DB is trying to get into Paulo's head. He's basically smacking the guy every time down the court. Probably will continue until the refs call something. Did the same thing to Jalen Brunson in the game here.
We've seen this before with him--he's a guy where it takes him a long time to get into a rhythm. I'm not surprised he's struggling after a long absence. Hopefully he'll have it turned on by the time we hit the playoffs.
If I was a ref I would T up any player that rested their sweaty ass hand on my shoulder. Just realized that watching Tari rest his **** on that lady refs shoulder lol
They can rest after they whooped some ass. Loving the twin towers so far. We hit the jackpot with Adams, weren’t sure after he came back from that serious knee injury.
Jalen doing everything but hitting his shots consistently. it's like he can only do 1 thing at a time score or playmake/rebound