It's 16 jobs, 9 of them are for americans paying $4/hr, the other 7 jobs go to Japanese execs that paid $5mil for a gold card.
This WHOLE SHIP is definitely sinking. What's weird is we're in the time of AI. It means more margin (duh). Fewer jobs (duh). More people will become business owner. It won result in fewer hours for non-owners. Again - less jobs. More productivity. But also AI is already a bubble in itself and also already built-in to existing stock prices. Weird vibes. Parked that 401k money because I feel like a deer in headlights right now. Peeled off all my fun bets too (except KKR. And MARA for the ponzi tug). You will be missed BROS. (But for real if anyone wants to open a BROS with me, I'm down).
It's been an 18 month bloodbath for tech. Even healthcare tech is making cuts... Any junior engineer will have a hard time getting exp or feeling entitled to a 1-2 yr bump. Senior mgrs are getting disappeared with "reorg flattening". Stay frosty and learn those side hustle skills y'all. No code might sound like a joke but a lot of people outside tech are doing their thing with grit and determination. It's not something to completely sleep on
The "related" popcorn articles I see from the layoffs are how programmers are retooling themselves to become pilots and or take up handyman jobs like HVAC installers
I know, that was a joke. Think they'd learn how to operate machinery? It's challenging, mentally and physically.
By the time the blue collars are ready to transition to skilled labor, they'll just be working for blackrock or KKR because they're buying all the home service companies. Start an HVAC company. Buy one. Otherwise you gotta work for the devil.
Lots of "blue collars" are skilled labor, you jackass. I'd think an aggy would know a thing or two about this.
the support at the 200DMA was broken last Tue; it's been a free fall since with above-avg volume, in the process, closing the gap at ~ 255 last Fri 's trading action closed the gap at 255; i think this current down trend will also close the gap at ~ 210
If these Numbers stay Down going into the Opening on Monday morning, there won't be much Fun for a bit longer. Barchart Indices Buy the Dip works until it doesn't. AI writeup Falling Knife Stock A "falling knife" stock refers to a security that is rapidly dropping in price, often due to negative news or market sentiment, creating a situation where attempting to buy the stock during its decline is considered very risky, as the price could continue to fall significantly further; essentially, the saying "don't catch a falling knife" means to avoid buying a stock that is rapidly declining in price as you could potentially lose a large amount of money if the drop continues. Key points about a falling knife stock: Sharp decline: The stock price experiences a sudden and steep drop in a short period. Unpredictable bottom: It can be difficult to determine where the price will stop falling, making it risky to try and buy at the bottom. Cautionary advice: Investors are typically advised to wait for the price to stabilize before considering buying a falling knife stock. Example scenarios: Poor earnings report: A company releases disappointing financial results, causing a sudden sell-off in its stock. Negative news story: A major negative news story about a company leads to a rapid drop in its stock price Market panic: During a broader market downturn, individual stocks can experience rapid declines as investors sell off positions quickly.
Tom Lee said the market was going to pick up this week. I think if you crash the market the inflation goes down with it. I'll be buying some more stocks today. Need some Rigetti and Palantir.