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What went wrong for Kamala?

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout: Debate & Discussion' started by ROXRAN, Nov 6, 2024.

  1. ElPigto

    ElPigto Member
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    Sep 21, 2006
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    I will admit that it would be nice if during this next 4 years the media focuses more on criticizing whatever policy they disagree with and not worry about getting sound bites from him. I told one of my friends recently that the media knew that Trump brings ratings so they tended to nudge him more and Trump loves the attention so he is also willing to fight back. I think Trump deserves to be called out on his baggage, I don't categorize his past as a witch hunt as others like to classify it. I do feel he should be held accountable which is why I disliked the recent SCOTUS ruling. However, despite this, he is our president elect, and with that we need to cope that he will be our leader for the next four years. I would love for the media to go back to being boring and not get wrapped up in going back and forth with him on silly issues. I do want the media to hold him accountable because that's what they are there for, but I don't want to go back to what it was his last four years.

    I do dislike all the disinformation, but heck that's just part of politics. I can move past that noise.

    I guess as an American, I just want peace and although I may not fully back all the policy decisions of this new administration, I will be open minded about it rather than just being angry. Both party's supporters have their fault in the current chaotic political climate we are in. We need to be better as a society and more tolerant. I'm not asking people to tolerate racists or rapists, but I am asking to stop lumping everyone into one group. We can be better and united as a country.
  2. dobro1229

    dobro1229 Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    The more i step back and look at this it is all information and psychological warfare. It’s not about money to combat that obviously. It’s about the ability to ingrain your ideology into the cultural bloodstream to seed counter narratives.

    How Dems win in 2026 and beyond I don’t know. They can start by buying as many Spanish speaking radio stations as they can in crucial swing states. That’s a big factor here in why Trump won the Latino share he did. A long time ago Mitt Romney of all people spearheaded huge investments in radio across the country and focused widely on Spanish speaking stations. The Democrats in that era sleep walked into not countering by having wealthy donors step in to help stop the bleeding of radio stations getting bought up. Then there was the whole Clear Channel thing.

    But it goes far beyond that one example. It’s cultural and ingrained in huge chunks of society. The UFC culture is an example. If Adam Silver and NBA owners were as committed as Dana White into Democratic Party ideals then that’s an example of countering. You’ve got some help there with Steve Kerr, Curry, Pop, Lebron but it’s still not as brazen as what Dana White has done with the UFC culture in really owning the mindshare of millions of young men.

    The problem isn’t easily solvable because the answer to the counter unfortunately comes from positions of power and wealth in this country that have influence on culture. The question really then is how do we as a people.. the little guy… instead turn the tables to create a bottom up culture that rejects the influence of people with power and money being in our faces with manipulating messages that are there only to serve the interests of the wealthy and powerful???

    I think it’s all about us and creating some sort of viral movement to turn the working class on the billionaires and wealthy elites that put guys like Donald Trump in power to serve their own interests.
  3. Os Trigonum

    Os Trigonum Member
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    May 2, 2014
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    Democrats, Blame Yourselves
    Voters on Tuesday repudiated the results of progressive policies.
    By The Editorial Board
    Nov. 6, 2024 at 5:46 pm ET

    If Democrats want some sage counsel on how to recover from their electoral drubbing on Tuesday, we suggest they recall that classic relationship breakup line from Seinfeld’s George Costanza: “It’s not you; it’s me.”

    The temptation after a defeat this humiliating is to hunt for scapegoats—fading Joe Biden, untutored Kamala Harris, Russian disinformation, benighted and racist voters. They’d be wiser to look in the mirror.

    The defeat was less a resounding endorsement of Mr. Trump than a repudiation of progressive governance. America rejected the consequences of left-wing policies. Democrats lost ground from 2020 across many demographic groups, according to the exit polls. Even women moved percentage points closer to Mr. Trump. How could Democrats possibly lose like this to a man they think is Hitler? Allow us to offer a list for liberal reflection:

    The failure of Bidenomics. Democrats once understood that private business drives growth and higher incomes. Sometime in the 21st century, they came to believe that government spending creates wealth—via the “Keynesian multiplier” and other nostrums.

    Thus they passed, on a party-line vote, a $1.9 trillion pandemic-relief bill that wasn’t really needed, fueling the highest inflation in decades. This robbed millions of workers of real wage gains, which haunted Democrats on Tuesday as two-thirds of voters said they were unhappy with the state of the economy.

    Cultural imperialism. Democrats took their 2020 victory as an invitation to turn identity politics into woke policy. They stood with transgender activists instead of parents who don’t want boys to play girls sports or elementary teachers to pass out pronoun pins. Republicans hammered Democrats with ads that attacked Democratic votes against tying federal funds to transgender school policies.

    Democrats also began using the term “Latinx,” which sounds to many Spanish-speakers like illiterate cultural imperialism from elites. Could that and other woke policies have played a role in Mr. Trump winning 46% of the Hispanic vote and 55% of Latino men, according to the exit polls?

    Regulatory coercion. In pursuit of their climate obsessions, Democrats pushed coercive mandates, including an EPA rule effectively saying that by 2032 only 30% of new car sales can be gas-powered models. The EV mandate caused layoffs among auto workers in Michigan that Mr. Trump attacked in TV ads and on the stump.

    Lawfare. Democrats used Mr. Trump’s divisiveness to escalate against him at every turn. After calling him a Russian stooge and impeaching him twice, Mr. Biden labeled him a “fascist” and Democrats tried to bar him from the ballot.

    They criminally indicted Mr. Trump—four times—and targeted his family business with a civil suit. They convicted him in New York, under an elected Democratic prosecutor who stretched the law to turn misdemeanors into felonies, in a case that wouldn’t have been brought against another businessman.

    The strategy turned Mr. Trump into a martyr to GOP voters and cemented his support in the Republican primaries.

    • Breaking democratic norms. Democrats decided to use taxes from plumbers and welders to forgive college loans for lawyers and grad students in grievance studies. When the Supreme Court struck Mr. Biden’s effort down as an abuse of power, he tried again and taunted the Court to stop him.

    Democrats tried to override the Senate filibuster to seize control of the nation’s voting laws and impose practices such as ballot harvesting, as Mr. Biden raged that his opponents were creating “Jim Crow 2.0.”

    They tried to override the filibuster to pass a national abortion law that would go beyond Roe v. Wade. They promised to override the filibuster in 2025 to bulldoze the High Court. They ran Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema out of the party for disagreeing.

    All of this and other progressive preoccupations caused Democrats to lose sight of the larger public interest. They came to believe, backed by the mainstream press, that voters would tolerate it all because Mr. Trump was simply unacceptable.

    This opened the door for Mr. Trump to remind voters that they were better off under his policies four years earlier. Mr. Trump won more than 72 million ballots. He improved his standing with minority voters. He gained votes even in Democratic states.

    Voters were telling Democrats on Tuesday that the party has wandered into ideological fever swamps where most Americans don’t want to go. Winning those voters again will require more than firing back up the anti-Trump “resistance.”

  4. CrixusTheUndefeatedGaul

    Jun 1, 2022
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    You’ll never get it bro.
  5. ElPigto

    ElPigto Member
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    Sep 21, 2006
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    Democrats are going to have to make some tough choices in the years ahead and figure out what sort of policy they need to support which reaches the common voter. Unfortunately, this may mean not being as aggressive with progressive policies that only appeal to a certain bloc of the electorate. An example would be student loan forgiveness. During Biden's presidency, the administration was gung-ho on student loan forgiveness. I don't think the intent and reasoning behind it is incorrect, essentially the idea is to remove the obstacle that is preventing the younger generation (starting with millennials) from achieving future wealth (purchasing a house for example). On the surface it appears like good policy. The problem with this policy idea is that the government is attempting to correct for people's ignorance or lack of financial discipline. They are also attempting to correct for allowing for-profit colleges to recruit students and not have a real career path after graduation. I can imagine a large bloc of the electorate see this as unfair, since they are being told by government that they are going to correct for people's and government's mistakes.

    That's only one example, there are numerous others. I think democrats need to shift further center, and continue to support progressive policies, but don't let it overrule the party. While we have a duopoly, this has to be the path forward.
    #245 ElPigto, Nov 7, 2024
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2024
  6. CrixusTheUndefeatedGaul

    Jun 1, 2022
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    This article mirrors every woke clown in this forum. In a way, I’m glad that they will stay this way because they will always lose. They can pretend to be normal like what Kamallah just did but every day people can see right through their bullshiit.
    droxford and AroundTheWorld like this.
  7. AroundTheWorld

    Feb 3, 2000
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    Because Hispanic/Latino men care about working hard and providing for their families.

    Leftists want to keep their voters in a state of victimhood. They want to divide them and make them dependent on the government. That's not what Latino men want.
  8. AroundTheWorld

    Feb 3, 2000
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    "Joy" (now gone)
  9. AroundTheWorld

    Feb 3, 2000
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    Complete nonsense, as usual.
    GOATuve and Astrodome like this.
  10. daywalker02

    daywalker02 Member

    Jul 17, 2006
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    Modern day leftist please, those guys are plenty different than the normal left decades ago.

    AroundTheWorld likes this.
  11. No Worries

    No Worries Member

    Jun 30, 1999
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    Correlation is not causation. Idiots voted for Trump to bring back the "Trump Economy", not understanding Trump's contribution to or lack thereof.

    Hey Trump, where the **** is the $2.18 gas you promised? Until I get that, the economy and you stink.

    #251 No Worries, Nov 7, 2024
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2024
    FranchiseBlade likes this.
  12. AroundTheWorld

    Feb 3, 2000
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    If they ever want to win again, they need to no longer listen to fringe people like @FranchiseBlade and @Xopher and, of course, @fchowd0311.

    They forgot about everyday, regular, normal, decent working class Americans over their whole obsession with their hierarchy of victimhood and ranking minorities in need of their "protection".

    And you can see the hate that comes out in the leftists when minorities they were taking for granted (like Latino men) see through their BS. Suddenly, they want to deport them.
  13. dobro1229

    dobro1229 Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    With all due respect that sounds like something you’d hear on Morning Joe (who I actually like).

    IMO the answer isn’t in Democratic Party policies or normal politics in that space it occupies. The answer is culture and narratives. It’s societal and that can’t be fixed by the next nominee campaigning with Liz Cheney a few more times to appeal to this mythological reasonable moderate Republican. This election proved that doesn’t exist because the culture that exists outside of politics has already driven people in a position before they even think about who to vote for.

    Invest in culture change outside of traditional political channels. Meet people with your narratives in safe cultural spaces that normally have nothing to do with politics. Trump wins because his brand and his narratives meet people at nascar races, church picnics, UFC fights, etc etc.

    Biden did a ton of great things that nobody knows or cares about because these things are linking up with social circle conversations in this cultural safe spaces.

    I don’t want to let the party off the hook if that’s what you are thinking. There are a lot of really bad politicians in the party leadership. Aka Chuck Schumer. To me it’s about the culture in America and understanding the brand that can seep into normal American daily life to create narratives. Policy… even good policy… without cultural awareness and mindshare is pointless.

    No great answers because there are not any, and anyone on MSNBC or pundits out there says “if only the Democrats did this or that” is missing the point. It has nothing to do with policy and the answer sure as hell isn’t to abandon liberals to chase after the mythical moderate voter. Most Trump voters imo on policy are more socialist than Bernie Sanders. It has nothing to do with that. Trump ran on Tariffs and price controls. They would LOVE it if Trump eliminated student debt. Trump voters are socialists more than you’d think.

    It’s about culture… not policy.
  14. juicystream

    juicystream Member

    Apr 17, 2001
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    The fact that the Democrat won the Senate seats in MI, WI, currently leading in NV & AZ, and it being incredibly close in PA (with most outstanding votes being in Philly) says that something went wrong with the Kamala campaign. It could end up being a clean sweep for Trump in the battleground states that could end up a clean sweep for Democratic Senators. That is something that needs to be heavily examined.
  15. Kemahkeith

    Kemahkeith Member

    Mar 27, 2018
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    In my experiences I have found that these groups of "Victims" scream the loudest at meetings, gatherings, and committees, so in order to appease them many leftists have gone too far left. Bill Maher spoke a bunch on this on his weekly shows. You can't too far too quick, or you leave the middle behind.
    Hope it makes sense.

    I'm a do what you want to do kind of guy. As long as no one is getting hurt. But I think many individuals although have no issue with folks transitioning and so forth. They draw the line at having to pay for it.
    I know the amount of folks needing transition surgery in prison is miniscule, but all some others hear is they are using my money for a sex change of a convicted criminal.

    My wife the super left individual she is, gets a bit angry of the fact that she paid full price to go to college and had to pay her student loans for almost 25 years. But now, meh it's forgiven. We put a full down payment on our house no help from anyone. Now, meh here is 25K to get ya rolling. It harbors resentment in some folks, and her left brethren will call her a hater because of her thoughts. Is she not a qualified democrat anymore.
    ROCKSS likes this.
  16. Os Trigonum

    Os Trigonum Member
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    May 2, 2014
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    she sounds like a full-blown racist Trumper to me
  17. GOATuve

    GOATuve Member

    Aug 25, 2023
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    How is the L Xopher? Clown like I said
    AroundTheWorld likes this.
  18. droxford

    droxford Member

    Oct 26, 2001
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    I'd be happy to post my opinions of where Kamala went wrong, but I'm quite confident that those who are posting in this thread are not at all open to hearing it, not willing to self-reflect, not really asking what went wrong, and would simply insult and attack me based on my opinions.

    So... maybe you should just change the thread title to "Leftists: Vent here"
    AroundTheWorld likes this.
  19. Nook

    Nook Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    There is a lot of over analyzing going on.

    Kamala Harris lost because the cost of insurance doubled, the cost of groceries went up 50% and housing went up greatly.

    She didn't lose because people love Trump or Republicans or for any other reasons.

    The party in control of the White House paid the price - as is always the case in US politics.

    Trump at least discussed that people were not happy with the economy (easy to do when you are the one not in power) - the Biden administration and Harris by proxy did not effectively address it.

    We are going to have fools on both sides going forward - the MAGA crowd will claim it is because of "woke" or that the Democrats as a party are so out of touch - and the left wing of the Democratic Party will view it as a fight or good versus evil - and at the end of the day, the underpinnings of this loss are the same as other loses in Presidential elections.

    The Republicans will go to far - or the economic situation will not improve - and they will get punished at the ballot box like is tradition.

    This isn't some amazing awakening or "change".
    JayGoogle, ROCKSS, ArtV and 1 other person like this.
  20. droxford

    droxford Member

    Oct 26, 2001
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    That's part of it, yes. You address one issue here and my vote was based entirely on issues, including this one.

    This is also correct for many R voters. Sure, there are lots of people who worship Trump. But I don't - I wish we'd had a different, better R candidate. And most of the R voters I know feel the same way.

    Correct again - it's another issue. When I look at the issues, Kamala loses across the board. More accurately, however, I think people are referring to "inflation" rather than "the economy".

    IMHO, the only issue which might have had a "woke" influence is... I believe Kamala would pander to transgenders and Trump will not. However, there are MANY other issues where Kamala is worse and where the issues are NOT related to wokeism.
    NOTE: I don't consider myself part of the MAGA crowd. I don't like the "Make America Great Again" slogan.

    Maybe. But I when it comes to "which candidate will be better for the economy? Harris or Trump?" The answer to me is clearly Trump.
    Invisible Fan, ROCKSS, ArtV and 2 others like this.

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