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[ official ] Trump for president 2024

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout: Debate & Discussion' started by Roc Paint, Nov 27, 2020.

  1. daywalker02

    daywalker02 Member

    Jul 17, 2006
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  2. Scarface281

    Scarface281 Member

    Mar 17, 2009
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    That list doesn't include the EU saying they'll buy US energy again, China saying they want to cooperate with Trump, biggest stock market pump post election day in history, etc.

    Trump gets elected and everyone starts doing their homework before dinner again
  3. JayGoogle

    JayGoogle Member

    Nov 3, 2007
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    Yall fall for stuff too easily.

    I don't care about the other stuff but I know one of those 'facts' is blatantly a lie.
    - The Iran backed Houthis announced a ceasefire.

    If you don't believe it...

    So this was just one of those 'facts' that is here proven to be a complete and utter lie. Are you going to trust the other ones too?
  4. Scarface281

    Scarface281 Member

    Mar 17, 2009
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    Lol. Coming in here last minute post-election pretending to spit game, and starting your post like that. Nah
  5. JayGoogle

    JayGoogle Member

    Nov 3, 2007
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    Last minute? It's a messageboard, your post was the last one.

    Just trying to help you out, you can keep believing random twitter posts as truth or not, up to you I guess. Nothing on that post is real lol.

    Actually, one thing is real, The Steve Madden thing. The rest are complete lies or fabrications.

    Putin is always calling for peace...once you give him Ukraine, then there can be peace.
    The Hamas thing is also just a flat out lie, never happened.
    And of course the houthis thing is not even close to being true.
  6. Scarface281

    Scarface281 Member

    Mar 17, 2009
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    Last minute as in the election is done, and you come in on this pedestal "yall believe anything". Where were you at the last few months? Many posters like you saying the same BS all turning out to be wrong.

    And what's funny is you only look at 1 of the 7 things listed in that tweet + my post. Even if the ceasefire isn't completely correct, that's still shooting 86% from the field.

    You added that Putin line. Why was Putin going crazy under Obama and Biden and not Trump? I'll wait.
  7. JayGoogle

    JayGoogle Member

    Nov 3, 2007
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    This is a real "We have always been at war with Eastasia..." moment...

    What am I wrong about? The post you posted as "THE WINNING IS ALMOST SURREAL" is fake. Easily debunked, none of that happened. The Houthis did not demand a ceasefire. Hamas did not call to an end of the way. That's fake. It didn't happen.

    I don't know what you're talking about "Saying the same BS all turned out to be wrong." People turned out to be wrong on the election because Trump voters, by and large, believe completely fabricated crap. It's very hard to win an election when your opponent can tell you the sky is green and his followers believe it. So if you're saying people turned out wrong on the election, cool....but did people turn out wrong on the facts?

    No, I looked at all the things in your post, 1 of them is correct. The rest are not. No, the ceasefire isn't just kinda wrong. It is completely false. I literally linked a story of them shooting down an american drone. Yesterday. It's not true. It's just not true.

    Putin is still going crazy lol? Do you think the Ukrainian war ended? Putin's requirement for peace is taking land Ukrainians fought and died for. Do you think that's a reasonable requirement for peace? No one knows what Russia will do or Hamas or Iran at this point but we do know for certain none of those things happened.

    Like can we at least double check the stuff we post and make sure it's a fact? If it is not a fact, then someone might come in and correct it? People do that all the time.

    I mean really, if Hamas demanded peace and a ceasefire do you really think that wouldn't be worldwide breaking news? Why would some rando on twitter be breaking the news and why wouldn't every media site in the world not be covering that???
  8. CrixusTheUndefeatedGaul

    Jun 1, 2022
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    Good luck deporting Elon. Bwahahaha!
    raining threes likes this.
  9. CrixusTheUndefeatedGaul

    Jun 1, 2022
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    Becareful breh. Do not engage. This poser will spam you with endless links trying to make his points. Like you’ve said, where was he before the election? Lol
    Scarface281 likes this.
  10. Scarface281

    Scarface281 Member

    Mar 17, 2009
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    Man you really are so off base. Since I don't feel like going through how wrong it is, I'll address the point you made about "only one thing on my list being correct". Here's a few, so not sure why you said that:

    EU suggest buying US natural gas to avoid tariffs: https://www.politico.eu/article/tru...s-export-tariffs-trade-election-biden-harris/

    Biggest stock market day, post-election day (Trump had the last record in 2016 by the way): https://www.wsj.com/livecoverage/stock-market-today-fed-meeting-dow-nasdaq-sp500-live-11-06-2024

    Trump and Xi relationship: https://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20241107/p2g/00m/0in/024000c

    Look at the questions in that weak poll.

    "Has inflation decreased over the last year", which is not accounting for the years leading up.

    "The US stock market is at or near all time highs", which isn't taking into account the middle class and inflation, who chose Trump because they felt better under him.

    "Over the last few months border crossings are at an all time low", which isn't taking into account it wasn't until June 2024 that they finally signed orders closing the border after years of high surges of illegal crossings and only because it was election season.

    Your dishonest poll is why the Dems lost and resounding fashion.
  11. daywalker02

    daywalker02 Member

    Jul 17, 2006
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  12. JayGoogle

    JayGoogle Member

    Nov 3, 2007
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    This is the dishonest post. The post you quoted MENTIONED NONE OF THAT.

    - Steve Madden is halting manufacturing in China by half in a yr
    - Hamas calls for an end to the war in the Middle East
    - The Iran backed Houthis announced a ceasefire.
    - Putin said he’s ready to work toward peace

    This is all it mentioned.

    I proved to you that 3 of these things were wrong. You now reply about other things I don't care about. Hypotheticals that may or may not happen, because that's all you got, because the last time Trump was in office he was one of the most unpopular presidents of all time and had one of the most chaotic terms of all time, featuring child separation, cities on actual fire, americans dying left and right because HE underestimated the pandemic. That was Trump's presidency.

    LOL at data being 'dishonest' especially when you LITERALLY just demonstrated how people fall for completely fake news.

    This whole "The people voted for Trump so it must be right!!!" is not a sound argument and one that tells of historical ignorance because it assumes that the people always choose right.

    History shows that no, sometimes the people elect someone horrible.
    Nook, Agent94 and FranchiseBlade like this.
  13. Scarface281

    Scarface281 Member

    Mar 17, 2009
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    No I mentioned more in my post. Go back and read. This tells me you don't pay attention. Again where were you all election season? Why come in now to be wrong?

    Jaygoogle line of thinking: this person who murdered someone every year for a decade stopped murdering this year so they are no longer a murderer.

    The poll is dishonest because the questions are absolute crap. This is why you didn't refute the points I made. How does it make sense to you that illegal immigration can be at absurd levels for years, and then for half a year it drops due to an election + executive order, and now you just want to discount the last 3 years on some weak ass technicality. Sad argument.

    The Dems lost trying to fool people the way you are. Just be honest and stop looking at things in a vacuum.

    You can easily reword that last poll question to say "illegal crossings the last 4 years are the highest they've been in 40 years", and the Republicans would be right. See how weak the question is? Probably not lmao
    #11213 Scarface281, Nov 9, 2024
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2024
  14. Xopher

    Xopher Member
    Supporting Member

    Feb 1, 2017
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    Did you see Steve Madden is not moving manufacturing to the States, but to Cambodia, Vietnam, Mexico, etc?, No of course not.

    Here is what Hamas actually said

    "The election of Trump as the 47th president of the USA is a private matter for the Americans," Hamas Political Bureau member and spokesperson Basem Naim told Newsweek, "but Palestinians look forward to an immediate cessation of the aggression against our people, especially in Gaza, and look for assistance in achieving their legitimate rights of freedom, independence, and the establishment of their independent self-sovereign state with Jerusalem as its capital."

    "The blind support for the Zionist entity 'Israel' and its fascist government, at the expense of the future of our people and the security and stability of the region, must stop immediately," he added

    Here is what Putin said

    #11214 Xopher, Nov 9, 2024
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2024
    Nook, Agent94 and FranchiseBlade like this.
  15. Xopher

    Xopher Member
    Supporting Member

    Feb 1, 2017
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    Here is the lie about Houthis

    FranchiseBlade likes this.
  16. Xopher

    Xopher Member
    Supporting Member

    Feb 1, 2017
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    FranchiseBlade likes this.
  17. Salvy

    Salvy Member

    Nov 10, 2009
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  18. JayGoogle

    JayGoogle Member

    Nov 3, 2007
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    Didn't I literally in my first post say "This one thing is so blatantly a lie why should I pay attention to the rest?"

    I mean my guy, one of the things you mention as 'winning' is "China says they want to work with Trump." Umm...yeah. They would have said the exact same thing if Kamala won. They would have said the same thing if a cat won. It's just nothing political speech. "Congrats on the new president, we look forward to working with him..." but we're now pretending that this means China is bowing before Trump lol.

    I also don't get what point you're making with "Why come in now, where were you election season?" what difference does it make? I'm not making a prediction on the election.

    But if you do want a prediction, Trump will once again have a complete disaster of a term and go down once again as one of the most unpopular presidents of all time.
  19. raining threes

    Jun 26, 2008
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    They worked pretty good the 1st time around. In fact they worked so good that Biden let them stay in place.

    Trump's next 4 years are going to look a lot like his last 4 years in the White House. Except he'll be able to get more things done because nobody will be spying on him, having to deal with bogus impeachments and he's got a mandate this time around. I cant wait for the Epstein files/JFK files to be released. Also I want to know more about the Butler files that the FBI is currently stonewalling. Wray wont have a job for much longer.. The fact that Trump can get people like Musk/Grennel, Gabbard, Carson etc... to help run various depts scares the crap out of the deep state. Hopefully the Senate will be smart enough to not elect Thune/Cornyn etc... to be the Senate leader. Give me Rick Scott, Rand Paul etc.. you know people that will help Trump accomplish the mandate he was given.
    FranchiseBlade likes this.
  20. raining threes

    Jun 26, 2008
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    I would say he's very popular, 73 million votes last election and 72 million votes this election. He's plenty popular. I'm just glad the last election was stolen because now that he's been re-elected he can get his nominations for the SCOTUS through and maybe even get to add another one depending on how Sotomayor's health holds up. Not to mention securing the borde, drill baby drill etc...

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