Woke people made a movie about a transgender cartel member I’m sure that will go well over with the real cartel. Don’t book that flight from LA to Acapulco just yet wokes @Salvy
Woke people must not prefer their heads attached to their bodies, they think going to Mexico is like going to Fiesta or La Michoacana.....
You hate drug cartels so much.... To the point I'd assume Ronald Reagan is your most hated president (if you had any idea of what presidents actually did during their terms).
The stereotypical MAGA thumb shaped head, fatty liver, high blood pressure, beer gut, divorced dad exists in mass. You see it at every suburban corner. That stereotype is real in the sense it's ubiquitous around us. Your stereotypes are based in algorithmic narrative hunting that results in creating a stereotype of a non existent type of human There isn't a human that walks around using the term "Latinx" in casual conversation. It's just a tern used in esoteric academic literature.
The funny thing is you know your stereotype barely exists while you can step outside now and see armies of maga beer bellied slow footed thumb like creatures struggling stepping out of their lifted Dodge RAM. It's funny because ryou know it's true. American conservative culture has been so homogenized and based on material ownership of things like what truck you own, what type of alcohol you like, what type of unhealthy meat choices you like that it has created and army of dudes who look like Tom Homan.
Woke people love obesity @Andre0087 @Rocketeer @HP3 good news though Lizzo realized being fat is no good for you @pgabriel @Os Trigonum
I’m pretty sure the woke d&d is for sure Daughter was a Houston daughter not some messed up pro palestian trans stop oil kid
I'm pretty sure the death count of one white supremacist mass shooting in a Walmart in El Paso is higher than the total amount of migrants charged or convicted of murder in 2024. The problem isn't empathizing with someone who lost a loved one to a violent incident. It's about propping up incidents of a murder committed by one group of people to create a political narrative.
Strong Latina woman from Houston standing up for her daughter that’s what democrats hate @HP3 @glynch @CrixusTheUndefeatedGaul
Not a single woke Dem stood up for her when Trump was honoring her kid. Dems truly are a bunch of rabies infected creatures.
Are you surprised ? Loud mouths hear suddenly near mention her kid at all. This is a Houston kid. But you can look up the old threads where the claim Dave Chappelle’s jokes kills transgenders. However is this real , a girl really got murdered based on border policy.