Do you agree with the premise put forward by Trump that migrants have poisoned the blood of our country?
Psycho loser who lives on Clutchfans throwing out homophobic slurs now. It's right there for everyone to see.
I'm asking the man who is telepathically connected to Trump's brain through penis in mouth insertion based on the incessant defending of Trump to the point one has to assume some sort of romantic connection what Trump is going to do about migrants poisoning the blood of our country.
It can be changed - it requires a Constitutional Amendment. We can argue over whether it is a good or bad idea - but a ratified amendment is the proper channel and if it happens, then it is the law of the land until another amendment is passed.
I have a possible solution to this. Remove Trump's dick from your mouth and it will clear up your brain waves to properly answer this question sincerely.
Another homophobic slur. @Nook, @FranchiseBlade @JuanValdez lets get on the record do you support this?
Man not only woke but a b**** who can't stand by his man's Nazi rhetoric. Now you calling the woke police bro?
I'll look out for news of a work place shooting in the Boston area by a short south asian man. Totally unhinged.
I got a hunch the people who defend leaders who say stuff like migrants poison the blood of our nation or make blood libel claims of entire ethnic groups are more prone to doing something like ... Shoot up a Walmart in El Paso because there are too many brown people.
Also if low brow gay humor is your threshold for what make someone prone to mass shooting, then 90% of the maga base are one bad day removed from a mass shooting because low brow homophobic humor is the base of conservative comedy.