@Salvy @Scarface281 @Os Trigonum does this mean they will finally make a Blade movie free of woke ideology and just vampires ? I hope too
Here is what I am having an issue with. All these Trump supporters themselves don't believe Trump. Trump says he is going to deport 20 million people and apply tariffs to everything. So why support him if they believe he is lying?
Apples to oranges - you are trying to compare blue collar workers to people in the education field? Ok - no point of going on with any type of discussion with you because you don't get it.
Only more reasonable if you ignore the mountain of evidence from Trump's own staff, text messages, sworn testimony, and physical evidence against Trump.
To this point, I'm interested in knowing what kind of "good economy" Trump will bring if this one is in the shitter according to voters. I get the Drill Baby Drill and the Most Beautiful of Jobs Anyone has Ever Seen, but at some point the ROI for raping the earth runs thin and we still got a debt iceberg to cut through. Trump bucks and Melanie coins with a few biscuits for ElonDoge ftw?
I think the #1 thing you can count on is tax cuts/extension of 2017 tax cuts. Everytime the R have the votes, they go for it. I hardly imagine there will be spending cuts as I don't recall that being on the agenda in 2017 when they passed tax cuts. I can't imagine that if they push tax cuts without spending cuts, we don't see bond yields spike even more and that leads to a recession/etc. Regarding deportation, it sounds like the main part of the plan is to prevent remittances back - I'm not sure how much that will motivate people to leave since they can just hold onto cash or use crypto, etc. Maybe they will try to mandate E-verify, but few states have done that. I'm curious if the GOP will act on abortion, ACA, EVs, big tech. I think the writing is on the wall for Ukraine...I probably don't sleep well if I'm in East Asia either.
Rolling Stone??? Really? They tried to keep RUSH out of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. F those turds.
Haha yeah right but it is not the name of the Magazine, just needed a quick summary, if you really use your brain. You absolved a criminal of his crimes to do what? To sit in a chair in the White House and do what a normal Joe Politician could do. You needed an 80 year old to do that? In addition why not give him the keys to the Pentagon and all the Missiles and Rockets in the country.
Yep, bravo to that summary and +1. The party has to get out of its own pointy-headed way, and move away from campus-based thinking as much as it can stand to do so. Neoliberals, experts, Nobel laureates... they ain't resonating, at all, with American voters -- that much is clear. It's like just the opposite.
The Democrats need a firebrand who will scapegoat the billionaires by name, call them out, turn the poor people in this country against them as they are the problem. They need their own Trump. DD
Yeah, and, like... the cousin was killed by another cousin who you thought was an okay person... but acted more like Ed Gein in this case. Like WTF family? No reunion this year.
If American politicians can only win elections by removing all empathy towards migrants who do jobs Americans don't want to do for under min wage and allow the right wing to use migrants as scapegoats that result in things like the El Paso Walmart shooting then we lost as a country to white supremacy. If we blame this loss on Harris being "too nice" to migrants then ya fascism is knocking on the doorstep. The Democrat party is incapable of forming arguments about how wealthy venture capitalists use groups of people like migrants as scapegoats to deflect from real issues. They can't frame the argument like this because they also benefit from the right wing scapegoating to deflect from the corporate executive class because a lot of the Democrat party establishment also benefit from the deflection away from corporate executive class because they are part of that class also.
Nothing controversial about enforcing immigration laws. There is nothing other than Left fear mongering that would show trans people should feel endangered. Conservatives don't care how others live their lives, it's a you do you, let me do me attitude. It's not a matter of empathy vs. non-empathy, it's living in realities vs. non-realities, common sense vs. non-common sense.
More than half the United States adult population reads at or below a 6th grade reading level. Democracy was never going to last when you have stats like that.
Considering that for the majority of the time of this country's existance . .. . . .. the general populace has not been "educated" You don't have to be "educated" to have morals and ethics Rocket River
For most of our history they weren’t allowed to vote. When they had the option to vote they didn’t in high numbers. For some reason, Trump is able to get these people out to vote.