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Jerome Solomon completely owned Morey about calling players assets.

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by T-Slack, Apr 23, 2011.

  1. durvasa

    durvasa Member

    Feb 11, 2006
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    OK, my comments:

    - JVG's firing and whatever issues you might have had with how it was handled was Les Alexander's decision. JVG has been nothing but complimentary towards Morey since then.

    - I don't really know what you're talking about regarding Landry. First of all, Landry got more money than he would have had the Rockets given him the typical rookie deal (which his agent wanted when he got drafted). Secondly, the Rockets had reservations about signing him to an even bigger deal, knowing his injury history, and it would have made no sense for them to hide those reservations from other teams that might outbid them.

    - I have no problems with the Yao minutes cap thing. Those were doctor's orders. Justified, it turns out, considering how quickly Yao Ming eventually went down. He probably shouldn't have even played.

    - I never read/heard anywhere that Morey or his staff was pushing unwanted information or directing Adelman to coach in a particular way. Coaches, presumably, would want all the information relevant to making the best decisions. How they want to make use of it, if at all, is up to them, and by all accounts that's how the Rockets operated.
  2. BowlingBaller

    BowlingBaller Member

    Jun 25, 2009
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    Are companies constantly held under the media spotlight in the same manner as NBA GM's?
  3. rock4ever

    rock4ever Member

    Jan 30, 2010
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    Um, you obviously have no ideo how hard it is for coaches to win in the NBA:rolleyes:

    It's one thing to say your limiting Yao's minutes for precautionary reasons.
    But to come out publicly and announce Yao cant play a minute over 25 minutes is idiotic, especially for GM to do PUBLICLY. Your not only putting pressure on the coach to monitor Yao's minutes, but giving other teams
    and idea on how you're rotations will be. It was dumb and even Adelman commented on how stupid it was. I'll side with him, after all, he's the one headed to the HOF

    No agenda, you look at the course of the season. Adelman got the most of his players. He went over and beyond expectations every year he was here, including this year. He had the highest winning percentage of any Rockets coach in franchise history, despite having 30 transactions without bringing in a quality superstar. Safe to say he knows basketball pretty well. The facts are, Morey tried to intergrate his +/- stats into Adelman's game plan. Morey wanted Twill to get minutes. Morey wanted Adelman to play Thabeet for his development. Adelman's position was "NO", he wanted to win ball games. For that, I agree with Adelman

    You seem to be following the organization's talking points, so I'd question your agenda too. If you actually followed the season, according to the houston chronicle, the Rockets had already started looking into replacements for Adelman before the season had ended. Adelman NEVER got along with Morey and didnt agree with many of the 30 mostly lateral roster moves Morey foolishly got praised for. The fact remains, the Rockets suck in talent, but played great as team due to Adelmans coaching. NOBODY wants to play for us and I cant help but to speculate it's mostly because the organizations cut throat mentality when it comes to players and coaches, especially the coach that actually WIN.
  4. BowlingBaller

    BowlingBaller Member

    Jun 25, 2009
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    And mixed in with that fact was some gibberish from a guy who doesn't have a positive rep trying to take a shot at Morey. That's why it's about Solomon, too.
  5. Kojirou

    Kojirou Member

    Feb 18, 2009
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    So after three games in the season, when Yao has visibly had limited minutes, the opposing team is just going to assume that Yao's minutes will not be limited THIS time. Not to mention that if I can guess what the rotations of the Nuggets or Lakers are generally going to be, I sort of suspect the coaching staff of opposing teams are capable of doing that.

    Yeah, those who like Morey are paid shills. Rookie.
    Anyways, I'm still waiting for that list of free agents who didn't come here because Morey used the word "asset" in an interview. I think it'll take a while.

    Show me where Morey actually stated that he disagreed with Adelman's game plan, tried to impose on Adelman rather than offering advice that may be helpful, and wanted Thabeet to get minutes, or Terrence Williams after he showed that he wasn't that great late in the season. I remember him saying that he expected nothing from Thabeet this season, but was hoping for him to do stuff in the summer.
  6. rock4ever

    rock4ever Member

    Jan 30, 2010
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    So again, the Rockets GM LIES to about his verbage regarding players being assets and you guys want to talk about Solomon. Do does Morey LYING hold any weight to you?
  7. BowlingBaller

    BowlingBaller Member

    Jun 25, 2009
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    Sure... but my point was that your previous quote wasn't exactly true.

    For whatever reason, I'm more upset about Solomon than Morey in this case. Regardless, it's true that Morey messed up whether it was accidental or on purpose.
  8. LongTimeFan

    LongTimeFan Member

    Oct 6, 2001
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    IIRC, Adelman was upset that Yao's minutes were LIMITED, not that they were public knowledge.

    So, you're siding with Adelman who didn't want Yao's minutes to be restricted. Yao Ming got hurt very early into the season, even with the minutes restriction. I'll side with management, after all, they were right and Rick was wrong.

    Safe to say you have no idea what you're talking about -- "the facts are" [insert rock4ever's assumptions]. :rolleyes:

    I'm sure that Morey approached Adelman about different things he could have done, but not ONCE did Morey EVER tell Adelman who to play. Not ONCE did Morey even criticize Adelman for not playing guys he brought in. Exactly what do you want? The front office and coaching to be entirely separate and have no communication between the two? That's what you're suggesting and that is just flat out stupid, sorry -- which is why you must have an agenda. If you're seriously trying to tell me that Adelman's career accomplishments mean Morey shouldn't be coming to him with suggestions to better the team, you are not looking at the situation objectively.

    It's funny to see you regurgitate Fran's garbage as if it's a good argument. As if thirty transactions actually means anything when the Boston Celtics have done the exact same thing. Again, your agenda shines through -- "which Morey foolishly got praised for." Which moves shouldn't he have gotten credit for? Turning Landry into Kevin Martin? Turning Ariza into Courtney Lee? If you're going to bash the GM for roster turnover, please provide evidence that they were BAD trades we shouldn't have made. The only trade that I've seen so far that hasn't looked great is Terrence Williams and nobody is praising Morey for that.

    It's always nice to see the "nobody wants to play for us" cliche. Nevermind that superstars want to play with other superstars or that Carmelo's list also excluded 20+ other teams, it's all our front offices fault. If they were just nicer to players, everyone would want to play for us!!! :rolleyes:
  9. B-Bob

    B-Bob "94-year-old self-described dreamer"

    Jul 26, 2002
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    You know, given what is happening to NASA these days, maybe we should rethink the team name anyway. (Kind of like Bullets ==> Wizards.)

    Ladies and gentlemen, your... Houston... Assets! The team symbol would just be a spreadsheet.

    The big plus would be the cheerleading squad named The Assettes.
    2 people like this.
  10. v3.0

    v3.0 Member

    Jan 23, 2005
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    GMs lie and embellish at times? BURN THEM AT THE STAKES I SAY!

    I look forward to Solomon catching Morey in using the wrong phonetics on words such as "egregious", "ineptitude" and "fecal matter" when Morey talks about the media.
    1 person likes this.
  11. ashishduh

    ashishduh Member

    Aug 21, 2010
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    Boohoo I'm a millionaire and I might have to move in order to continue making my millions of dollars. This makes me uncomfortable!

    No wonder we have the most floppers out of any team in the NBA, what p*****s.
  12. Geaux Rockets

    Geaux Rockets Member

    Oct 10, 2007
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    Holy. Crap. A whole bunch more BS.

    1st- Find a quote for me where Adelman was critical of the Rockets announcing Yao will be limited to 24 minutes per game. All I can find is Adelman agreeing with the limit and further speaking out on the use of Yao. First, in the preseason, Adelman said he didn't even think it was realistic for Yao to even play a full 24 minutes right off the bat, publicly limiting Yao's minutes even further. Second, I was able to find an article in which Adelman goes into detail about how he plans to dole out those minutes to Yao. If he was actually concerned about opposing coaches being able to predict his rotations then he DEFINITELY would NOT make that type of quote.

    “He can only play in six- or seven-minute stretches, so it’s not going to be too difficult,” Adelman said.

    That is the simple math: 4 x 6 = 24. Adelman knows the “Yao for 24” formula is more complicated than that.

    Let’s see how he reacts late one night after he used up his allotment of Yao minutes and wanted to make a call to the big fella but couldn’t. Yao isn’t a disposable cell phone that can be re-charged with a credit card. Once he gets to 24 minutes, he has to be tossed on the bench for the night.

    How do you get the most out of him?

    “You can’t sit him too long in between the time he plays or he stiffens up, so right now I’m just going to see how it goes in the first half, play him where I think it’s best and then maybe adjustment in the second half,” Adelman said.

    2nd- The Rockets talent does not "suck" as you say, nor have most of Morey's moves been lateral. Morey has traded 2 point guards who are both out of the league now, one of which who could never land rotation minutes on a mediocre team, for a top 10 power forward and a top 10 point guard. How is that lateral? Those are two of the biggest steals in recent NBA trade history. You say you have no agenda, but you're clearly bashing our players and saying they're untalented and only played good because of Rick Adelman. That's just false. Ill agree that Adelman is a good coach and definitely had a positive impact on many of our players' games, but we still have numerous talented players who will excel regardless of who our coach is. Do you really think Kyle Lowry will start averaging 7 points and 4 assists without Adelman? That Scola will all of a sudden become a below average player because Adelman isn't his coach. Or Kevin Martin will turn into an inefficient chucker because a different coach is calling plays for him? And surely PatPat will become weak and soft with no mid-range J since Rick Adelman won't be coaching him anymore, right? Wrong. Those guys are all good basketball players and they can produce on any team with any coach, as can many of the other players on our team. Don't say our talent sucks because that's a damn lie. It may not be the most talented roster in the NBA, but we have plenty of talent that can succeed under whomever our next coach will be.

    3rd- Saying "NOBODY" wants to play for us is somewhere in between a gross exageration and a flat out lie. Plenty of players want to play for the Rockets. When was the last time we lost a player to free agency that we wanted to keep? When was the last time one of our players requested a trade? For all the talk of our players being unhappy here, none of them seem to want to find a way out of this organization. And your speculation about the reason we haven't landed a top free agent because we run a cutthroat organization is also pretty weak speculation. There were simply better destinations for those players to choose over Houston. South Beach and playing with LeBron and Wade is sexier than Houston for Bosh. The glitz and glamour of the Big Apple was more attractive to Melo than Houston. You can say the same for most of the other free agents who have picked teams other than us, they just had better options.
    1 person likes this.
  13. Invisible Fan

    Invisible Fan Member

    Dec 5, 2001
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    Clutch...the Ass?
  14. JayGoogle

    JayGoogle Member

    Nov 3, 2007
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    Lol this. Good post and your other post with Riley calling his players assets also was good...because I hear the word thrown around a lot in general.
  15. BMoney

    BMoney Member

    Feb 16, 2004
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    Morey has been a good GM. End of story. The outrage you are peddling makes you look like a chump.
  16. CXbby

    CXbby Member

    Dec 13, 2002
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    You know what? Come to think of it, no I haven't. Maybe that is because as far as overarching strategy goes, Morey hasn't done anything wrong. People can point to the Joey Dorseys or Twills that have failed. Fine. I also realize that without those failed bets we would never have ones that worked out like Brooks, Budinger, Landry. I would rather judge him on his overall direction and plan, since that is the task of a GM, than the details of individual transactions. Since he has done a fine job as far as that goes, what would you have me do? Criticize just to criticize? No, we have clowns like you to do that.
    1 person likes this.
  17. B-Bob

    B-Bob "94-year-old self-described dreamer"

    Jul 26, 2002
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    Clutch... the Kurtosis. :confused:

    Bear :: Rocket
    Kurtosis :: Asset
  18. DragonGirl

    DragonGirl Member

    Mar 7, 2011
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    Perhaps by this standard you should not criticize Adelman either. Calling too old to learn something new, not championship coach, and plays favorites. But you know what, he has overachieved too, despite fair share of mistakes like Morey has made.
  19. Kwame

    Kwame Member

    Sep 18, 2007
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    Still responding to me, huh. So either Morey is perfect and has never made any mistakes or you lack critical thinking skills and are a blind follower or mindless drone. I'm more inclined to go with the latter. Don't get emotional like you normally do, because you're not the only one that falls into that category. I shouldn't expect anything less though from a guy who thinks Kyle Lowry is as good as Rajon Rondo and Chris Paul. Obviously you haven't been watching the playoffs either.
  20. napalm06

    napalm06 Huge Flopping Fan

    Sep 30, 2008
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    We have barely acknowledged the enjoyable post buried in the crossfire of this thread.

    Consider it acknowledged.

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