Ohh boy this is great & worth a second post: A month ago: So, @droxford - thinks he's smarter than the blacks & mexicans & the ladies, but knows he's dumber than the indians & east asians.
First of all... I'm half Mexican. Second, I never said I was smarter or dumber than anybody. You lefties sure do like to put words into mouths. I care about Americans and American jobs. Immigrants should legally contribute to our melting pot (as my Mother's family did). And you're a horrible, horrible person. Your posts are ugly, childish, and counter productive. I pity anybody you care about. I can only imagine how terrible you'd be in an argument, resorting to profanity, name calling, and verbal abuse.
^55 year old guy who spends months this summer posting about the moral outrage of Olympic women's boxing on the internet because the Harry Potter lady told him to. (when he's not blaming minorities for causing a plane crash they had nothing to do with because they aren't white enough)
I don’t expect you to know any better, but I can assure you the controller involved was neither incompetent nor were they a DEI hire. DEI hires don’t exist in the ATC universe. There was a window where the Agency attempted to diversity the workforce and cast a wider net to get more applicants, but there was never a lowering of standards to becoming certified (i.e. actually performing the duties of the job), and that’s what people should care about. I’ll say it again: don’t believe the lies and BS coming from the Trump administration on this. They’re politicizing a tragedy to try to score cheap political points in order to justify their anti-DEI crusade. It’s pathetic.
I've heard reports that support your statement. That the ATC person alerted the blackhawk about the airplane twice (the first time was two minutes before the collision), and instructed the blackhawk to fly behind the airplane and that it did not do so, for some unknown reason. That being said, it appears that the fault was with the blackhawk pilot... ...so the question becomes... why did the helicopter pilot not adjust after getting warned by the ATC person twice? This is under investigation.
Do me a favor and read what I posted once more for emphasis: this is not a DEI issue. It had nothing to do with this terrible tragedy. The investigation will run its course. As an aviation safety professional, I certainly have my opinions on what happened. That said, I’d prefer not to speculate beyond condemning the President’s grotesque assertions about this accident being caused or partially caused by DEI.
I agree that it sounds like the ATC was not a DEI issue. Hopefully, the pilot of the blackhawk was also not a DEI issue.
I think it is more about low salary and having their immigration status tied to their employment with you that makes them more appealing to corporation. India has terrible universities and scam diplomas. Their coders are trash.
It was mentioned in the article you posted. Don’t know. I’m getting my info from you … one thing is for sure, if that black box survived … they can survive anything.
This was an unfortunate tragic accident in one of the most high probably zones for accidents. To correct this, ATC as a whole needs massive modernization. It was going to happen one day regardless. End of story. Or ... like the Nevada Trump Hotel with the cybertruck, this was a political statement. Except it involved a whole lot more lives.
Hopefully, it's as simple as that. Hopefully, the blackhawk pilot was qualified, adequately experienced and trained, and was placed in a position of flying a blackhawk because of that.
‘Yes, this is a normal day in DCA. When I flew for PSA and was based in DCA, this was a common site seeing military helicopters transitioning through the airspace over the river at about 200 feet. I personally didn’t have any issues with them. I flew in in out of DCA a lot and even did the circle to land on 33 many times… Matter of fact, I flew this airplane involved in this accident 7 times in my career.
No I am not a DEI hire….. These DEI comments aren’t a funny matter to be honest….. Hiring and training standards in when it comes to pilots haven’t been lowered…. Pilots when hired at the airlines attend the same training program and take the same checkrides regardless of their Age, Sex, Color of person….