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Break Down of Moreys Trades

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by pugsly8422, Mar 22, 2011.


Was this thread a waste of time?

  1. Yes

    60 vote(s)
  2. No

    60 vote(s)
  1. crash5179

    crash5179 Member

    Dec 9, 2000
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    The real magic is what you do with those second round picks once you get them. You are right... if you hit one out of six you should be fairly happy. This IMO is what has made DM's legacy... he has found multiple 2nd round gems now. Even some of the other players such as Jermain Taylor and Joey Doersy look like they can be role players.
  2. Roxs-Redemption

    Jun 20, 2010
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    As far as I know, this thread isn't too much of waste of time but its a good thread to know what will Morey do next and interesting past trade highlights.

    My favourite trade so far is 11) Rafer Alston for Kyle Lowry & Brian Cook..It was funny how we landed Brian Cook..He was a great bench-warmer and supporting the team..

    Anyways, what happened Rafer Alston did he back to "Streetball" / Did he went to China to play there or possibly retire?
  3. CCorn

    CCorn Member

    Dec 26, 2010
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    Being able to get rid of the wuss was the best trade of his career, NO tried to and not even Sac town would fall for it ha.
  4. albuster

    albuster Member

    Feb 18, 2009
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    Great. And the Rockets are now ranked what in the league? After four or five years of Morey as GM, and a whole dictionary of excuses, where do the Rockets stand now?

    How many more years of "rebuilding, retooling" or whatever description one would like to give the Rockets, will Alexander and the fans say enough with failure and mediocrity?
  5. Rockets2K

    Rockets2K Clutch Crew

    Mar 22, 2000
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    yeah, cause we all know how easy it is to make a number one team in the league.:rolleyes:

    simplistic analysis like yours are a pox on this board.
  6. albuster

    albuster Member

    Feb 18, 2009
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    I have done a lot of graduate and post graduate papers in my life, and believe me, basketball analysis does not require a whole range of analyses and theorems in order to arrive at relatively correct or truthful conclusions.

    Your rank as clutch crew maybe allows you to comment on everybody with or without boundaries, whether personal or otherwise, but let me propose that there are many ideas in the blog which I have respected even if I did not necessarily agree with them. I hope just a little sense of decency even from the gods of this admittedly enjoyable blog would be most welcome.

    You can ban me or do anything to my account here but rest assured that the staff of clutchfans do not have a monopoly of the truth and correct basketball analysis.
  7. CXbby

    CXbby Member

    Dec 13, 2002
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    Were any of these graduate and post graduate papers on common sense? Or did you miss that class?
  8. wizkid83

    wizkid83 Member

    May 20, 2002
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    Just wondering, what fields for graduate work are you in? I mean most statistical/economic/social science analysis all normalize for conditions that would bias the experiment right? Given that about 35MM of the Rocket's cap over the last 3 years have being chewed up by non-performing players, how would you rank Morey's move relative to his peer given the similar handicap?
  9. albuster

    albuster Member

    Feb 18, 2009
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    Do you possess the right academic qualifications to ask?
  10. CXbby

    CXbby Member

    Dec 13, 2002
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    That's what your mom said before I showed her my qualifications.
    1 person likes this.
  11. albuster

    albuster Member

    Feb 18, 2009
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    This post shows the kind and level of educatio you have. It is also the kind of person that needs to be avoided by decent people. My sincere apologies but I have no time to spend going back and forth with you, and I have played in the mud before and it is not pleasant.
  12. wizkid83

    wizkid83 Member

    May 20, 2002
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    I asked you a question too, and I did it politely. For a pure social science point of view, how would you analyze Morey's performance?
  13. CXbby

    CXbby Member

    Dec 13, 2002
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    Your mom didn't like playing in the mud either but that was after I pooped on her.
  14. albuster

    albuster Member

    Feb 18, 2009
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    I think you know very well that your parameters for the comparison that you would want me to make are extremely narrow. Salary cap is only one of the variables although it is one of the most important.

    My question really, which started this discussion, is a very simple one which I believe every caring fan has the right to ask. I was asking for an accounting of where the Rockets stand now after almost five years of Morey at the helm. How can that be a simplistic or invalid question?

    I used to reserve my judgement of Morey's decisions until his latest series of moves at the trade deadline. I don't recall criticizing Morey much in the past but I just think it is time for some accounting to be made. I don't know how that could offend anyone.
  15. meh

    meh Member

    Jun 16, 2002
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    Unfortunately, Morey lacks the following trade.

    Rockets trade [Insert players and picks] for [Insert Superstar]

    Morey has basically scoring a run here and there with walks and singles. He needs that HOME RUN badly. Not his fault, considering the crap he inherited when T-Mac/Yao decide to become albatross contracts. But he needs to hit the big one.
  16. albuster

    albuster Member

    Feb 18, 2009
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    From a business sense he has served his purpose of clearing some major cap space to put the team in a position to make more profits and to enable them to acquire the theoretical major pieces to build a contender.

    From a basketball point of view I believe, as a fan, that his moves have not made the Rockets a contender given the relatively ample time that he has been GM of the team. Overall, for me, again, as a fan, is an average basketball GM.

    As I stated previously, basketball analysis, for me as a fan, does not require deep research and extensive analysis like you do in the academic field. As far as I am concerned, basketball, particularly the NBA kind, is all about fun and entertainment. I enjoy watching and following the teams in the NBA and that is all there is to it. Simple enough.
  17. BimaThug

    BimaThug Resident Capologist
    Supporting Member

    Mar 24, 1999
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    LTF, YoYo, et al,

    The Rockets were never interested in taking Batum. The trade with Portland was agreed to BEFORE the Batum pick was made. He was Portland's pick. Those types of trades don't really count, IMO, as far as PLAYERS that Morey has traded. In hindsight, should Morey have just taken and kept Batum? Possibly. But you can say that about any GM every year.

    And YoYo, I don't buy the thinking that the Rockets would spend a first round pick on a given player JUST because another team with which it wants to trade MIGHT want the draftee in a later (non-draft day) day. I'm pretty sure that the Rockets got their man in Donte Greene. Maybe the Kings really liked him. Maybe not. But after Greene DOMINATED the summer league, his value went up. When Artest became available, Morey decided to pull the trigger. Unfortunately, you've got to give something to get something. So, Morey had to give up Greene in order to get Ron Ron.

    Had Greene been drafted "for Sacramento," I seriously doubt that EITHER team would have allowed Donte to risk serious injury in the summer league. Hell, the Artest trade actually got held up because the Rockets had signed Greene to a contract and had to wait 30 days before trading him. That hardly sounds indicative of a team drafting a guy just to trade him right away.
    1 person likes this.
  18. meh

    meh Member

    Jun 16, 2002
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    Indeed. A top GM could definitely build a championship team in 4 years with the following parts.

    broken-down T-Mac on $20mil/yr contract
    broken-down Yao on $17mil/yr contract
    3 1st round picks #24 or lower
    14th pick in the draft

    I agree. If Morey was any GM worth his salt, we'd be talking about trying to get the #2 or #1 seed in the playoffs right now.
  19. RiceRockets

    RiceRockets Member

    Oct 22, 2010
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    Your education obviously doesn't include spelling. Smallest dogs have the loudest bark.

    Back on topic though. You can hardly blame Morey for trying to win with McGrady and Yao. The whole big 3 concept is the basis of most of the past 20 championship teams. We have only really started to "reload/retool" the past 2 years when we had no superstar to rely on.

    So far he has made positive moves, but what we are all waiting for is the next superstar. No easy task (especially without losing a lot in the process - e.g. Nets for DWill / NY for Melo).
  20. albuster

    albuster Member

    Feb 18, 2009
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    Well, yeah, academic achievement is judged by one typo, great. Even small dogs bark when stepped on.

    Fair enough, let's see what Morey can do. Do you have an estimate of how long he'd be able to get it all together, if at all? As in my previous post, I have reserved my judgement and criticism of Morey from the time he worked for the Rockets until this last trade deadline. If that is not enough time, then it would be great if you could give me a reasonable time frame within which he could make it all happen, given his "assets", including expirings, trades and current players, and especially the draft picks in the horizon.

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