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If the Rockets only get 1 all-star should it be Sengun or Jalen?

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by chef0010, Jan 7, 2025.


Who is our all star?

  1. Jalen?

  2. Sengun?

  1. ThatBoyNick

    ThatBoyNick Member

    Dec 8, 2011
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  2. Downtown Sniper

    Oct 9, 2007
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    To be fair to Jalen, he's strung a good week or two together now with a couple of good teams thrown in there as well.

    This is unchartered territory for Jalen and his fans.
  3. Jontro

    Jontro Member

    Feb 3, 2010
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    dylan brooks. he taught the team how to defend
    daywalker02 likes this.
  4. aelliott

    aelliott Member

    Jun 11, 1999
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    Ok, so a lawyer from Wyoming likes to rank guys using lineup stats. That's nice.

    Jokic and Durant are going to be voted in . Lebron and AD will likely be included because of who they are. Wemby will make the team. Thats 5 bigs.

    Sabonis is ahead of Sengun in pts, 3pt shooting, fg%, rebounding, assists and ts%. Its not even close in many of those categories. Sabonis is also several spots ahead of Sengun in the Wyoming lawyer lineup rankings too.

    Thats 6 bigs ahead of Sengun. How many do you think they will take?

    For guards, SGA and Curry get voted in. Edwards and Luka make it. Then its down to Fox, Booker and Morant. I don't see Harden or Kyrie getting named.

    Like I said, neither guy should make it because they have both shot so poorly this year but they are going to feel obligated to put a Rocket in the game because of our record.

    If either guy gets hot the next few weeks, that could swing it in their favor. Also, an injury or two could open up additional chances for one of them.

    Edit: I just checked, last year the west had 5 bigs on the roster - LBJ, AD, KAT, Jokic and Durant.
    #124 aelliott, Jan 9, 2025
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2025
    tagedieb and fchowd0311 like this.
  5. WestendMassive

    Aug 13, 2003
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  6. AroundTheWorld

    Feb 3, 2000
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    Last year, one argument against Sengun was the record.

  7. aelliott

    aelliott Member

    Jun 11, 1999
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    Who would you have replaced in last year's game?

    Wemby's going to get in and the Spurs aren't good. They typically take the best guys and if it's close the record helps.

    Our record is the only reason Sengun or green might get in. Everyone knows that Green is very inefficient but he and Sengun were almost tied in efficiency going into the game tonight. If he gets in, great. If he doesn't, it won't be a case of him being robbed.
  8. AroundTheWorld

    Feb 3, 2000
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    You have a weird anti-Sengun bias that leads to you cherry-picking stats.

    Which Rockets player is the only one that shows up in all-star voting and the MVP ladder?

    Who do you think has been the best Rockets player this season?
  9. aelliott

    aelliott Member

    Jun 11, 1999
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    You didn't answer my question. What big would you have left off of last years all star team in order to add Sengun.

    As for all star voting and mvp ladders, who cares?

    Fan voting has always led to crazy results but they keep people involved so we still have it. Houston fans are well aware of it, Yao's rookie year we saw him end up starting in the all star game when he was nowhere near the all star level though he later did become one.

    MVP ladder? Those are for fun and to keep people talking. NBA.COM has 3 Western conference centers listed ahead of Sengun. If you are taking those as fact, does the #4 center in the conference automatically make the all star team?

    As for "best" player, it depends on your definition of best? If you are just going by stats, it's probably Sengun but having the best stats of a bunch of highly inefficient guys doesn't make you an all star.

    If you mean , who effects winning the most? Then it's probably Amen Thompson. He does the most things to help us night I and night out. He's super efficient when he scores, but even when he's not scoring much, he contributes in mulitlple ways. He gives Udoka a ton of flexibility to use him however he needs. Defenively, he's elite and he can cover any position. Offensively, he's played pg, sg, sf and pf multiple times this year. He is a really good rebounder, blocks shots , is great in transition and he brings energy and pushes the pace every night. And before you ask, no Amen shouldn't make the all star team either.

    I get that you really like Sengun and that's fine but be realistic. People not considering him a star doesn't mean that they hate him. He's a very good player that any team would love to have. If you want to be credible, then you need to look at his weaknesses too. Trying to convince people that he's an elite defender by quoting a bunch of lineup based stats isn't going to convince many. The Rockets generally have him play drop coverage in order to protect him. He's done well to play within our system defensively but teams can still exploit him.

    A good example is the 3rd quarter of the Laker game. In a span of 9 possessions, the Lakers continuously ran pick and role to force Sengun to switch to LeBron. Sengun wouldn't step up to contest LeBron from behind the arc. LeBron quickly went 3 for 5 on open 3s to help get the Lakers back in the game. Udoka quickly removed Sengun and brought in Adam's who did a better job. That's the kind of thing that we will see in the playoffs, teams will hurt t the matchups that give them the advantage and keep doing it as long as it works. The issue is going to be how to respond to those type of attacks. Playoff teams are going to have shooters that will make us pay for not closing out on switches. The problem is that even if he closes out, then that is going to get him isolated on a guy that can probably go right past him

    . We saw the Rockets do the exact same thing to Edey last night. He played drop coverage and Houston ran screens with Edey's man and we got open 3 point looks because Edey didn't close out. Finally, Edey came out of the drop and tried to pick up the switch on the perimeter but he got blown by multiple times so Memphis took him out. We're going to see teams attack us in a similar manner in the playoffs.

    If you consider overall shooting efficiency to be a cherry picked stat then OK, but it's much more representative than a bunch of lineup based stats and tweets by random folks on the internet.

    Do you agree that Sengun has been highly inefficient this year and that his performan has beenen inconsistent from one game to the next? Centers are generally efficient offensive players due to their role on the court. How many starting centers in the league have been less efficient than Sengun this year? I'll get you started - Bam Adabayo, he's been awful offensively this year. Who else? Today's NBA is all about efficiency and unfortunately Sengun has been very inefficient this year. That's not bias, that's fact. Of course, it's also true for the vast majority of the Rockets rotation players too. So am I bias toward most all of the roster?
  10. AroundTheWorld

    Feb 3, 2000
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    Paul George

    But yeah, obviously I am biased as a Rockets fan.

    If they are all highly inefficient, why is their record what it is?

    I love Amen. And I agree he is already very impactful, and will be even more impactful in the future. With his athleticism, the sky is the limit. I also happen to think that he and Alpi play really well together.

    Any idea why Amen's on/off stats aren't better though?


    Also, are Sengun's points, rebounds, assists and steals less impactful on winning than Amen's points, rebounds, assists, steals? Like, Amen gets fewer of them, but an Amen point has a bigger impact than a Sengun point in your world? I guess averaging damn near 20/10/5 isn't "contributing in multiple ways" when it's a player you don't like. BPM, EPM, VORP, LEBRON, PER, On/Off, Net Rating, PIE, Win Shares all disagree with you, by the way, but feel free to disregard all of that because "a lawyer from Wyoming" cited some of them (and no, they aren't all lineup stats - they are just inconvenient to your narrative).


    #130 AroundTheWorld, Jan 10, 2025
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2025
  11. AroundTheWorld

    Feb 3, 2000
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    What does this former NBA player know - @aelliott knows better that Amen contributes in multiple ways, but Sengun apparently does not.
  12. HeyBudLetsParty

    May 8, 2010
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    The take that Sengun doesn’t deserve all star this year because his finishing at the rim has regressed is really frustrating because last year he had the stats but was left off the roster because the team wasn’t winning. I think it’s fair that in a stacked western conference, team success should play a role in selections as long as stays consistent.

    I do expect Sengun to make the team if the Rockets stay in the top 3 in the standings, I could also see Jalen getting in if he continues his recent stretch as an injury replacement.

    Furthermore, some of the guaranteed all stars will be declining on retiring soon, Lebron, Durant, Curry etc. Spots should start to open up for Jalen so long as he stays on his trajectory and the Rockets keep winning.
    AroundTheWorld likes this.
  13. groovemachine

    groovemachine Member

    Jun 29, 2006
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    We may not have an allstar due to the way our scoring is spread out. Alpi will be the dude if one of our guys is selected
    tagedieb and AroundTheWorld like this.
  14. Jorge M Gutierrez

    Jan 19, 2024
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    Jalen in the all star instead
  15. cumutk

    cumutk Member

    Jun 28, 2022
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    What is this Alpi hate in some of this ****ing fanbase?
    It is because.he is European or what?
    I really wonder and know the reason...
    This kid shows 100 percent effort for this team. Breaking all records as center in this teams history, making game easy for all others.
    He is humble, he does not primarily think about his stats in a match, but prioritizes his team.

    So what does some idiots here want from him?

    I am really curious about the iq, mentality behind this.
    We have a good character, not egoist, friendly, humble star, all coaches in NBA are jealous of Rockets for having Alpi.
    So just want to hear the answers..

    This kid is in MVP Ladder, only player in NBA allstar rankings top 10.
    Showing his all for this team, nobody says that he is finished product, he is 22 years old..
    So, what is your problem?
    Just enjoy our duo, Alpi and Jalen and take us to new victories..
    Without Alpi, this team can go nowhere..
    #135 cumutk, Jan 10, 2025
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2025
  16. daywalker02

    daywalker02 Member

    Jul 17, 2006
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    At the end of the day the Voters, media panel, players vote for All Star Starters, Coaches vote for the rest of the All Star bench.

    Rox fanbase only account for a tiny portion.
  17. cumutk

    cumutk Member

    Jun 28, 2022
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    You are funny and have zero basketball knowledge.
    Amen starts to play basketball properly 2 months ago in this team. He is sophomore player, even not a starting five player and do you compare him with Sengun, Who broke many records as a center in Rockets history and a high possible future hall of famer?
    What do you take as a drug?
  18. daywalker02

    daywalker02 Member

    Jul 17, 2006
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    While they are at it, a dude by the name of West End Massive rounds out the Aussie All Stars.

    WestendMassive likes this.
  19. cumutk

    cumutk Member

    Jun 28, 2022
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    Are you high?
  20. cumutk

    cumutk Member

    Jun 28, 2022
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    Green can only be the apprentice of Sengun with low basketball iq and tunnel.vision.
    What allstar?

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