Stop ducking and dodging...forget that part of my post and just provide us with anything that YOU'VE posted in that past that is critical of Battier.
LOL......nice duck and dodge of your own. I have to prove im not a liar because you just happen to demand it, but i can't ask you to provide proof that i ignored your request because now you just want to forget that part? Typical want everyone to waste their time proving things while you sit back and bark orders. Don't waste your time replying, it's bad enough it got this far, and others don't want to keep reading this.
You're making yourself look silly. I'm just trying to simplify things for you. Now you're trying to run away just because I'm asking you to backup your claim. Just answer this question: Have you ever posted anything critical of Battier? If yes, please provide us with some evidence. If no, why did you claim that you did in another thread? Don't avoid the issue.
He basically called me a hater and said that I'm not objective. I think it's well within reason to call him out on his name-calling. More importantly, I'm just trying to make a point that he's in no position to talk about another poster's level of objectivity. RV6 has never posted anything critical of Battier despite claiming he has. I've asked him on more than one occasion to provide evidence to backup that claim, but he always avoids doing so. C'mon RV6, don't run away again, you said you've criticized Battier in the past, just provide us with some proof to support your claim.
Kwame: Yo, you call me a hater? RV6: Totally dawg. Kwame: Yo, my name is Kwame. I am special. RV6: LOL Kwame: What you LOL at internet boy. You won't LOL at me in real life. RV6: Shane Battier is good. Kwame: Yo, I knew this **** was for real. You LOVE that guy. Ewww. RV6: But i have criticized him before. Kwame: Don't you do that **** again. You have no proof. And my name is Kwame. RV6: I have more posts than you and YOU ask ME to give you proof? Kwame: My name is Kwame.
Kwame, don't let your argument get lost in bickering with other posters. Lets get back to the discussion at hand. I think what you really meant to say is this: I, of course, disagree. I think Shane provides both intangible and tangible benefit to the team on most nights. However, this is a more interesting discussion than the one you are having with RV6.
I would have traded Shane for just about anything during the offseason, but so far this season he has been one of the few that have played beyond my expectation. Actually, I think only Martin, Scola and Shane have played better than I expected. Everyone else in the team has been a huge disappointment this season.
I'm bumping this thread to give RV6 one last chance to backup his claim that he's criticized Battier before. C'mon RV6, just answer the question. You made a claim that you've criticized Battier before. The burden of proof is on you to provide evidence to backup that claim. Are you going to do so or not? If you don't respond, I'm going to go ahead and assume you're not going to provide any evidence to backup the claim that you made...ever. Probably because that evidence doesn't exist and you've never been remotely critical of you basically lied when you made that statement. And you're one to talk about credibility and objectivity, lol.
I waste my time searching for proof and i gain an ounce of respect from Kwame. I don't waste my time searching for proof and lose a ton of respect from Kwame. Frankly, i just don't care you think of me. My credibility and objectivity were built on over 8,000 posts. Nothing you say will wipe that out. You really need to get a grip. It's one thing to bump this thread, but to go into the Knicks game thread, right at tip off, to continue to bring this up is ridiculous and desperate. That kind of action is what will damage someone's credibility. Your objectivity, on the other hand, has been lost for a while. My advice? LET IT GO.
So are you going to backup your claim or not? You've asked me questions before and I've answered them. You should extend me the same courtesy.
This part of your post is just bs. You're averaging over 10 posts per day. Also, even though I became a member almost a year before you, you have more than 3 times as many posts as I do. You obviously have plenty of time to spend on this bbs. Thus, asking you to find one of your posts where, according to you, you criticize Battier is well within reason. So are you going to backup your claim or not?