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Forty7: MAGA Part 2 . . . Predictions???

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout: Debate & Discussion' started by FrontRunner, Oct 30, 2024.

  1. HTM

    HTM Member

    Jun 29, 2013
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    It’s gonna look like Nazi Germany according to the leftists.

    Then everyday life doesn’t markedly change for anyone.

    Political dissent is allowed, media dissent is allowed and common, midterm elections take place etc etc etc

    Ask a leftist what rights or privileges they lost during the first Trump administration and they can’t name a thing. More of the same for the second term.

    Leftists will continue to use Nazi totalitarian hellscape rhetoric (while not being arrested and losing no rights) and in 8 years they will claim they never used that rhetoric like they now claim that Nazi/fascist/racist rhetoric wasn’t used to describe establishment GOP figures cerca 2000-2015.

    Trump is term limited and makes 0 effort to maintain power beyond the expiry of his second term of office.

    The childish hysterics are proven to be overblown just like they were in 2016.

    But leftists know all this and know they are intentionally being disingenuous with their hysteria.
    #21 HTM, Oct 31, 2024
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2024
  2. Andre0087

    Andre0087 Member

    Jan 16, 2012
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    Trump is the absolute worst thing that can happen for the direction of this country. You hiding behind the fact that because nothing too egregious occurred (guess you're not counting insurrection and the right to peaceably assemble) before than we'll be just fine if he's reelected is laughably stupid and exactly would I would expect.

    The man hates democracy and we continue our push further toward authoritarianism and folks still think the guardrails of the republic will save us. :rolleyes:
    FrontRunner and rocketsjudoka like this.
  3. rocketsjudoka

    rocketsjudoka Member
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    Jul 24, 2007
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    I do think if Trump wins very likely Vance could be president by 2028. I think Trump’s age and health, including mental health are not good indicators for finishing his term.

    I disagree that Israel will be abandoned. I don’t see anything in Vance’s history or views that would lead him to abandon Israel. I think it’s much more likely is Israel is unrestrained under a Trump Vance administration which is why one of my predictions was it outrightly annexes the West Bank.
    Rocket River likes this.
  4. rocketsjudoka

    rocketsjudoka Member
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    Jul 24, 2007
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    I’ve been careful to not call Trump Hitler nor
    Say that he was or will be like Nazi Germany. That doesn’t mean things while he was president things were fine and certainly not normal.

    I already stated how his administration directly affected my family and business, they affected many other families who don’t have the resources that mine does much worse. In addition to those Trump undercut efforts by states and localities to address natural disasters starting with Hurricanes Maria and Irma through COVID. It was a fact he used US government resources to benefit his and his family’s business.

    The 45th presidency wasn’t NAZi germany but it was an unprecedented in incompetence and corruption.

    Many members of his own administration said that they restrained Trump from doing much worse. Trump has said he’s not going to have those people back the next administration and the primary consideration will be personal loyalty. The guard rails that constrained Trump
    Won’t be there.
    FrontRunner and B-Bob like this.
  5. ElPigto

    ElPigto Member
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    Sep 21, 2006
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    Biggest thing I'm concerned about MAGA Part 2 is SCOTUS judges like Clearance and Samuel being pushed out to make room for younger judges. Sonia should hopefully be healthy enough to make it through another 4 years, I believe she has diabetes, but hopefully she takes care of herself so we don't allow another MAGA judge to be out on the court. The court has already showed us their hand these last few years and it really has made some monumental decisions that make things a little different for the rest of us.

    Other than that, I'm concerned about Trump's approach to foreign policy. I don't like the fact that he doesn't mind making NATO weaker. I also hate that he loves Vladimir and Kim. I am concerned about America long term if Trump comes in and ****s up some of the relationships that the Biden Administration has fixed.

    I'm not as worried about Project 2025, as alarming as it sounds, I don't see a successful implementation of it. I'm not worried about how Trump uses the DOJ. Sure, he will try to maybe go after some of his "enemies" but I imagine it will mostly be unsuccessful. He never could lock up Hilary after he promised he would lock her up.

    So overall, I'm not doomsday as some of y'all are. I feel some of you are waaaay to deep into this partisan **** and you guys are stuck on doomsday scenarios. I think Trump is incompetent and he surrounds himself with incompetent people. Even though the court has also swung further right, I still trust it will focus on applying our constitution.
    #25 ElPigto, Oct 31, 2024
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2024
  6. dobro1229

    dobro1229 Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    With Trump in hindsight it’s always worse than you could ever predict. As an example remember when Bill Maher in 2016 said a guy like Trump won’t just leave office if he loses?

    Everything is predictable and we know what he’ll do. It’ll just be more obnoxious and stupid. We really have issues in this country if half our population really thinks putting this guy in charge of anything is a good idea.

    -However health wise the guy clearly has something going on and even if not he’s morbidly obese, does not exercise, and is almost 80 years old.

    The big wildcard is him being too diminished physically and mentally to be in DC so at any point he could go down to Mar A Lago for the remainder of his life and JD Vance and Elon Musk run the country while Trump just tweets nonsense and the news of the day is just sycophants interpreting his bizarre tweets.

    As long as he’s alive though he will be in charge at least technically. The guy is a religious messiah figure on the right and his power will never be diminished until he’s dead. That’s why the 25th amendment won’t be invoked and I wouldn’t be shocked if he’s still alive if he runs in 2028 with the Supreme Court ruling that he is eligible for a third term. If he can physically do it, we all know he’ll run again and there’s no way this Supreme Court will rule not in his favor.

    So that’s my big prediction. If he’s alive I predict now he’ll run again in 2028 and the Supreme Court will allow it.
  7. rocketsjudoka

    rocketsjudoka Member
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    Jul 24, 2007
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    I agree it probably won’t be doomsday but the concentration of power by the executive branch that the 6-3 majority has allowed is something we should be very worried about. I’ll note even Barrett noted that the ruling granting wide spread presidential immunity could legalize bribery.

    The combination of convicted president with a long record of fraud allowed broad based immunity is a threat to the Consitution. It is what the Founders warned about regarding demagogues and partisan loyalties.
  8. rocketsjudoka

    rocketsjudoka Member
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    Jul 24, 2007
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    I’ll reiterate again that while Trump is particularly problematic with his history of fraud no US president should have such broad immunity. Not Biden or even Obama.
  9. GOATuve

    GOATuve Member

    Aug 25, 2023
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    Anything but Harris
    AroundTheWorld likes this.
  10. juicystream

    juicystream Member

    Apr 17, 2001
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    Higher prices
    Higher deficits
    Devalue in US Currency
    Further eroding of healthcare
    A country unwelcome of Muslims and Hispanics
    A painful recession
    FrontRunner likes this.
  11. rocketsjudoka

    rocketsjudoka Member
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    Jul 24, 2007
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    We had all of those under the first Trump presidency.
  12. DonnyMost

    DonnyMost No Second ₿est
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    May 18, 2003
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    Pretty much this.

    I think regardless of who wins the Presidency, the Senate ends up the exact same with the exceptions of Montana and WV going R.

    That makes it 51/49, unless somehow Osborn pulls it out in Nebraska, which would make it 50/49. I'm guessing he would basically govern like a non-MAGA Republican though.

    Either way, it's looking like another 4 years of everything hinging on Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins. Wonderful.
    #32 DonnyMost, Oct 31, 2024
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2024
    mtbrays and ElPigto like this.
  13. AroundTheWorld

    AroundTheWorld Insufferable 98er
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    Feb 3, 2000
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    Like the relationships with the Iranian Mullahs and the Taliban?
  14. juicystream

    juicystream Member

    Apr 17, 2001
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    And he's doubling down, so I expect it even worse.
    FrontRunner and VooDooPope like this.
  15. deb4rockets

    deb4rockets Member
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    Oct 8, 2013
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    I guess if you were a white wealthy guy your life might have been better under his policies, but he did nothing but cause me stress and disgust for 4 years, and I'm white. He certainly didn't make my life better. People lost the right to truth coming from the mouth of their President. The guy is a self-serving sociopath. He stood up there bold face lying about everything, every time he spoke.

    For months, he lied to people during a pandemic that was killing millions, so he could rally and fundraise. He had doctor's and nurses begging him in tears to warn Americans about the dangers of it, or begging for more supplies. He started a cult of no mask, no vax followers, which began ridiculing and harming people who dared to ask them to follow policies businesses set forth to protect people. Stewardesses, restaurant hosts, and others hurt doing their job, and It was disgusting. It was heartbreaking seeing whole families die because they believed Trump, and that COVID was no more than a flu. I'm one of the lucky ones. I didn't lose family members. I knew better than to believe that sociopath. Sure, thousands ones would have died regardless, but not millions. He fueled the fire to spread it like the incompetent self-serving man he is. He wanted to golf, rally, and fundraise.

    He stirred up and incited hate against Asian Americans with his racist rhetoric during the pandemic. He stirred up and spread hate towards other minorities marching in protest for civil rights. All BLM are violent thugs type crap. White Nationalist type groups have risen 55% since all of this. That's not a random coincidence. That may not affect you, but it does other Americans, and it's getting much worse thanks to Trump's racist rhetoric. He's been amping up that rhetoric like never before. If you don't believe that harms people ask Hatians Americans in Springfield.

    He'll never be able to do what Hitler did physically, but he definitely will continue following his fascist footsteps when it comes to spreading propaganda and lies to manipulate and deceive people, and spew his racist rhetoric to paint a picture of a better world by ridding those blood poisoning diseased, violent other humans out. I don't know about you, but I've heard plenty of personal stories of decent people who were victims of racism by neighbors, police, and others in the past. I don't think Trump will ever make things better for them, especially if he does give police full immunity as he promises, and he gets full immunity himself. When Trump calls people heroes in his twisted mind they are predominantly white. When he calls people rapists, murderers, and drug pushers they aren't, even though we all know there are plenty of whites commiting those crimes.

    Trump surrounds himself with criminals, many of whom he has pardoned to stay loyal. I don't believe for a second he won't go further in tearing our Democracy apart if he can. He is desperate to be a strongman like Putin and Kim Jong Un, his idols. Guys who don't give a damn about human rights. Justice will never be equal if he gets more power.

    There's something very disturbing about a man who calls the Jan 6th insurrection a day of love, and the insurrectionists Patriots. There's something disturbing to me about a guy who calls a racist, vulgar, hate spewing rally a Lovefest.

    He wants loyalists who will willing to lie, cheat, and steal for him. JD Vance is the perfect example. He once compared Trump to Hitler. Now he spreads the malicious lies along with Trump about dog eating, diseased Hatians. He now backs Trump in his election denial. It's disgusting.

    Yes, Trump will be worse this time, and I don't take the warnings from hundreds of high ranking Generals and others lightly. Nobody should. His majority Supreme Court might just help him get the power to achieve things he's only dreamed of with full immunity. Could he get power and support to actually arrest and imprison all he deems his enemies? I don't want to find out. Same goes for using the military as his strongmen against Americans, censoring media he doesn't approve of, and revoking licenses of broadcasting stations he deems illegal because they dare to speak the truth. Like I said, he wants to be like Putin, and a pathological lying self-serving felon can't be trusted.

    I won't even get into all his felony acts, and how he can hurt Americans physically and economically with his policies and proposed tariffs, dismantling government regulations and agencies like FEMA, the FBI, the FDA and so on, ignoring climate change, refusal to make common sense gun laws, environmental protections, workers rights, women's rights, and civil rights. Nope. It all sounds like madness. Lies, lies, propaganda and lies.
    #35 deb4rockets, Oct 31, 2024
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2024
    FrontRunner likes this.
  16. AroundTheWorld

    AroundTheWorld Insufferable 98er
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    Feb 3, 2000
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  17. B-Bob

    B-Bob "94-year-old self-described dreamer"
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    Jul 26, 2002
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    @HTM -- respectfually and sincerely, how do you digest the facts distilled in this part of rj's post? I always wonder about this from my conservative friends.

    Do you just say, "ah well, Trump is harsh. Of course he'll have unhappy former employees." A lot of his cabinet has said he is unfit and dangerous. Isn't that an alarm bell that's hard to ignore?
  18. AroundTheWorld

    AroundTheWorld Insufferable 98er
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    Feb 3, 2000
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    Kamala Harris had 92 % staff turnover in 3 years.

  19. Rocket River

    Rocket River Member

    Oct 5, 1999
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    I think this is the biggest question I have about a Trump Presidency
    1. Does Vance make it the full 4 yrs
    2. Does Trump make it the full 4 yrs
    3. Once Trump is gone what will Vance do?

    How confident are the Republicans in the belief that Vance will do what Trump promises . . . . ?

    Rocket River
  20. Kemahkeith

    Kemahkeith Member
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    Mar 27, 2018
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