But I'm glad you are adopting more leftist sentiments like America's use of USAID to gain soft power in countries to convince the leaders of those countries to supress labor laws to allow American companies to maximize shareholder value by reducing labor costs as a bad thing that must stop. But what I'm trying to figure out now is if the Trump administration and people like you are too stupid to understand the actual purpose of an entity like USAID or they legitimately got radicalized by Marxist literature.
What did I adopt? I just said that you support Trumpism. I will never adopt leftist sentiments, because I have a fully functioning brain. First, I have nothing to do with Trump or his administration. I didn't vote for him, nor do I work for him. That is a Republican project, while I am a libertarian. That aside, while I understand the purposes of USAID (I think you are foolish to think there is one singular purpose to something like USAID), I don't want the US to project power anywhere, nor do I want to have my resources taken and given to other people at home or abroad without my consent. On a broader lever, I don't want there to be power dynamics among nations. In an ideal world, there would be no nations. I want to maximize individual freedom. In an ideal world, everyone would be their own person and all interactions would be voluntary.
No worries…Trump tennis shoes are be made as we speak. Think of all the money to be made. And Trump socks are in the design phase if we need more cash. I’m not sure why I’m surprised by his tanking of the market but I am.
You need Diamond Hands while insiders take profit from the Biden years brah. Buy the dip and hodl on Trump coinz with Melania coin as balanced hedge. Elon tweets will solve everything
What's crazy is when they elect a democrat to bail them out only to hate everything they do and stand for "in principle". Dual party national politics can be reduced to bailouts and stimulus checks. The cynicism is deep and the dopamine reward systems are primed and ready every 4 years.
Do you approve of him using taxpayers money to buy worthless crypto scams? Do you approve of him pardoning thousands of violent convicted felons as a district attorney? Do you approve of him firing prosecutors who investigated him even though they were just following orders? Do you approve of his dumbass tariffs as a libertarian? Do you approve of him firing fbi agents who looked into him? Do you approve of him firing inspector generals who were appointed by him during his first term? If you say yes to any of those questions you're a fraud.
Do you have a list of the thousands of violent convicted felons he pardoned? I haven't heard of that one. I disapprove of most of the rest. I am fine with reducing the size of government, so getting rid of large amounts of FBI agents and inspectors general along with many, many others who are being let go doesn't outrage me. If he is limiting it to those who came after him, that's certainly problematic. On the crypto thing, not only do I disapprove of it, but you previously claimed I supported it without any evidence, and I already called you out for doing so. You just make stuff up about other posters to have your weird fantasy arguments.
The fbi agents and inspector generals aren't being laid off because of "down sizing." They are being let go bcz they followed a lawful order by their supervisor and investigated Trump. They were given the case by the attorney General and they were simply doing their job. Don't gas light people with propaganda He pardoned 400+ defendants who beat cops and committed violence. How can you be a district attorney yet spit on the rule of law? Have some shame and dignity for your fellow colleagues who busted their ass and prosecuted criminals. https://www.npr.org/2025/01/21/nx-s1-5268919/trump-issues-jan-6-pardons-attack-capitol-clemency
He said what he was going to do - he won and is now doing just that. We all assume that he cannot be serious … but often times we believe what we want to believe and not what people actually say. What will he do next? Probably more of what he said he would do. Deport millions of illegal aliens and try to abolish the federal income tax is my guess. At some point someone in his own party will try to stop him if things get bad enough. If Trump decides things get bad enough on his own - he will kick Musk and others to the curb and blame them. Trump is a master showman and understands human nature in his gut.
Trump is 78 and plays golf more times than he's at the WH..... lol let's stop pretending trump is this master genius. He's a ****ing idiot who's destroying the economy. Americans will put up with facism as long as the economy is booming. Once the economy turns bad his support will disappear. Trump took over a good economy. Low unemployment, high gdp, 4+ years of consecutive job gains and he ****ed it all up overnight
I assume there has to be a red line on the economy where trump has to do SOMETHING, I am sure he will try the blame game, but not sure musk would turn tail and just take that, but who knows. trump likes to be liked, and we are a society who will put up with a lot, but this is the one thing that will unite people who are getting the shaft. trump and company dont care about us but anyone running in 2026 will be getting an earful...........I just wonder how far down we have to go before someone does something.
That would be a strange way to refer to them, as they do not constitute thousands and are largely not violent felons.
He released 400ish violent felons. You're gaslighting people with your propaganda. He pardoned numerous individuals convicted guilty of seditious conspiracy. Have some dignity