people think as I needed people to like me...and that only changed recently only because I realized you can't please everyone...

    Confidence isn't that hard to build, but you can't find it alone at home...go to a gym, find your niche, your calling and become really good at it...don't worry about what people think/say, just be happy with yourself and everything else will fall into place...I would bet you'll find a great friend in college...remember, you only need one...good luck brother...
  15. bobrek

    bobrek Politics belong in the D & D

    Sep 16, 1999
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    Of my four best friends, 2 are from High school, 1 from Junior high and the other from Pee-Wee baseball (8 years old), but you are correct in that does seem to be a rare thing (or it shows my inability to make friends once I turned 20 :) )
  16. t_mac1

    t_mac1 Member

    Jan 10, 2008
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    To the OP, just want to know how big is your family? You got any cousins that you can hang with and possibly network and branch out from there?

    I never had any confidence issues in my life, b/c I have been blessed with great family and friends. The only time that I felt I struggled with my public image was when I had facial acne in my sophomore year of HS (ugh...). Even then, I was more self-conscious rather than lack self-confidence.

    My advice to the OP would just be more confident in yourself. I'm not American-born, and I have a "ghetto" accent, but I don't let that deter me. A few people have mocked the way I talk and things like that, but they're just haters and I don't even give them the time of day.

    For you to overcome this part of your life (as I have had friends who went through the same situation) is to learn to accept who you are. Everyone has weaknesses and shortcomings, just accept them. However, be confident in who you are because you also have some strengths.

    Therefore, go to college. Pick activities that you enjoy and are good in, make friends through that. Do well in class, and you'll also make friends. Go to some small parties (not frat parties b/c I doubt that's your thing for now) and network. Get a girlfriend or two. Basically, just "do things" and do them with confidence. If things don't go well, keep your head up and keep plugging. Never let others dictate your confidence, and how you feel about yourself. It's all about you bro. Good luck.
  17. rocketsjudoka

    rocketsjudoka Member
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    Jul 24, 2007
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    On the internet with relative anonymity people often feel like they can be asses. It is great that almost everyone is being supportive here but unfortunately that's not always the case.
  18. rocketsjudoka

    rocketsjudoka Member
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    Jul 24, 2007
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    This is probably a joke but since this has been brought up before I think it bears responding.

    Sex is great but don't get hung up over it. Having been a horny teenager who also felt at times I was a loser obsessing out sex often makes things worse. Heck even now as an adult there pleny of times I wish I was getting more sex.

    The problem with just saying "go out and get laid" is that for many that trying to get laid is part of the problem especially if you don't feel comfortably socially. As I said sex is great but you shouldn't judge yourself based on how much sex you are getting. There are plenty of worthless douchebags who get lots of sex but they aren't the type of people that are admired except by other worthless douchebags.

    Having sex is a good thing but like I said about medication don't look at it to solve all your problems.
  19. Yoda

    Yoda Member

    Jun 8, 2011
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    You sit down, you take a dump, and by the time you finish wiping, you realize you're old and life sucks. You look back and think about how much better life was when you were taking a ****, but now all you're doing the rest of your life is wiping **** off of you.

    We men are wretched things. Go out and mount as many girls as you can. Fat, diseased, doesn't matter. Pound away. Pay for it even. If your happiness is really dependent on girls, do those things b/c you will learn the less you care about girls, the more they will care about you. The less your happiness is dependent on a significant other, the bigger the smile on your face will be. Play the game homie.

    And forget about friends. Go get a "My buddy" doll. You don't need friends. Dudes are drinking buddies. That's basically it. You think they are going to care when **** really hits the fan for you? Go get some drinking buddies, but don't ever expect them to turn into "friends" that will listen to your deepest thoughts. You: "I think i'm going to kill myself." Friend: "Oh don't do that bro, it's like not cool, lets get wasted."

    Get drunk. Get ****ed. Get dead.
  20. IBTL

    IBTL Member
    Supporting Member

    Nov 22, 2010
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    well then for 150 canadian there is always this:


    the day god was handing out social ineptness he prepared an antidote ..rooted in the insatiable desire for cash, and willingness laying on their backs to get there.. And for OP a great option he should consider. not the first one but on the list.

    I would say a 150 canadian with a ho is a better 150 then going to see a shrink and getting a looped up. That's just me though.

    Its likely based on general assumptions OP is not getting laid. I would say that if he is capable, and is simply not getting laid, then lower the standards , go through what I call 'slump busters' and that will create a mojo that he can carry over into his other social time... Besides he will reek of you know what ,and thats going to only strengthen the harem. OP needs to think big.

    If OP cant get laid then he should practice talking. If he is shy then do it online first ,and prepare to get shot down. It like the military ,you need to shoot at least 1000 rounds a day and STAY FOCUSED. In this case from a nerd point of view a thousand IMs per day, getting a mojo talking to ladies.

    Get used to it ,and what they like to talk about,and knowing your audience. This can be like exercise one hour a day. Then in the meantime join a intermural or adult league sport. Preferably again unisex.

    Then at this point join 2 of them, and go twice - 3 times a week spent outside of school (it will keep you busy enough) eventually those people on the team will all go out ,and you spark new friendships there ,where there is built in camaradie.

    Get drunk with them once twice a month, and then an hour a day in the internet firing a 1000 rounds a day talking to ladies. With your other obligations you will be socially busy enough ,and *naturally* your spirits will be built up in terms of your outlook on friends ,and phobia/self esteem should only be improved. I say *naturally* as opposed to the meds route a shrink will take you down. really im just saying some strange is always going to make you feel better ,and to me the first natural step. Then maybe down the line look at additional options, and foundations for feeling better including therapy.

    In the mean time find a freak, and if none available then once every 2 weeks hit the w**** house ,and make sure when you look at the mirror you remind yourself you are the f-ing man:


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