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The rockets are on the "mediocrity treadmill"

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by T-Slack, Mar 6, 2011.

  1. T-Slack

    T-Slack Member

    Jul 1, 2009
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    Another topic from the sloan conference that I thought deserves its own thread cause its true. Morey should just follow Cuban's lead since we don't have a top 10 talent anyways. This is why we should tank people. Maybe after reading the article the people that is against tanking will finally understand.


    "Perhaps the most intriguing thing about the various MIT Sloan Sports Analytics Conference panels is how frequently they give rise to, one would hope, a future paper or panel.

    "Earlier this week I wondered if quants had numbers to determine the merits of conceding blowouts as soon as a game is, statistically-speaking, over. And yesterday, my mind was all aflutter about whether team's should think of developing new head coaches in the same way they develop young players.

    Towards the close of yesterday's basketball analytics panel, Mark Cuban and Kevin Pritchard showed their cards in terms of fast-tracking a franchise rebuilding project.

    Cuban confessed that once Dirk Nowitzki retires he expects the Mavericks to lose, and, if he gets his way, they'll lose badly. Kevin Pritchard seemed to agree and introduced a new term into our lexicons: "the mediocrity treadmill."
    There is no championship future for a middling team that is stuck in the embattled space between those who struggle to make the playoffs and those that struggle and miss. Cuban has no desire for the Mavericks to be such a team. Charlotte Bobcats owner Michael Jordan recently defended trading Gerald Wallace to the Portland Trailblazers by saying, "We don't want to be the seventh or eighth seed." The Bobcats have been, at best, mediocre, and so perhaps we can interpret his statement as one owner casting his philosophical lot with Cuban and Pritchard.

    But before we go and make assumptions, the first question that deserves an answer is whether the mediocrity treadmill actually exists?

    Once there is a definitive answer to this question, the conversation shifts to the relative merits of mediocrity and, if one so desires, how to best bypass mediocrity and move into an era of winning. If you're stuck on the mediocrity treadmill, how do you get off? What do the numbers suggest is an appropriate amount of cap clearing? What balance should one seek between acquiring veteran free agents and acquiring draft picks through a combination of losing and house cleaning?

    We make all sorts of assumptions based on these questions, but what do the numbers say?

    Earlier today Celtics co-owner Wyc Grousbeck suggested an in-house study that provides a baseline for team's who want to win championships. “We looked at the last 25 NBA champions. Twenty-four out of twenty-five were won with a big three concept - three all-stars." Grousbeck further defined his study by qualifying his big three as one player who is among the fifty greatest of all time and two all stars.

    But it's not clear that all NBA owners mind walking the treadmill, year after year, season after season. Grousbeck is not Donald Sterling. Sterling, for example, seems entirely content to walk and walk and walk so long as the tread is lined with money. He's trying to turn a profit, and winning is a secondary concern. The Clippers are a team on the rise, but this is has little, if anything at all, to do with Sterling. The arrival of Blake Griffin has forced Sterling's hand.

    But there are other teams -- the Bucks and 76ers come to mind -- that seem stuck in the middling tier. Is the opportunity of playoff revenue enough to offset the malaise of mediocrity?

    Assuming teams have three, five and 10 year business plans in place -- plans that are designed to produce a team that is profitable at the box office and successful on the court -- should they pencil in a losing season or two as part of their plan? Some would describe this approach as a species of tanking, but that's not at all fair to Cuban and it misses the point, which is, after all, employing strategies that are more conducive to winning. If the data demonstrates that a strategy of temporarily embraced losing is actually a likelier fast-track to greater success, why would the sports public discourage stepping off the mediocrity treadmill as a smart long term strategy of team building. Losing, in this sense, is not only a path to success but, if viewed from above, a service to fans."
  2. larsv8

    larsv8 Member

    Nov 11, 2007
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    "Rockets package was attractive but Utah didnt want to trade Williams to a Western Conference team"

    Patience padawan
    2 people like this.
  3. ThaShark316_28

    Feb 22, 2007
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    +rep to you homie.
  4. Easy

    Easy Boban Only Fan
    Supporting Member

    Jul 23, 2002
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    Something has to be done to the system to discourage tanking.
  5. TheGoldenGreek

    Mar 12, 2010
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    How many championships has Mark Cuban and the Mavericks won? Oh yeah. NONE. The Mavericks always make the playoffs and fizz out once they get there. I don't put too much stock in what Cuban has to say.
  6. thetatomatis

    thetatomatis Member

    May 25, 2010
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    Young talent is on the team right now. Lets see what Morey has up his sleave in the draft and next years trade talks/free agency.
  7. ThaShark316_28

    Feb 22, 2007
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    most fickle fanbase in the Western conference that's not the Laker fans...good luck my brother.
  8. ashishduh

    ashishduh Member

    Aug 21, 2010
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    Yeah because this team has sooooo much old talent.
  9. ashishduh

    ashishduh Member

    Aug 21, 2010
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    BTW, name one good move MJ has ever made.
  10. saleem

    saleem Member

    Jan 1, 2001
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    I don't know if any team will want Thabeet as part of a package to move up in the draft. If any team wants him,then DM shouldn't hesitate to go that route IMO. Thabeet is a very long term project,who may not pan out. I hope he can prove me wrong though.
  11. worzel gummidge

    Sep 30, 2008
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    MJ and the Bobcats... :eek:
  12. ashishduh

    ashishduh Member

    Aug 21, 2010
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    I don't think he's talking about Thabeet. He's talking about the core of this team having an average age of about 25.

    HMMMHMM Member

    Oct 8, 2010
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    What does "we should tank" even mean. Are you suggesting that we should try to lose on purpose? Should we have traded away every old player, no matter how little we'd have get in return? And what would that have accomplished? Getting a lottery pick in a bad draft?

    Cuban is smart guy and it's no question that you don't want to be stuck in mediocrity, but then again this is Mark Cuban talking. The same guy who let Steve Nash walk to sign Dampier. The guy who gave Diop the full MLE. The guy who gave Brendon Haywood a $8.5mil contract to then watch him play 15 minutes a game, if at all. The same guy who was offering Al Harrington the full MLE last off-season.

    Also the Rockets, unlike a lot of other teams, aren't stuck in mediocrity. I watched the panel the quote is taken from. Cuban didn't mention a team, but he sure didn't seem to refer to the Rockets.

    Also this:
  14. YDoof2

    YDoof2 Member

    Mar 30, 2010
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    Getting Kwame Brown, the god of basketball.
  15. Shroopy2

    Shroopy2 Member

    Feb 16, 2003
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    Just your sig, I don't think
    leebigez is a jackass. Cant speak for the rest of them :)
  16. Clutch

    Clutch Administrator
    Staff Member

    Feb 13, 1999
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    Who is that quote from? Utah was intrigued but in the end it wasn't really close -- with the Nets giving up multiple lottery picks, the Rockets couldn't compete with that offer. I wouldn't say Houston being in the West was much of a deciding factor.
  17. larsv8

    larsv8 Member

    Nov 11, 2007
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    I don't remember, someone posted it just after the deadline.
  18. gah

    gah Member

    Nov 1, 2008
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    So how can you quote that? Doing it without knowing is more inaccurate than quoting Bill Ingram.

    If I had to take a wild guess, I'd say you tried to quote Wojnarowski and he wasn't talking about the Jazz, he said so about the Nuggets.
  19. Raven

    Raven Member

    Jul 24, 2002
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    Cuban is absolutely right. The Rockets are in NBA Hell, and it's their own doing. They should have started the rebuild two seasons ago, yet Alexander and Morey seem hellbent on doing it their way, which shows no signs of working.
  20. GATER

    GATER Member

    Jun 25, 2000
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    The Mark Cuban Mavs and the Daryl Morey Rockets have won exactly the same number of NBA Championships.

    I'm a Rockets fan. And never really cared for Cuban all that much. Comes across like a spoiled rich kid (or neuvo riche) to me.

    But I'd be less than honest if I did not say that sometimes...more often than I like...his desire to take REAL roster risks is something I admire.

    This is what may become a future dynamic.

    Cuban takes a lot of risks to get a very numerically low Lottery pick while Morey accumulates assets based on the assumption you can get a star for assets.

    As much as it pains me...if I had to bet...I'd bet on Cuban. :(

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